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Dull dull match

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 9:57 pm
by Chris
Take a look at this (game attached). Awful game, bizarre first half from my opponent.

This is my attempt at a clpomb team (so far I have managed 2 players with this combo) as with all the chat I figured I would see what the fuss was about.

This guy is clearly trying for a team of killers. Has to kick so sets up his whole team bar the guys on the line out of beastman strike range. So spend the first half knocking down and eventually out of the game with fouls and blocks the three I can reach and throwing the ball a bit. As they are cas's I see no reason to risk my players near his and am quite happy to wait for the 2nd half. Turn 7 he moves forward a bit to 'lure' me in so i promptly hit him with the minotaur and cas another one - his attempt at fouling gets him sent off. 2nd half he starts to hurt me but as I now have a 5 man advantage to start with it doesn't go well and I score. Despite as many gratuitious fouls as I could do the sod was only badly hurt. There is no justice, should have had a few deaths.

Edit - can't upload db files it seems :(

Re: Dull dull match

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 11:15 pm
by Heff
Most boring game I ever played. On Cyanide, MM, pulled a dwarf, 12 players, all positionals except roller. Had played 68 games I can remember the skill ups on the whole team.

Guard, MB, PO, Tackle on the blitzers, Tackle and block on the runners. THE WHOLE TEAM. I was playing chaos. he piled on every turn, every time regardless of the injury result ignored the ball and had no idea of positioning. Why take guard if you are going to lie down at every opportunity. What a moron, BORING BORING GAME

What made it worse was that on the last turn he gfi's for a one dice block on my carrier, puts him over, the ball goes out and lands in front of his runner 5 from the line. He then picks it up and scores. bah.