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The Lutèce Cup Challenge

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 3:26 pm
by Purplegoo
The Lutèce Cup Challenge

Hi all!

The wait is almost over; the second online NAF tournament in our series will begin on Monday, 30th March. We begin our tour around the NAF world with a ruleset from a brilliant French league: The Lutèce Cup.

The rulespack for our tournament can be found here, here, or on the group page. A summary can be found below.

The Lutèce Cup tabletop tournament 2015 took place on the 21/22 March in Paris. You can find more details here and the home of the league here (in French). If you’re French, in France or just interested in great tabletop Blood Bowl, have a look!

Make your team via this link and apply to one of the below groups. The tournament will kick off at 21:00 GMT (22:00 server time) Monday, 30th March.

Coaches wishing to play in European timezones should apply here, North American timezones here, and Australasian timezones here.

The group page has a new FAQ section, and you can ask any questions below. Huge thanks to the Lutèce guys, I hope you’ll enjoy an online taste of their wonderful tournament!


Phil / Goo.

Rulespack Summary

• Non-progression Blood Bowl!
• Team treasury: 1.15 M gold. Teams MUST include an inducement (no Mercs or Wizards)
• Format: 6 games of Swiss in ~ 40 team groups formed according to timezone preference (Europe, America, Australasia), followed by a playoff. The number of groups will depend on applications
• Weekly rounds
• 4 normal skills and 1 double, all selected before game 1

Re: The Lutèce Cup Challenge

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 3:58 pm
by lunchmoney
Fumbbl or Cyanide?

Re: The Lutèce Cup Challenge

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 4:04 pm
by Purplegoo
Online NAF tournaments are currently FUMBBL based, a link to the group is in the OP.

This doesn't feel particularly like the right area for this; but then none of the current TFF options do?

Re: The Lutèce Cup Challenge

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 7:01 pm
by Purplegoo
I've updated the OP because we are ready to go, go GO!

Apply now, and we kick off on the 30th of March, 21:00 GMT.

Be part of the second online, resurrection NAF event!

Re: The Lutèce Cup Challenge

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 12:52 pm
by Purplegoo
Final bump before kickoff tomorrow! C'mon, get those teams in! :D

Re: The Lutèce Cup Challenge

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 7:55 pm
by Wulfyn
Really looking forward to this. The Road to NAF was great and ran smoothly, so I have high expectations! :D

Re: The Lutèce Cup Challenge

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2015 8:53 pm
by Purplegoo
... I hope we meet them! :D

180 coaches across 6 Swiss groups from across the NAF world are GO! Should be a cracker! :)

Re: The Lutèce Cup Challenge

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 8:25 pm
by Purplegoo
Into the second half of the LCC tonight. Lots of cracking BB underway, come watch the fun! :)

Re: The Lutèce Cup Challenge

Posted: Thu May 14, 2015 7:09 pm
by Purplegoo
Hi all!

The Lutèce Cup Challenge is now complete! Congratulations to our six group winners:

Euro Group 1: Strider84 (Wood Elf) / 2nd: MrPeng (Norse - qualifies for playoffs)
Euro Group 2: Tripleskull (Wood Elf) / 2nd: Estremo (Amazon)
Euro Group 3: JanMattys (Lizardmen) / 2nd: Flix (Chaos - qualifies for playoffs)
Euro Group 4: Justicium (High Elf) / 2nd: PacoSillas (Human)

North America: happygrue (Amazon) / 2nd: Stimme (Norse)

Australasia: hbgs (Elf) / 2nd: Dazedmw (Undead)

The Playoffs and Stunty Cup Final are drawn, so come down and support your favourite! Times will (I hope) be posted in the FUMBBL thread.


Re: The Lutèce Cup Challenge

Posted: Fri May 15, 2015 9:32 am
by Joemanji
Exciting! :D

Re: The Lutèce Cup Challenge

Posted: Tue May 26, 2015 6:40 pm
by Purplegoo
Here we go. The final of the Lutéce Cup Challenge is scheduled for 21:00 server time on Thursday. But what of our finalists?

Image In the green, pointy eared corner, we have Lutéce Oppers, coached by Danish titan Tripleskull. The impressiveness of Tripleskull's Blood Bowl is matched only by the magnificence of his moustache, and it is no surprise he brings a 15/0/1 online NAF Wood elf record to our final. OK, I suppose.

Tripleskull qualified as European Group 2 winner, topping the group ahead of coaches such as cedric19, Jokaero, Elyoukey, Malmir and KFoged. In the playoffs, the Oppers opened with a 2-1 win over Flix (impressive even with Chaos, what a performance from Flix there to qualify) and fought past Aussie Undead coach Dazedmw 2-1 in OT. With a perfect WE record until this point, our man from down under put in a great performance to tie with the Woodies after 16 turns.

Image In the also green, if slightly scaly, corner sits JanMattys and his Human team, Reptile Remedy. Wait, these aren’t Humans, Jan has Lizards! The Lutéce Cup Challenge has brought out something new in FUMBBL’s most famous Human coach! At 8/0/0, perhaps this new direction is going to work out?

JanMattys qualified as European Group 3 winner, finishing ahead of such BB luminaries as PurpleChest, Oventa, Flix fxiii and RTTNAFC winner, Straume. Not half bad! In the last 8, Jan’s quarter final was a 1-0 win over qualifier Norse coached by Mr. Peng. Jan’s all Euro run to Thursday’s showdown culminated in a 2-1 win over Justicium’s High Elves, another very impressive race to reach the last 8 with!

What of our contest, then? Tripleskull believes in Dodge. He believes a lot. No Thrower for Leader access here; 4 Catchers, and even two Linemen to make a total of 8 Dodgers. We have a Guard Tree, and the all important WD skills are (well duh) Strip Ball and (well ooh) Mighty Blow. It’s a continental, make sure they stay hit, style for the Woodies! The mandatory Inducment here is a keep-my-Elves-on-the-pitch Babe. Smart.

Jan’s Lizard roster is the 12 men over 11 + Apo variant for added Skinkage. He is not messing about with skills; it’s Block. And Block. And some Block. Also, Block. Finally, some Block on a Krox. It’s not a bad plan, is it? We also have a Babe here, so the Inducments aren’t going to be too much of a randomiser.

The matchup may be the biggest clue as to the outcome of the contest. Lizards have a torrid time against Woodies in this sort of format. How can Jan protect a Skink ball carrier from a 3+ Leap and a 35/36 ball strip? That is the central tactical conundrum here. Whilst your humble scribe considers the Lizard / Woodie effect overplayed by many (it’s no gimmie), it is certainly the primary consideration. Ball security is the big question, and I’m looking forward to seeing how Jan tackles the WD threat.

All finals ebb, flow, and take unexpected twists. I expect our underdogs to put in a fine performance, and this to be tight. I have it 2-1 in OT, but I’ll not divulge which way! Either way, these two fine coaches and gentlemen deserve your spectating noises, your warm applause for getting this far and a thumbs up for a fine tournament. Good luck to them both, and I look forward to seeing you in the stands 21:00 BB time (CET) Thursday. Be there, or miss a corker!

If you’ve gotten this far through my drivel, you deserve a reminder that the next online NAF fun will be announced this week. Stay tuned! ;)

Re: The Lutèce Cup Challenge

Posted: Tue May 26, 2015 6:43 pm
by sann0638
Nice writeup.