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QuidditchBowl I, Cardiff, Sept 24/25 2016 - Cancelled

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 11:35 am
by Dionysian

DISCLAIMER (please read)

Following on from preliminary discussions with the NAF-TD I've agreed to consider amending the scoring system before the tournament takes place to comply retroactively with any NAF policy changes that may occur between now and September.

What this means for you is that if you are only interested in attending the tournament with the scoring system as stated in the body of this post then do not send money when payments open. Instead send me a PM stating such and, if necessary, I'll move your place reservation into a separate holding list when all other unpaid place reservations are wiped on June 24th.


Chapter Arts
40 Market Rd, Cardiff CF5 1QE

Date: 24/25 September 2016

Price: £25
Payment to: soon

Schedule (both days):

Game 1: 0930-1130
Game 2: 1215-1415
Game 3: 1430-1630

What you get:
6 games of NAF-ranked glorious competitive Blood Bowl in the second greatest city on Earth.
Trophies for the tournament winner (including a NAF trophy that the NAF describe as 'coveted'), 'runner-up' and Stunty Cup
Wooden Spoon

Social: details pending

Rules Summary:

1100 TV
6 points for skills (normals cost 1 pt, doubles cost 2 pt, stacking a second skill on same player costs an additional 1 pt.)
No spam restrictions
2/1/0 points for W/D/L. 5 pts per cas caused (any means). 125 pts for raffle winner. (Highest point total is declared the tournament winner and awarded a prestigious NAF trophy)

Full rules pack will be attached prior to the payment period opening.

Interested list: (cap 24)
0: Dionysian
1: PollyAmory
2: DaPiranha
3: Glowworm
4: frogboy
5: Hawca
6: Itchen
7: Greshvakk
8: Wulfyn
9: YogiBedlamBear
10: WishWellingtons

Interested List reserves your place until June 24th, after that places are only confirmed for paid members. There is theoretically space for 30 but will cap at 24 for now. An additional 6 spaces may be released in August.

Re: QuidditchBowl I, Cardiff, Sept 24/25 2016

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 11:37 am
by Joemanji
Dionysian wrote:2/1/0 points for W/D/L. 5 pts per cas caused (any means). 125 pts for raffle winner. (Highest point total is declared the tournament winner and awarded a prestigious NAF trophy (pending NAF approval))
Strong work. :D

Re: QuidditchBowl I, Cardiff, Sept 24/25 2016

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 11:38 am
by TheShepherd
I'm in! Subject to the junior shepherd of course

Re: QuidditchBowl I, Cardiff, Sept 24/25 2016

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 12:37 pm
by Glowworm
Interested, unless your using SoS..... :lol:

Re: QuidditchBowl I, Cardiff, Sept 24/25 2016

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 1:31 pm
by Dionysian
Excellent point, Glow. There's unlikely to be multiple people on the same points, but should have a tiebreaker just in case. Will find something suitably quidditch themed.

NAF approval has been applied for.

Re: QuidditchBowl I, Cardiff, Sept 24/25 2016

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 2:56 pm
by frogboy
BAM! I'm there :D

Finally have a realy good chance of winning lol

Re: QuidditchBowl I, Cardiff, Sept 24/25 2016

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 4:51 pm
by Boneless
UK NAF head on.

While you know my thoughts on bonus points and best record. I would ask you reconsider your scoring system.
The NAF will not dictate (that I'm aware off) a scoring system but this makes a mockery of the NAF trophy. (Assuming NAF approval)

UK NAF head off

I'm interested in this one other wise


Re: QuidditchBowl I, Cardiff, Sept 24/25 2016

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 7:31 pm
by Dionysian
hawca wrote: ...this makes a mockery of the NAF trophy.
Some would argue that that ship is already fast departing the harbour and has been setting sail ever since bonus points started to be blindly used as tournament points (instead of simply a way to split players on equal records).
hawca wrote: The NAF will not dictate (that I'm aware off) a scoring system
Perhaps it should. Or at least minimum standards for one. Obviously a TO is free to run a tournament anyway they please, but it's the NAF's job to ensure that the tournament meets the minimum criteria for both ranking and awarding a trophy.

At present the (simplified) criteria are:

allowing all 24 races, open entry and core CRP rules
ranking approval + 12 or more attendees

There is absolutely nothing in the sanctioning document that would make QuidditchBowl ineligible for NAF ranking and awarding a trophy to the winner.

If QuidditchBowl is approved attendees will have 6 great, competitive games of Blood Bowl. Then a mostly random winner will be crowned and sent home with a NAF trophy. Which is the logical endpoint of the current 'bonus points being used as tournament points' situation and not that different from many other approved tournaments.

The NAF can defend the value of its trophy if it wishes by simply adding to the minimum attendee requirement for awarding a trophy. A line stating that 'bonus points can only be used as bonus points (ie to split players on the same record) and not as tournament points' would be sufficient.

TOs are then free to run a NAF-ranked-but-NAF-trophy-less event if they think having a semi-random winner is desirable, in the same way that they can currently run an unranked event banning certain races if they wish. They can also run trophy events using bonus points of any form (instead of, say, SoS) as the means with which to split players on equal records. Note that for TOs who claim they only use bonus points to split player's on equal records then this either causes no change or helps ensure their tournament meets their self-stated aims.

TOs are completely free to run their tournament how they wish and the NAF simply defends bare minimum standards for both ranking eligibility and awarding a trophy. Which it already does. The point is simply that the current minimum criteria are inadequate and a small change is needed to maintain the competitive health of the scene.

However, if the NAF's position is really that their own trophy is just a meaningless piece of tin and random winners are truly what 'the people' want then... so be it. QuidditchBowl is here for you.

Re: QuidditchBowl I, Cardiff, Sept 24/25 2016

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 9:19 pm
by Dionysian
Now NAF approved

Re: QuidditchBowl I, Cardiff, Sept 24/25 2016

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 9:24 pm
by frogboy
If i win this event it will not be meaningless, it will be because Nuffle wished it.

Re: QuidditchBowl I, Cardiff, Sept 24/25 2016

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 9:07 pm
by Wulfyn
Dionysian wrote:Now NAF approved
2 questions:

1. When is the raffle being held?
2. Is there a points deduction for a concession?

Re: QuidditchBowl I, Cardiff, Sept 24/25 2016

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 9:11 pm
by Greshvakk
I'm definitely interested. How could I not be!?

Re: QuidditchBowl I, Cardiff, Sept 24/25 2016

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 10:23 pm
by besters
Are you looking to be added to the South West tournament circuit?

that would be the first tournament for 2017 I think!

Re: QuidditchBowl I, Cardiff, Sept 24/25 2016

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 12:03 am
by Dionysian
@Besters - No - at least not currently. However, even setting aside 'other concerns' the date makes it impractical. Opening a new SWTC season 13 days after the previous one closes would likely be a bad thing as it might negatively impact any ongoing refinement process.

Re: QuidditchBowl I, Cardiff, Sept 24/25 2016

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 12:09 am
by Dionysian

I'll take them in reverse order.

2) -5 pts for a concession (applied at end of tournament so as not to impact the swiss) and disqualification from raffle draw.

1) The raffle will be held after the end of round 6. Full details to come in the polished full rulespack May 1st when payments open. The delay is to ensure, as this raffle perhaps has more edge than one that simply gives away a voucher, that there can be zero question of any impropriety in said draw. System design and testing for such is being carried out during my downtime so the process will take a couple of weeks.