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Posted: Sat May 04, 2002 6:41 pm
by Deathwing
I'm not saying that fimir are unbalanced or unbeatable, a speedy agile team should run rings around them, just that in this case it's a bad match-up for me.
Saying that, Toxic Fog is just plain nasty. A spell that can effectively kill one opponents drive per game that succeds on a 2+ is a little strong IMO.
Given that the spellcaster comes with Leader, he's priced at an effective 90K for a 5428 Horns , Prehensile tail guy with a pretty devastating spell.
I know he's got Single eye, but I don't think that's anywhere near as negative as it could be on a AG2 player. He's not going to be throwing the thing anyway!
Sitting on cash saving for a Bloodthirster doesn't help, I'd have started this game with another CW for example if I'd been playing conventional Chaos, but with the 2k1 winnings table I doubt you'd ever get a Greater Daemon on the field without sacrificing strength/results on a short and middle term basis. A lot of pain before any gain. I'm just hoping that If I do ever get there, people aren't going to start screaming about balance. :-?

Posted: Sat May 04, 2002 9:03 pm
by GalakStarscraper
MY league ... screw 'em if they complain about balance .... as for toxic fog ... its only 50% for your beastmen and only 33% for your warriors.

Also the players are only prone .... so yah, its a good spell ... but somewhat unpredictable.

The Meargh is a strong player .... she's a target ... especially since PH's team has the ST 5 daemon.

Oh well ... don't worry if you earn the Bloodthrister you get to keep it ... why do you think I made Dauntless accessable from a normal skill roll.


Posted: Sat May 04, 2002 9:22 pm
by Deathwing
The sad roll now reads as follows: 3x MNG Beastmen (inc. a -1MA), 2x Badly Hurt Beastmen, a BH Chaos Warrior and a sent off Beastman.
I've just played my opening turn of the second half and I have 3 players remaining on the pitch and 1 CW Spellcaster in the KO'd box. In all my years of playing BB this is the most one sided and least enjoyable game I've ever been involved in. :(
If it wasn't for the first half riot it's entirely possible I'd have run out of players in a single half. I don't even know what happens in that situation, guess I'd better look it up.

Posted: Wed May 08, 2002 11:15 am
by Deathwing
I'm now down to 2 Beastmen and the KO'd CW Spellcaster. I'm going to go another score down next turn, and I absolutely point blank refuse to concede. I'm hoping that the Spellcaster doesn't come back, if I lose him this team is finished.
So what happens if my opponent chooses not to score and continue sticking the boot in? My two beastmen are obviously surrounded and need 6's to dodge's possible that he could delay scoring until I have no players left on the pitch.
So what happens if he scores and I have no players left to set up next drive? Is it an auto concession? Who's gonna kick the thing?

Posted: Wed May 08, 2002 1:55 pm
by Dangerous Dave
OK just finished both my MBBL2 Round 2 matches:-

First up Galak's Bright Crusaders 2 My Nipponese 3

This was a close game and the OFAB roll I had on the Handicap Table (TR diff of 80 points) made a real difference since 3 of Galak's players had OFAB and I think only 2 passed the whole game! Ont he downside (for both of us) the Nipponese couldn't hit hard at all and recorded only 1 KO all game!

The game was probably decided by the Nippon team getting a blitz and stealing the ball with the Ninjas. Galak failed to get the ball carrier down and he waltzed in for an easy score.

I now have an ag 5 Ninja....... be afraid be very afraid! :P

Second my Norse 5 v Halflings 0

This was always going to be one-sided particularly after the Swealtering Heat was changed to a Blizzard on the first kick off! The flings pulled off some amazing dodges but were too slow to outrun the Norse who just doubled back... inevitably a dodge was failed giving me a chance to steal the ball. At least I was gentle on them - only 4 BH all game (I even managed to roll 2 on a piling on av roll against av 5 and a 3 piling on av roll against av 6) - I think I only used Piling On 3 times in the game - the 3rd was a stunned result against the Tree.

Anyway it was a good SPP feast.... so the team has developed pretty well.


