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Looking for good Nurgle resources/advice

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 5:25 am
by Shteve0
Fend. FA makes him a pain in the arus 1/6 of the time, but prevents frenzy/PO only as often. Fend is less of an irritant but more reliable vs kill stack opponents.

Re: Looking for good Nurgle resources/advice

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 9:15 am
by Jimmy Fantastic
Fend is awful.
FA isn't too bad on a ball carrier, but I think I would only choose it as legend skill if at all.
Tackle is quite unexciting due to his lack of MB/PO/Claw.
AG6 dodges are amazing so 2 heads seems the clear winner to me.

Re: Looking for good Nurgle resources/advice

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 10:52 pm
by greymurphy42
(Also posted on BBTactics ;))

The last match of the season is on the horizon, Acrozatarim's Khorne team 'Blood Donation Drive' I'm down to 8 players and after the JM rotters I should get 330k in inducements. His team looks like this: -

Bloodthirster - Mighty Blow, Piling On, Guard
Herald - Block, Guard, -MA
Herald - Block, +ST
Bloodletter - Block, Dodge, Sure Hands
Bloodletter - Block, Guard
Bloodletter - Block
Pit Fighter - Block, Niggle (MNG)
Pit Fighter - Block, -AV (MNG)
Pit Fighter - Leader
Pit Fighter - Block
Pit Fighter
Pit Fighter - Block
Pit Fighter - Block, Tackle

3 RR, Apo, 6 FF

and mine looks like this: -

Beast - Stand Firm
Warrior - Block, Stand Firm
Warrior - Block
2 rookie Warriors
Pestigor - Sure Hands, +MV
2 rookie pestigors

3 RR, 5 FF

Anyone got any ideas how to approach this game? That bloodthirster's got a good chance of wrecking what's left of my team all on his own, and I've not got much of a team as it is

Any thoughts would be much appreciated...

Re: Looking for good Nurgle resources/advice

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 1:34 pm
by Hitonagashi
From the school of useless advice, pray :D.

In all seriousness, bash on bash where one team has no bash skills and the other has a claw/mb/po/frenzy player is always a huge mis-match.

So, given you haven't got much chance to win, here's the options as I see them:

1) Wizard. Can be useful, and the aim is to try and stop him scoring on his drive with it, score as slow as possible on yours, and get a 1-1 when he runs the ball in against your playerless team. I'm not a fan of wizards on teams that haven't got AG 4 though.

2) 2x Babes + journeymen rotters - Plan is simple...have bodies to soak up the Thirster damage. The problem here is that he will be moving a lot of players to (hopefully) the reserves, and frenzy is great when you outnumber them on the pitch and can line up the assists.

3) Dirty Player Journeyman Rotter + Bribe - Plan is simple. Wait for the Thirster to PO, surround it and stamp on it. Continue stamping till it leaves the field. Odds are lowish of winning with this, but it might be your only chance to get a numbers advantage.

None of these plans are 'good'. The problem is, neither are your options! Good luck! :)

Re: Looking for good Nurgle resources/advice

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 9:36 pm
by greymurphy42
Just finished, and I lost 2-0. I did however foul his ST4 block Herald to death, and BH his Bloodthirster after he piled on to a pestigor. The only serious injury that failed to regenerate was a niggle on the +MV sure hands pestigor who was surfed after getting a pow on the ball carrier in the second half.

Re: Looking for good Nurgle resources/advice

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 8:18 pm
by huff
Wow... That was intense

Re: Looking for good Nurgle resources/advice

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 6:24 pm
by Stig
*Regen Roll...*

Thread continues! I've read all 103 pages so far, this is brilliant.

I've got two questions about stymie Nurgle:

As the priority are skills that work in the opponents turn, has anyone tried Frenzy in the stymie style, in order to affect the opponents positioning away from the sidelines during their turn? A passive threat almost?

Secondly, has anyone tried taking stand firm before block on the warriors? With AV 9, they are unlikely to get stunned, so SF works on 4/6 occasions during a block, the others being of course skull/pow. Having been Knocked Down, the warrior could then just stand up and face up to the advancing cage again. I'm only asking as I had a successful season with Necromantic with SF+guard flesh golems, who were super, super stymie and caused all sorts of headaches! Block only works 1/6 of the time, though is the obvious choice...

Re: Looking for good Nurgle resources/advice

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 8:36 pm
by Smeborg
Hi Stig, glad you are enjoying the thread.

I have not tried either of your suggestions. I have several times thought about Frenzy, but have always decided against it, on the basis that it implies a certain loss of control over the positioning of your players, which is important to the stymie style.

With regard to S-Firm vs. Block: F-App+Block works in 7/27 cases, or slightly better than 1 in 4, not bad. I now play stymie Nurgle with 2 Re-rolls only, thus Block is rather important. Even with 3 RR, taking S-Firm first would mean most RRs would be spent on failed blocks, whereas I like to keep them for spending on special things, such as sacking the ball-carrier, scoring a TD, or getting out of jail. Being able to take reliable blocks at the beginning of your turn is quite important, I suggest. Also, stymie Warriors skill up slowly, thus if you were to take S-Firm first, it could be a long time (or an eternity) before you get Block.

One other experiment I have considered (but not tried) with the stymie style is taking F-App before Fend on the Rotters (but still after Block).

Hope that helps.

Re: Looking for good Nurgle resources/advice

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 8:50 pm
by crimsonsun
For me I would go Guard then Stand Firm, block on two warriors & Block, Guard, tackle on the other two too get them going. A non Double on the Beast is Stand Firm, Then Guard. Any str5 Warrior gets Tentacles. Rotters and Pestigors are were you are going to really make the team your own...

