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RABBL Round 3 has finished

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2002 8:09 pm
by Dangerous Dave
OK Sports Fans. RABBL Round 4 has started... that must mean that RABBL Round 3 has finished! Interested to see the gory details?... Its all on the web-site.

To come in Round 4:-

The Flings and Gobbos are having a battle of the little folk.

Orcs and Chaos are forgetting the ball and knocking 7 bells of....... out of eachother - as are the Undead and Chaos Dwarves....

Looks to me like there is gonna be some hurting teams come Round 5.......


Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2002 11:46 am
by McDeth
Well i'm playing against Jim Morgan, i'm Norse vs a new wood Elf tea.
The Wood Elves won the toss thanks to palmed coin, and proceeded to roll Pitch invasion which resulted in 6 of my players being Ko's or stunned ( and i had a fan factor of 10 ).
Needless to say the Elves went into an early lead.
men down i proceeded to Block my way upfield, which resulted in us both only having 7 men at the most towards the end of the 2nd half, which finished with my Norse lineman, making a lomb bomb pass ( 6+ ) to my Blitzer who had dodged into the endzone, a missed interception and a catch to equalize with undoubtedly a breathtaking end to one of the best games of Blood Bowl i have played on board or by E-mail.

Needless to say the 2nd half started and i now had the ball, and was aman up on the field. Feeling confident after my miraculous comeback in the 2nd half, i proceeded with the same tactics, and incredibly enough we both suffered a succesion of KO's again, which ended in me once again making a completion to a catcher to take a 2-1 lead. At this stage this game had been so tense that i was literally punching the air.

Now having seen this reversal of fortune i was feeling even more confident, to the point that when the elves responded i felt it was all going for me, so my first move of my turn was to place a man in the opponents tackle zone to evade any incoming pass for the attempted OT, feeling good and with a re-roll in hand this seemed a great plan. heck i'll stand those prone players up after i'm in the TZ.
Stupidly i gfi'd to get a better position and rolled 2, 1's. All that hard work was undone and i'm certain that Jim 'll equalize with a relatively easy pass, catch and walk in.

Lesson learned: Remember the basics, always do your basic risk free moves first. it could be an expensive lesson for me, as that was my last re-roll.

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2002 1:22 pm
by Dangerous Dave

Sounds like a fun game!

One thing though - there is no O/T in RABBL - if its a draw its a draw!


Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2002 8:43 am
by McDeth
A Draw it was and probably the best PBEM Game i've played so far.