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NBFL Amazons: -MA carrier

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 10:23 pm
by mattgslater
K, my NBFL season has just been awful so far. I'm 0-2-3, and playing for my life already in Week 6 of a 14-game season. Some of this has been mistakes on my part, some has been bad luck, some has been mistakes compounded by bad luck.

To add injury to insult, my carrier suffered -MA.

Keep, dump, or… use a healing potion? I have exactly one FUMBBL Healing Potion to my name, won't get another one for awhile, and it's dedicated to either this team or Edward Grottybrook. Healing Potions remove all injury status, so she'd not miss the game and would have her MA point back. But I have no idea when or if the next potion comes around, they seem to give them out every few years at most. Feels like a waste.

I could just keep her at -MA. I hate the idea of carrying with MA5, but I could solve that problem by skilling up J. Reese and giving her Sure Hands as well. Two ST4 Sure Hands Blodgers is only a little overkill, no? Means no Sure Hands next game… but this is my inclination, nonetheless.

If it matters, my next opponent is Simyins with Strip Ball. They have a game to play yet, so I don't know their TV. It's a must-win game, if I lose or even tie I'm in big trouble.

What would you do?

Re: NBFL Amazons: -MA carrier

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 11:14 am
by rolo
You have three other +ST Linewomen O.O

Let her go and start giving the ball to one of them ;)

J. Reese is one TD away from her third skill and then you've flat-out replaced her.

Re: NBFL Amazons: -MA carrier

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 5:17 pm
by mattgslater
I'm REALLY hesitant to let go of a +ST player….

Re: NBFL Amazons: -MA carrier

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 9:32 am
by Aliboon
Not worth the potion the only player I think I would use it on is your 15 and even she isn't that special.

Give 14 or 15 surehands next skill and put your old carrier in the mix and don't use the APO on her. Yeah that surehands is 20k "wasted", but it's only 20k and might come in useful when the ball comes loose at the breakdown.

If you're worried about TV then it is no1 you should replace, 40k for +Ag, -AG and no special skills.

Re: NBFL Amazons: -MA carrier

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 2:54 pm
by mattgslater
Yeah, there are no special skills on Blitzers anymore for me. MB, Guard, PO, Tackle, Grab, Juggernaut. No stats except +ST, no doubles. I didn't originally do it that way, but if I had it to do over, that's how I would. This team needs its S skills so bad.

Re: NBFL Amazons: -MA carrier

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 8:51 pm
by Aliboon
"Yeah, there are no special skills on Blitzers anymore for me." Not even Jump Up? I think I'd prefer that to grab and probably juggernaut too.

Agree that Zons need S skills, guard particularly.

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 10:07 pm
by Shteve0
And stand firm. Surprised it's not in your list - I go guard, stand firm, tackle on blitzers.

Re: NBFL Amazons: -MA carrier

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 10:23 pm
by mattgslater
I'd take Jump Up on a double as the 3rd skill or later. But my point is, she's a 4-skill player who costs 40k extra and isn't likely to improve. However, she's got the 4 skills that really matter. So I keep her.

Re: NBFL Amazons: -MA carrier

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 10:29 pm
by mattgslater
Simyins played their game, got beat to hell, have only 11 men showing up to the next game. I expect them to hire some rookies: facing the Blonde Co with 11 menz is a recipe for a pitch clear. They're 1880k to my 2040k. So they could bring a Wizard to their funeral, or they could hire some linefodder to take hits.