Re: Looking for good Nurgle resources/advice

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 7:02 am
by Stig
Thanks for the help guys - I'm playing the standard stymie roster in our league. Best bit in game 1 was seeing the oppo put his head in his hands at the frustration of breaking through the defence. Went 1-1 and 0-0, yet in both games failed the crucial gfi- first to have a 2d blitz on the ball carrier in t8, then to score myself in t8. I'm defo taking block on the warriors. It's only a 10 game season so the warriors won't get to their 3rd skill I don't think.

Agreed loss of control isn't good, but in the spirit of experimentation ill give a player frenzy sooner rather than later. A crowd push surely would increase the feeling of helplessness in an oppo. Perhaps even a ball-carrying pesti with frenzy might be good to allow him to follow up a block when blitzing away, and give him a second chance at knocking the defender down? That would save a square of movement as normally you don't follow up as you'd have to dodge out.

Question - roughly what % of tds involved the ball carrying pesti blitzing away for the crucial runin to the end zone? I imagine this might vary greatly from person to person.. but then it might not. If its common then surely frenzy is a good idea?

Re: Looking for good Nurgle resources/advice

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 8:25 pm
by Smeborg
Stig wrote:Question - roughly what % of tds involved the ball carrying pesti blitzing away for the crucial runin to the end zone? I imagine this might vary greatly from person to person.. but then it might not. If its common then surely frenzy is a good idea?
Not many, in my experience. Perhaps 20%, perhaps less? I can certainly remember doing it, especially in tournaments.

Hope that helps.

Re: Looking for good Nurgle resources/advice

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 1:14 pm
by mattgslater
You don't want your carrier to have Frenzy. Sometimes you don't want to follow with the carrier, sometimes you don't want to have to make the extra block. When it comes to keeping your feet while blitzing the endzone you might like Two Heads.

Frenzy has a place on most teams, and definitely a Frenzy Pest could be a lot of fun. I like Frenzy/Stand Firm as a combo for my control Orcs, though Pests are maybe a tad expensive for their ability in the role: a Marauder or Troll Slayer can do it 30k cheaper, and an Orc Blitzer can do it 20k cheaper and quite a lot better at taking hits and building into the all-important Tackle and Guard skills.

Titanomachiae is a good example of how a different racial roster plays a similar game (we block a lot more, partly 'cause Orc ST3 players are better fighters, and partly 'cause creative blocking is my strongest asset and you do what you're good at). I favor Guard over boutique skills, because Guard is a power skill and if you're going for a unique style you start with the power skills. Mass Stand Firm is just around the corner: it's skill #3 for BOBs, skill #2 for Guard Blitzers, and skill #3 for the Frackler (AG boy gets Fend, and doubles for linos is Guard first, then SF). Sure, somebody got one Juggernaut, I see one in every twenty Ranked games and five League games.

Re: Looking for good Nurgle resources/advice

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 11:22 pm
by Smeborg
mattgslater wrote:You don't want your carrier to have Frenzy. Sometimes you don't want to follow with the carrier, sometimes you don't want to have to make the extra block.
I agree with Matt, putting Frenzy on my primary ball carrier is not something I would do.

Re: Looking for good Nurgle resources/advice

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 6:07 am
by Smeborg
Stig - here is another way of looking at the issue.

Like a number of races, Nurgle start with no ball movement skills on the team (although Horns helps when blitzing). They also start with no skills that help to hold the ball. I like to start with 4 rather important skills:

Sure Hands, Block, Kick-off Return, Extra Arms (this assumes no doubles or stat increases).

So you have only 1or 2 skill slots (if any) left over for other skills, among which I might include for consideration:

Fend+Foul Appearance, Tackle, Juggernaut+Grab. On doubles: Sure Feet+Sprint, Dodge+Sidestep. Stat increases: +MA, +ST, +AG.

Not really any room left for Frenzy IMO. All of the above would be better I suggest.

Hope that helps.

Re: Looking for good Nurgle resources/advice

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 6:23 pm
by crimsonsun
I feel that a Frenzy Pestigor - Preferably one with a +Str is a pivotal tool in any pitch control teams arsenal. I feel its needed on a Pestigor as the Warriors will be holding formation and providing support across the pitch, though a +str Rotter would work but would need a double for Juggernaut. He wants Block, +str, Frenzy, Juggernaut, Break tackle ideally and his purpose is making holes though cages and column defence. I would never suggest using your ball carrier for this task, as its inviting a turnover and dispossession. You can also use a player like this to set up blocks via chain pushing, this is especially useful if you have grab on a couple of warriors and your beast, as with clever utilisation of grab, push back and frenzy you can not only break into a cage but can pull its corners placing them in highly unfavourable positions isolated and surrounded by guard but unable to provide support/protection to the ball carrier.

Juggernaut can be useful for surfing players also but I do not feel like it suits slow control style teams to work the flanks overly as they do not have enough Ma to cover the opposite side of the pitch effectively or even worse your out positioned and risk losing Key obstructive players to surfing your self. As a final skill though I would go with Stand Firm or preferably Sidestep as this will provide him a luxury of safety if needing to force a path along a flank.

I feel that this player type is essential though because it allows a Nurgle team to attack an opposing offence without having to wait for a mistake or dodge in which will leave you out of position defensively. This will really make breaking opposing drives down more effective and force the opposing coach to either take risks or commit his entire team to a forward push that will be predictable and a do or die type action...