Posted: Wed May 08, 2002 8:19 pm
by martynq
It's half-time in the Division A match between the Flesh Eaters II and Arvandoria Athletic. The score is 1-1, the halloweenies having no trouble scoring on their first drive (with 1 vampire OFAB), the elves managing to reply without much difficulty (2 vampires OFAB), and then in the Flesh Eaters second drive (2 vampires OFAB) the elves managed to KO the vampire ball carrier and seriously injure a zombie. (MB on my Dragon Warrior is actually paying off.) Though the elves looked like they might score, the other vampire managed to get his hands back on the ball and keep it in safety for the last turn.

The vampires are doing surprisingly well with their hypnotic gazes against elves, while for the start of the 2nd half the elves will actually outnumber the halloweenies (10 elves vs 8 flesh eaters) with 3 vampires OFAB and the injured zombie not regenerated. The elven thrower is currently KO'd with the elves about to receive.

Posted: Thu May 09, 2002 8:24 pm
by lawquoter
Well, after a looonnng semester and finals, I'm back in the groove of things. The Orcland Raidahz, fresh after taking a beating from the Jumping Frogs, look to square their 0-1 record against The Crusaders. Hopefully the boyz won't be too confuzed by a team that has honorable as a trait. We've just begun our round 2 match, and its interesting from kickoff. The crusaders start down 4, but quickly dispatch one of the three starting BoBs for the Raidahz. Stay tuned sports fans. Two teams desparate for a win...what more could you want?

Posted: Thu May 09, 2002 9:04 pm
by sean newboy
Dangerous Dave said "I now have an ag 5 Ninja....... be afraid be very afraid!"

Bloody heck thats the last thing any Nippon team needs. :cry:

Posted: Thu May 09, 2002 9:27 pm
by Dangerous Dave
Sean said:-

Dangerous Dave said "I now have an ag 5 Ninja....... be afraid be very afraid!"

Bloody heck thats the last thing any Nippon team needs.

I dunno any team with a player with move of 8 and ag of 5 has got to be useful! (pick up, dodge, pass etc!)

I think the Nippon are pretty decent at beat up with 4 Samurai 6339 and Block plus 2 Sumo (OK I only have one to date...)


Posted: Thu May 09, 2002 9:34 pm
by sean newboy
Thats what im trying to say, Nippon can be hard enough, scale back the team please, give us some less competition. :lol:

Posted: Thu May 09, 2002 9:39 pm
by mrinprophet
Da Squig Humpaz update...

Ok,ok. I have been complaining since the get go about my orcs being cut-down by the werewolves. Well, lady luck is a fickle mistress. Despite being down to 7 players, I have managed to tie up the game at 1 and take it into overtime. I won the toss and took the kickoff. I managed to heave the ball to a line orc who is within reach of a TD next turn, but he is all by himself out there. I have TZs on all of his players (for now) and he doesn't have any rerolls. Let's hope my luck holds.

Posted: Mon May 13, 2002 2:11 pm
by mrinprophet
Woe is me....
I said lady luck was a fickle mistress... edit that.. she is a fickle whore. Excuse me, but my opponent's last round leaves me a bit dyspeptic.
Well, something like 3 blocks, 4 gfis, 2 dodges, a blitz, a throw-in, and a pick-up later (all with no rerolls), my chances of winning have been flushed down the toilet. He also Ko'd another guy. His ball-carrier was all alone so I thought this was my only chance. I blitz with my blitzer, with one last reroll I am thinking there is a 75% chance I can wrench the ball from him. You guessed it...down my blitzer goes.
Oh well, at least my next opponent won't be as tough.

Posted: Tue May 14, 2002 1:07 pm
by martynq
The dice are definitely not my friends in the Division B match between Sin And Virtue (lizardmen) and the Tomb Raiders (undead). The worst case was in one turn when the lizardmen went for it a total of 7 times (all successful). Two of these brought a skink in contact with my ghoul ball carrier. Three were another skink (with sprint) blitzing this ghoul. With the one-die block he then rolled a Skull which he re-rolled and got Pow, KO on armour roll. This ghoul has yet to come back (after 2 attempts).

My vampire has yet to play on any of the four drives. The mummies and wights roll push on all dice against the skinks. And at the beginning of the second half, there was a Blitz so the lizzies get an extra turn.

Current score:
Tomb Raiders 0 - Sin and Virtue (and the Dice) 2. :x
