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MBBL2 Handicap table

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2002 10:44 am
by GalakStarscraper
Okay, since a LOT of MBBL2 members are here, let's iron out an kinks in the table .... first here is the current table. I welcome opinions from non-MBBL2 members ... especially since my 2nd post is going to be a potshot at Chet. Not all results need to be powerful, but all should have SOME impact. If any results are automatically better than another addressing the same topic let's get that worked out also.

11 APPEARANCE FEE: The player on the opposing team with the most Star Player Points has decided that he needs to be paid money to take the field against 'those bums.' Roll a d6 and multiply the result by 5,000. The result is the number of gold pieces the player must receive before he will take the field. If he isn't paid, he'll sit in the Dugout, refusing to come out until his fee is met or the game ends! The opposing coach may choose to pay the appearance any time after the start of the match if he wishes.
12 EXTRA TRAINING: Your team has worked long and hard all week for this opponent. You may take an extra Team Re-roll to use for this match only.
13 INTENSIVE TRAINING: One player is really psyched for this week's match, and has been working very hard preparing for it. Pick a player on your team. He may take one extra skill to use for this match only, just as if he had rolled a New Skill result on the Star Player Table.
14 INSPIRATION: Watching the opposing team in their previous match has taught one of your players a thing or two. Pick a player on your team and give him the game's MVP immediately. If the additional SPPs are enough to give him a new skill then generate it immediately. You do not get an extra MVP at the end of the match.
15 I AM THE GREATEST! Two randomly selected players on the opposing team refuse to be on the pitch at the same time for this match only. Only one may be set up on the field at the start of each drive.
16 UNDER SCRUTINY: The opposing team may not use players equipped with Secret Weapons for this match. In addition, the opposing team is under the Referee's eye for the entire match and it will not move to your team even if you foul.
21 BAD PRESS: Libellous stories you have spread cut the opposing team's Fan Factor in half (rounding up) for this match only.
22 BAD HABITS: The opposing team loses one re-roll for this match only.
23 BIASED REFEREE: The referee has it out for the other team. The other team may not foul for the entire match.
24 RUNNING LATE: Agents in your employ manage to delay D3 randomly selected players on the opposing team for this inconvenient match. The players must miss the first half.
25 GREASED SHOES: Pick a player on the opposing team. You've paid someone to grease the bottom of their shoes and their agility is reduced to 1 for the first half until a touch down is scored or the half ends.
26 ILLEGAL DRUGS: Declare this special play immediately (now!). You may choose one player in your team to have either +1 ST OR +1 AG for this match only.
31 MORLEY'S REVENGE: The opposing team's drinks have been spiked with a powerful laxative. D3 randomly selected opposing players have drunk the spiked drink, and must roll a D6 before every kick-off. On a roll of 1-3 they are otherwise engaged and may not take part in this drive. On a roll of 4-6 they may be set up normally.
32 BRIBE THE ANNOUNCERS: You receive an extra random MVP award before the game starts. If this takes a player up a level, he may roll for his new skill immediately. Note that you still get your random MVP at the end of the match also.
33 SMELLING SALTS: You make all rolls to move a player from the Knocked Out box to the Reserves box on a roll of 2 or better for this match.
34 SPONSORSHIP DEAL: Your team is sponsored by Bloodwieser and receives an extra 35,000 gps before the match, you may spend money from your treasury before the match starts to make purchases.
35 PALMED COIN: You automatically win the coin toss to start the game.
36 SCUTT'S SCROLL OF WEATHER MAGIC: You have tricked a gullible wizard into parting with a useful scroll. You may pick the weather when the game starts.
41 TEAM ANTHEM: Add +1 to your Fan Factor permanently based on the hype generated for being the underdog for this match.
42 GRUDGE MATCH: You may take any number of Foul actions per turn for this match. However you may not foul the same player more than once per team turn. D3 random players on your team get the Dirty Player skill for this match.
43 DOOM & GLOOM: The opposing team is feeling uninspired. For the first half, their Team Re-rolls are cut in half, rounded down.
44 IT WASN"T ME! One randomly selected player on the opposing team has been getting a little rowdy in anticipation of today's 'cakewalk,' and he's been arrested! He must miss the match.
45 THAT BOY'S GOT TALENT In your last match you spotted a talented fan in the stands, and he agrees to play for your team. Add one player at any position to your roster for this match only. The player leaves the roster when the match ends. Note that you may add a 17th player to a match in this fashion.
46 NEWS FEATURE: The big cabelvision networks produce a special news feature about your team of plucky underdogs and their chances in the upcoming match. The extra revenue this generates will give you a D6 roll for cash at the beginning of the match and you may spend money from your treasury before the match starts.
51 BRIBE THE REF: You may set up 12 players on the field once during the match.
52 IN THE BAG! The Opposing team is feeling cocky about their chances of winning this match. They can only field the 11 worst available players in Reserves on their team for each drive, based on SPP's. This restriction stops for the rest of the match as soon as your team takes the lead.
53 MICKEY FINN: You have spiked the punch of your opponent's Apothecary, and he is unavailable this match.
54 STILETTO: A player of your choice in your team counts as having razor sharp claws for this match only.
55 DUH, WHERE AM I?: One randomly selected player on the opposing team has been out all night on a bender, and isn't really ready for the game. The Bonehead rule that applies to Ogres applies to the player for this match only.
56 ASSASSIN: Your team has hired an assassin to take out one of the other team's top guns. Pick a player on the opposing team and make an injury roll for him. The opposing coach may use his Apothecary or Regenerate trait on the player, but an Apothecary used in such a fashion is not available for this match. Stunned results make the player miss the first drive of the first half.
61 BRIBE THE REF: You have taken up a collection to 'convince' the ref that your players are a nice, clean bunch of fellows! You may ignore the first penalty called against your team.
62 KNUCKLEDUSTERS: A player of your choice in your team counts as having mighty blow for this match only.
63 VIRUS: A mysterious illness breaks out among the opposing team, knocking out the unhealthiest members of the bunch. Any opposing player with a niggling injury is too sick to show up for this match.
64 THAT BABE'S GOT TALENT! Your team visits the local tavern the night before the game. One of the exotic dancers displays her, umm, 'talents,' and your players leave her a generous tip. She bring herself and her boyfriend (who know a thing or two about Blood Bowl) and they join the team. Your team receives 1 Cheerleader and Assistant Coach permantently for free.
65 IRON MAN: One randomly selected player on your team is determined to play hard for the whole game, no matter what the cost - in fact, he refuses to get injured! If an opposing player beats his armour roll, he is only Stunned.
66 BUZZING! One player of your choice has gone heavy on the coffee in anticipation of today's game. For this match only he gains the Jump Up trait and the Frenzy trait, but will automatically fail any attempt to pick up or catch the ball. (Give the player the following skills: Jump Up, Frenzy, Nonball Handler)

