new to the tourney scene

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new to the tourney scene

Post by ORTHODUB »

Hi i was thinking of making Pearly kings my first BB tourney, if i can talk the wife into it. Read the rule pack but had a few query's on the event realy.
I gather it is quite a relaxed atmosphere by other posts made but as i have only rescently took up BB again will people make alowances for my nievity or will it just wind them up having to remind me of basic rules if necassary. I do know the rules and by no means need to refer to them every five minutes, neither am i new to war games; its just that i only play one opponent and we learned the rules together so never got outside imput.
I cant see how but do you get the 'power' teams at these kind of events that have been designed soley to win, like in other formats ?. I only ask as i dont want to embaras myself with a weak team (I was thinking of either skaven or high elf)

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Post by Indigo »

Powergaming - thankfully it's not prevelant (or really possible) in BB so you generally don't have to worry about it at BB tourneys. Having said that, some teams are appearing to be more suited to tourney play than others, and from the two you suggest skaven seem to be stronger.

still, remember it's more important to go and have a laugh than win, although the competition is half the fun so there is no harm in playing to win :)

as for the atmosphere, I wouldn't worry about winding people up. If you know the rules like you say and only get the odd thing wrong then most people won't really mind - you may get the odd arsehole who gets pissed off with it be they are not really that common.

I thoroughly recommend coming along, but they are damn addictive and once you start coming you will want to keep coming :D

have you joined the NAF? If you are planning on playing in tourneys IMO it's well worth it ( and even if you don't think you'll be very good then you shouldn't let that put you off - I'm pretty crap but it's still fun to watch your ranking go up and down!

yes I know I'm a NAF whore... *sigh*

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Post by firebreather »

The majority of players at tourneies play in a relaxed manner and are there more to socialise than win and wont mind the odd mistake, there are a small minority that might try to take advantage of your naivety :o but i think your unlikely to find any of these at the pearly kings and Queens, or any of the other non games workshop events.
The atmospheres more relaxed the lower down the tables you are :lol: Although i only have vague memories of the upper tables :roll:, its been a long time since i was anywhere near them. Theres also usually a pretty good mix of teams at tourneys and i wouldn`t consider skaven or high elves to be that weak.

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Post by Indigo »

firebreather wrote: The atmospheres more relaxed the lower down the tables you are :lol:
I know what you mean, but the higher tables at Spiky were friendly and relaxed until nearer the end when things started to get tense (it's been my only experience of it though, I admit - no delusions of grandeur here ;))

you are right in that when there is less pressure the banter is usually better though :)

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Post by DoubleSkulls »

Come along. Most coaches are going there to hang out with people how have a common interest, gaze adoringly at the teams people have painted and generally have a laugh.

I hope the PK&Qs will be a nice relaxed tournament and if you get some grief then Haggislad will beat them up for you :D

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Post by ORTHODUB »

Thanks for the reply's i am quite used to the lower tables from playing WFB tourneys and dont expect it to change in BB. But thats not what i play BB for, i like playing the game in or loose; i just thought it sounded like a bit of a cool atmoshere to play in :D .
I am already a member of NAF and WPS so i think i qualify for a discount on one or the other for the weekend, are many people staying in the hostel though as it seems the better bet.
Anyone got any pointers for tourney play with high elfs as these are by far my better painted team and the AG 4 comes in usefull with my dice. I just anted general pointers realy rather than a specific recommended team, such as is it worth it to stock up on FF ?. Do these tourneys like you to take along models to represent coaching staff ? or is that quite relaxed too.
Thanks agin

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Post by DoubleSkulls »

Well PK&Q is TR110. So you've got an extra 100k to play with at the start.

FF isn't a great investment (its D3 for Riot & Pitch Invasion too) so most of the money ought to go towards extra reroll(s), an apoth, more players and/or better players.

12 High Elves is, IMO, a bit of a luxury. An apoth might be better. I'd also want at least 2, and probably 3 rerolls.

The other things to think about is that it isn't normal progression. You'll get one or two skills per game - on random players. So those Lion Warriors are unlikely to get too many skills. Lack of Block/Dodge can hurt a lot.

The good news is that all Elf teams do better in TR110 than TR100.

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Post by ORTHODUB »

Thanks for the help.
I noticed that pro elves are not on the team list for this event, is that me not looking properly or have they been excluded ( they are official now ?).
On that advice i may have to go back to scaven with a nice fat rat orge or even amazons with lots of re-rolls. The choice is just endless....
I shall have to give it some thought, the problem is i enjoy the playing style of all of them and seem to have the same limited sucess with all of them.

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Post by Deathwing »

Helfs? Don't do it! :D
You might be interested in checking out the pics on the Wodell site. (hit the link in my sig and go to Event Gallery). It'll allow you to put a lot of faces to names and maybe give a little feel of the atmosphere. Made a lot of now very good friends through the tourney scene over the last couple of years. Having a laugh over a game and a beer or 3 is what it's all about essentially, BB tournies are invariably great social events.

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