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when to buy a deathroller

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 2:34 am
by dirt mcgirt
I started a dwarf team along a orc team for fun. I have 160k after 3 matches. forfit, tie and my comp dc'd forfeit.

2 x troll-slayer both w/ mighty blow
5 x blocker - 1 has guard
2 x runner no skill up yet
2 x blitzer - one has guard

2 re-roll, 1 apoth, 0 cheer and 0 assist coach
so I was looking into deathroller for help against bashy teams. Ive played khemri, and norse and orc so far. all have more strength then my drawf team. So with the funds available, I thought about deathroller or another re-roll for help on block dice. Suggestions?

Re: when to buy a deathroller

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 7:03 am
by lunchmoney
Never buy a Deathroller.

Re: when to buy a deathroller

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 8:02 am
by Magictobe
I am playing dwarves as well.

Looking for 3rr's, 12 players and apo and then I buy the deathroller.

Deathroller is for fun, not always the best investment.

Re: when to buy a deathroller

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 8:02 am
by dode74
1 deathroller < 8 guard.

Re: when to buy a deathroller

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 8:05 am
by howlinggriffon
One of my friends started our Blood Bowl league last year with a starting 11-man roster that included a Deathroller. The rest of us told him it was crazy. "It's a huge points sink!" we said. "You'll be a man down before you know it!" we said. "You'll lose every game!" we said. Well - he took it anyway as he just liked the model and didn't want to listen to reason.

The thing was an absolute bastard the whole season. I was using Norse and it killed my Snow Troll in a blitz before the game even started. It decimated the bash teams and racked up an impressive body count either by smashing or fouling. Before long he had earned enough winnings to get the players he was missing to afford it and he ended up going on to win the league.

So - if you want to take a deathroller, have fun and smash things :)

Re: when to buy a deathroller

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 10:54 am
by Heff
You play Dwarves you are a
(Insert favourite derogatory term here)
If you play them with a DR ypu are a stupid one.
Use em as inducements.

Better still play a team that will help you improve. Dwarves are the crack cocaine of bloodbowl.
You think you are a god: but you learn nothing and everyone thinks you are scum.

Re: when to buy a deathroller

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 10:55 am
by dirt mcgirt
I like the dwarf team, not a ton of flash. but, i'm tired of having men on there backs most turn starts. just thinking this would help in that category.

Re: when to buy a deathroller

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 12:00 pm
by Heff
[quote="dirt mcgirt"]I like the dwarf team, not a ton of flash. but, i'm tired of having men on there backs most turn starts. just thinking this would help in that quote]
They will not help you get better as a player. One dimensional too slow and boring as hell. You want a premier bash team go for Orcs or Undead. Teaches you block discipline, risk and reward calculations and team building when you actually have choices.

Re: when to buy a deathroller

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 2:50 pm
by Genghis
Buying a merc 'Roller with inducements can be a good idea. Having one permanently on the roster isn't.

Re: when to buy a deathroller

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 6:08 pm
by stashman
We play CRP+

So I will get a roller and HOPE FOR A DOUBBLE skillroll and choose Sneaky Git. Then it will be very fun :D

Re: when to buy a deathroller

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 8:58 pm
by Jimmy Fantastic
Yeah Merc Roller can be ok. Rostering one is awful unless you are in a league where you would be getting a merc roller each week anyways.

Re: when to buy a deathroller

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 9:23 pm
by Smeborg
IMO the Deathroller is weak as a rostered player in a league (you are conceding a Wizard or more in inducements by taking him). With a couple of skills, the Deathroller is 20 points of TV, and he can only play 1 drive. Cunning opponents can also find ways to force the Deathroller to play only a short drive.

But the Deathroller is potentially much better either as an inducement, or as part of a tournament roster.

Hope that helps.

Re: when to buy a deathroller

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 10:54 am
by Regash
Sorry for hijacking the thread but...

@ Heff:
Why is there so much hate against dwarf or norse teams?

Re: when to buy a deathroller

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 2:34 am
by gregory_n_white
They will not help you get better as a player. One dimensional too slow and boring as hell. You want a premier bash team go for Orcs or Undead. Teaches you block discipline, risk and reward calculations and team building when you actually have choices.
Heff - I disagree with this. I played a few seasons in SWL on Fumbbl with Dwarves and learned a lot - especially about positioning in defense.
I understand that a lot of guard / block / mb does make dwarves 1 dimensional to play (and play against) but being slow they are unforgiving if positioning is not perfect. It made me a much better coach when i moved back to more mobile / quicker teams.

Re: when to buy a deathroller

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 6:11 am
by Heff
Regash wrote:Sorry for hijacking the thread but...

@ Heff:
Why is there so much hate against dwarf or norse teams?
I have no problem with norse. As to Dwarves do you really want to open that box? You do. OK. Some of my opinions

"Dwarf playbook? one word


Two words,

Just DON'T

Three words

Get a Life!

Four words,

Play something Less BORING!

Five words,

Please play something less BORING

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Come on I was never going to let this pass!"