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Got +MA on Human Catcher but I don't want it... Am I a fool?

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2003 12:02 pm
by narkotic
The skill increase for one of my Human Catccers gave him +1 on MA but I decided to give him Side Step.
Why? I try to build my two catchers the same way, both of them have "Diving Catch" already, and my Thrower who has Accurate will get Hail Mary Pass on his next skill increase. You probabyl realize where I want to go with my team. (Counter-scoring in one turn) I'm thinking that side step will be much more practic for my playing strategy. Do you think a MA increase is worth skiping your overall team building plans?

The rest of the team is a Blitzer with Strip Ball (Defensive), two lineman with Block and one Blodge Blitzer (Task Force blitzer)

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2003 12:24 pm
by Marcus
A bit too much with trying to lock your player into roles IMO. 9 MA is a nasty thing to have.

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2003 12:27 pm
by DoubleSkulls
I really don't like the HMP strategy. As only 1 player can DC - and he has to be the target of the pass - you can't build up interlocking "Diving Catch zones" to increase the chances of a catcher under the ball.

Furthermore there are good alternatives - Long Bombs will reach a large part of the board and your catchers only need to be 3 squares into the opponents half to be able to score. Diving Catch is still useful for the Long Bomb (as you've got a 1/3 chance of being inaccurate).

As for +MA I don't think I'd ever swap it for a normal skill - on a double 5 its more tempting as there are some extremely useful traits out there. +MA is often undervalued - you rarely feel that extra point of movement helps but it makes a small difference all the time.

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2003 12:41 pm
by narkotic
I understand. But maybe it's a psychological thing because my other team is Skaven and I'm just feel like to try something differerent with my Humans.

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2003 9:37 pm
by nkelsch
I would have taken the +1 movement... especially when it is a guy who's function is to catch the ball and run like heck into the endzone... if it saves you from making a GFI roll, it is worth every bit...

Why did my BLACK ORC get +1MA? Jeebus... black orc with movement 5... BFD. I ended up giving him pile on and now he has second highest casulty rating in the leauge.

But sidestep is an annoyance... pisses me off when you follow up and they go behind you!

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2003 10:39 pm
by Skummy
Go with the movement over the skill. 9 movement is very good on a human team. I was fortunate enough to roll a second movement increase on one of my Catchers, and will be looking forward to the next skill, which will let me have a 1 turn scorer on a human team.

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2003 1:31 am
by zeroalpha
Even with another MA increase hes not going to score in one turn so i guess the choice is yours. I always like to give my human catchers block early as they start with the most usefull skills for them. MA 9 is always nasty, and you'll always find yourself using it, no point moving 8 squares when you have 9!

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2003 2:26 am
by Skummy
? Another movement increase and sprint would be 13 squares of movement. That's a one turn scorer that the other team has to account for. Block is important if you want them to survive, though.

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2003 2:35 am
by nkelsch
A Gutter Runner with long legs and sprint is the bane of my existance... I hate that SOB because all it takes is a touchback from a bad kick and boom, they score.

Not that it is likley you will get MA 2+ but if you can run a dude down to 1 square away, That will put you out of blitz range for most slow teams that like to set up on the LOS (bruisers)

And you can easily move some extra dudes to play 'interference'.

So even if he isn't a 1 turn scorer... he can easily get out of range of most slow players... Movement 9 rules...Anyone less than MA 7 won;t even be able to catch you with two GFI rolls... THAT IS MY WHOLE ORK TEAM!

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2003 12:04 pm
by roysorlie
I'd definatively go with the 1+ move. Give him sprint, and sidestep, and in a pickle, he might just push you back into the endzone, and give you a td.

I try to develope my cathcers differently, to account for different possibilities of play. But pass block is very good to have against passing teams. enough ma9 pass block catchers,, will cover most of the field.