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Necros vs. Undead

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 1:51 pm
by Toad
I currently own 3 Blood Bowl teams, Wood Elves, Orcs and Humans (which I sometimes use as Amazons or Norse) and want to try something else. Necromantics or Undeads are my picks for that new team right now, mainly because I want to try a team without Apothecary and Regeneration ...

However, these teams look like quite the same to me (and their win percentages are pretty close). Undeads trade 2 Werewolves for the lesser Ghouls, but get ST5 for their Mummies over the Flesh Golem ST4. In terms of gameplay, what are the main differences between these teams?

For LRB6 League play mainly, facing my other 3 teams, Chaos Dwarves, Norse and Lizardmen.

Re: Necros vs. Undead

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 2:53 pm
by Grumbledook
Undead are a bit stronger, necros are a bit faster

undead are a much easier team to play

Re: Necros vs. Undead

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 8:08 pm
by inkpwn
As obove.

Necro are a very hard team to play of the bat, undead are possibly the most balanced team in bloodbowl. Full of fluff and well rounded undead are a great choice.

Re: Necros vs. Undead

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 8:32 pm
by Ulthuan_Express
+1 as above.

Undead are good fun from the start, as with a 1.1M league you can get all positionals straight away. They're nice and bashy, and are a great team to progress your 2-1 grind skills with and, if you fancy showing off, you can even develop an aerial game.

Necro are more difficult as their Golem isn't as awesome as a Mummy, but they make up for it with Werewolves in terms of pace and usefulness. Like WE Wardancers, I've found, Werewolves need to be played properly to be fully effective, and if you can learn how to use them right, they can be fabulous.

So, short term: Undead. Long term: Necro. Or, if you can afford it, buy enough models for both and you can swap as an when you please.

Re: Necros vs. Undead

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 7:06 pm
by Toad
Thanks for the replies guys, I'll go for Undead for now and might get 2 Werewolves and 2 Flesh Golems later on so I can cover both teams.

With 8 positions filled, how many Skeletons and Zombies should I get? I was considering mainly Skeletons with a single Zombie for the LOS.

Re: Necros vs. Undead

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 7:19 pm
by Grumbledook
I would get three Zombies for the LOS.

There are coaches that just take one or the other. If you get more than you need of both then you have options. Also Necromantic teams can only take Zombies so you will them for that unless you proxy the Skeletons

Re: Necros vs. Undead

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 9:12 pm
by Ulthuan_Express
Lots of people hate on Skeletons on the Undead team, but I find them to be very useful with their extra movement, which I prefer to have in the backfield on defense. On offense, though, zombies can stand up to a little more punishment.

I took two of each in my current League team, and am sort-of wishing (even with two 2-0 wins) I'd taken three Zombies and a Skeleton instead.

Re: Necros vs. Undead

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 2:32 pm
by cyke
I'm in the process of putting together a Norse, Undead and Necro team, since there are alot of over-lap in the figures, plus I've never played any of those teams before. I just don't like the Necro Wolves from GW for the Norse. I've been looking over at impact miniatures for a nice replacement that will fit with both teams, as well as a painting scheme. Anyone have any suggestions. I'm not the greatest painter or modder, and I'm not above proxying figs, but I do like the look of a decently finished team on the pitch.

Re: Necros vs. Undead

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 2:20 pm
by XAos
general notes on undead teams.
play without the ghouls.
If you start a league with Wights as your only ag-3 ball carries they clock up spp rapidly & become effective touch-down scorers.
And the look on a dwarf-coaches face when they realise the cannot blitz your "oh-so-vulnerable" ghouls is priceless :D
cyke wrote:I just don't like the Necro Wolves from GW for the Norse. I've been looking over at impact miniatures for a nice replacement that will fit with both teams, as well as a painting scheme.
Try the "Gnoll Claw Fighter" from d&d minis. The poor paint job on the figure hides some very good sculpting.