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2002 10:49 am
by GalakStarscraper
Okay as I said, my 2nd post is my potshot at Chet ... who I like, but has completely confused me with one of his posts
(Current) 16 UNDER SCRUTINY: The opposing team may not Foul or use players equipped with Secret Weapons for this match.

(MBBL3) 23 BIASED REFEREE: The referee has it out for the other team. The other team may not foul for the entire match.

Sorry - again, too strong! Granted, the current Biased Referee result needs to be changed a bit so it doesn't conflict with Under Scrutiny. But this ain't the answer. A 4+ foul is good enough as a limitation, IMO.
Okay, I'm completely confused here with your comment Chet ... one its the MBBL2 ... the MBBL3 was the BB2k1 test league we ran to help the BBRC. But MORE importantly, my Biased Referee is a TONED DOWN!!! version of the CURRENT Under Scrunity .... how in Pete's name is my result again, too strong! .... :-?


Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2002 10:59 am
by GalakStarscraper
Okay, taking everything everyone has said ... WHAT if the 3 fouling handicaps read as follows instead of how they read above:

16 UNDER SCRUTINY: The opposing team may not use players equipped with Secret Weapons for this match. In addition, the opposing team may not foul this match.
23 BIASED REFEREE: All Referee rolls for this match receive a -1 modifier when rolled against your team and a +1 modifier for rolls against your opponent. Natural rolls of 6 will still be an ejection.
42 GRUDGE MATCH: Your team is really out to get your opponent's players over past insults. D3 random players on your team get the Dirty Player skill for this match.

I changed Under Scrutiny back to its ORIGINAL wording. Grudge Match I changed to Chet's idea which I think had good merit. Biased Referee gives better odds to the foul without the power and even if you roll Under Scrutiny AND Biased Referee the overlap is not complete as it was before as you'll still get to make 5+ fouls under the eye.

Also if the ORIGNAL wording of Under Scrunity is too powerful. How about this as the other option:

16 UNDER SCRUTINY: The opposing team may not use players equipped with Secret Weapons for this match. In addition, the opposing team makes all fouling attempts this match with a base referee roll of 4+.

Chet had expressed concern on the BBC that this handicap roll would be too much against Goblin and Halfling teams ..... all I can say is that if I think a Goblin/Halfling team being on the RECEIVING end of the negative effect from the handicap table will be a rare enough event to not need much concern. (this part is meant in good humour).


Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2002 11:12 am
by GalakStarscraper
Finally, I'll address Dangerous Dave's comments on weak rolls.

Palmed Coin: Ya, ya, its not the greatest. But its Chet's baby and I don't have the heart to pull the trigger on its head.

Weather Magic: In the MBBL2, this DOES have impact. There are a several teams where the Weather has either an advantage for or adverse effect so this helps. Even when this isn't true, my Bright Crusaders (Human) are playing Khemri right now and they used the weather handicap to throw Very Sunny at me which does effect my team a lot and his prettty much not at all.

Babe's got Talent: Change to permanent and the fact that ACs and Cheerleaders have additional bonuses in the MBBL2 help this one out to be okay.

Team Anthem: With the new gold table, a permanent +1 FF is nothing to sneeze at .... I'd GLADLY take it.

Inspiration: Dave said it wasn't the best of rolls ... HUH :o I get to pick who gets the MVP and he gets it before the match so he has the skill ... I'll take this one in a heartbeat ... my surprise is that I never thought this one had an issues.

Bribe the Announcers: Dave agrees that the MBBL2 table fixes this roll from the original table.

Which leaves me the final one:
Greased Shoes: While it doesn't get active complaints, its always on the border of "oh, I got Greased Shoes" ... I'd be willing to see the effect last the first half instead of the first drive .... then putting it on someone like Dangerous Dave's AG 5 Ninja would have some impact. Anyone think that changing this to the first half would be too powerful?

Okay that's everything, I look forward to the feedback.


Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2002 12:13 pm
by Acerak
Okay, I'm completely confused here with your comment Chet ... one its the MBBL2 ... the MBBL3 was the BB2k1 test league we ran to help the BBRC. But MORE importantly, my Biased Referee is a TONED DOWN!!! version of the CURRENT Under Scrunity .... how in Pete's name is my result again, too strong! ....

I'll attribute it to haste and hunger on my part and leave it at that. I think the revised revisions look pretty good, though!


P.S. Palmed Coin rocks! AND it has fluff precedent. Now where the heck is that smiley with the tongue sticking out? ;)

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2002 12:43 pm
by Dangerous Dave
OK I typed this up before seeing some of the other posts above... so I'm gonna post it all anyway!:-

11 d6 * 5k is not enough. Make it at least 25k or if not 30k - if you must have a roll make it d4 * 10k.

12 Fine

13 Fine - but should clarify that can make roll and therefore could roll a double or +AG etc

14 I think it is weak but others do not.

15 Fine

16 Too powerful. No fouling and no secret weapons are fine

21 Fine

22 OK

23 Not too powerful but automatically worse than Under Scrutiny - Suggest adding that any DPs on other team have a 50% chance of being sent off at the start of the match

24 Fine

25 Weak even if it is always a player on the pitch. As a small kicker, reduce their movement by 1 too.

26 Fine

31 Fine

32 Fine

33 Fine

34 Fine

35 Very weak - suggest adding that can reroll the first kick off roll when you are receiving - the reroll happens after you have worked out the effects of the first kick of roll.

36 Again weak although more impact than under official BB2k1. Suggest that you can either pick the weather at the start or you can reroll the weather up to 6 times (on one occassion) at the start of either your turn or your opponent's turn.

41 OK

42 Suggest that the IGMEOY counter is nver reset for either team - and you get 1 Dirty Player.

43 Fine

44 Fine

45 Fine

46 Fine

51 Fine

52 Fine

53 Fine but why change it - if the opponent doesn't have an apothecary at least you may get rid of an assistant coach,

54 Fine

55 Fine

56 Fine

61 Fine

62 Fine

63 IMO too powerful particularly since there will be more players with niggles due to ageing and the change to the injury table. I suggest make the niggle roll a 4+ (instead of 2+) roll to play.

64 Fine but weak

65 Fine

66 Fine


Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2002 1:51 pm
by sean newboy
11 I agree with DD, i think it should be d3 x 10,000k
23 Perhaps just modify the ref roll rather than say no fouls at all
24 It should be stated that players missing for one roll can not be targeted for another roll, such as running late,virus, morleys revenge, etc.
25 Should say Pick a player on the pitch at the start of a drive.
35 Should state that u win any toss for ot as well
36 I would prefer to change the weather once anytime in the game
42 I had the idea of changing the foul rules so the eye does not move until the end of the turn, allowing more than 1 good foul with this result, last i knew dp did not help u avoid being noticed fouling.
64 The cheerleader still isnt that valuable unless in Galak's league. Rather than change the roll i would just like the BBRC to review some ideas to make cheerleaders more than a "look at my cheerleader mini" addition to the game.

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2002 1:51 pm
by sean newboy
11 I agree with DD, i think it should be d3 x 10,000k
23 Perhaps just modify the ref roll rather than say no fouls at all
24 It should be stated that players missing for one roll can not be targeted for another roll, such as running late,virus, morleys revenge, etc.
25 Should say Pick a player on the pitch at the start of a drive.
35 Should state that u win any toss for ot as well
36 I would prefer to change the weather once anytime in the game
42 I had the idea of changing the foul rules so the eye does not move until the end of the turn, allowing more than 1 good foul with this result, last i knew dp did not help u avoid being noticed fouling.
64 The cheerleader still isnt that valuable unless in Galak's league. Rather than change the roll i would just like the BBRC to review some ideas to make cheerleaders more than a "look at my cheerleader mini" addition to the game.