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Re: Goblin Skills

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2015 10:07 am
by Aliboon
I like DT on gobbos as it is usually elf/speed teams I struggle more against. On a good day a gobbo team can out bash most others, but a speed team can score quick, get any SWs sent off, rinse and repeat.

DT isn't just about marking, it is also about space denial. An elf will think twice about a 4+ dodge even if they have dodge, whereas a 2+, especially with a reroll is a much easier option.

Anyway, I sacked my MA5 SS DT gobbo, fired the pogoer who got to his second skill without doubling and picked SS as my first skill for a rookie who skilled up.

Re: Goblin Skills

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2015 1:01 pm
by Pedda
Afroman wrote:I've played my fair share of stunty teams and in my opinion, DT is a waste of skill.
Only other stunties struggles with it. All the rest just block the DT-guy away.
That's why you don't base player with you DT, but rather put them in the lanes where your opponent wants to dodge

Re: Goblin Skills

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2015 2:18 pm
by Afroman
Pedda wrote:
Afroman wrote:I've played my fair share of stunty teams and in my opinion, DT is a waste of skill.
Only other stunties struggles with it. All the rest just block the DT-guy away.
That's why you don't base player with you DT, but rather put them in the lanes where your opponent wants to dodge

It's not like I don't understand the theoretical use of DT, but for this skill to be effective you need several DT on the right place(one can be just blitzed off), while a SS can be effective and even serve as a defence since the opp may opt to not hit him.

I've found that with two or even one SS I'm able to disturb the thinking of the opp. When I have DT I always find my self wishing I had another one.

Re: Goblin Skills

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 3:07 pm
by perraks
For me if you have enourgh cash, if you get doubles take block, if not fire the goblin and hire a newbie. A 40k goblin is good, a 60k goblin with side step is expensive, and you need the incentives for bribes or bloodwiser babes...

if not, side step or sure feet is a + - good option

Re: Goblin Skills

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 3:32 pm
by MattDakka
Aliboon wrote: What are people's thoughts on normal gobbo skills?
Simple, they are not worth their TV, so fire any Gobbo who doesn't get a double/stat increase on his second skill roll.
As first skill I like Sure Feet because it's a good skill for a ball carrier/one turner Goblin if he should get +MA/+AG.
Side Step is not bad but doesn't help a lot either, because a blocked Goblin is often removed from the pitch.
My aim is to build a super ball carrier, the rest of the Goblins is just expendable fodder.
I think that, since Goblins can't have rostered bribes and Secret Weapon automatic ejection, a chainsaw is not so good, nor the Pogoer unless he gets +MA/+AG/a double, he's not TV efficient with normal skills only.
The Bombardier is good with Hail Mary, a skill hard to get since it's a double roll and he has not many occasions to earn SPPs.

Re: Goblin Skills

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 2:22 pm
by Aliboon
MattDakka, I don't get a couple of your points - a rostered chainsaw can reroll kickback rolls and is only 40k, so I can't see why you wouldn't want one? A 40k chainsaw (who can reroll kickbacks) is one of the bargains of BB in my opinion! Now, it may not be worth him getting skills for another 20k, but dodge would I think be worth it.

And the pogoer is already in effect a +MA goblin with leap and VLL (but no right stuff) at the same cost of 70k, he doesn't get sent off either as he isn't a secret weapon, so is again a bit of a bargain imo. Again his normal skills may not be worth it and if I have the cash, if he skills twice and doesn't double/+stat, I will fire him.

Re: Goblin Skills

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2015 1:43 am
by SunDevil
Aliboon wrote:MattDakka, I don't get a couple of your points - a rostered chainsaw can reroll kickback rolls and is only 40k, so I can't see why you wouldn't want one? A 40k chainsaw (who can reroll kickbacks) is one of the bargains of BB in my opinion! Now, it may not be worth him getting skills for another 20k, but dodge would I think be worth it.

And the pogoer is already in effect a +MA goblin with leap and VLL (but no right stuff) at the same cost of 70k, he doesn't get sent off either as he isn't a secret weapon, so is again a bit of a bargain imo. Again his normal skills may not be worth it and if I have the cash, if he skills twice and doesn't double/+stat, I will fire him.
You are right on both counts, especially the saw. Super good value for the only rostered chainsaw in the game that costs as much as a normal goblin. The Pogoer is fine, not over or undercosted. He does make the best ballcarrier at the start but I find myself missing the old Secret Weapon/Dirty Player/40k Pogoer. :)

MattDakka is right about the Bomber. Totally and completely useless without doubles for HMP, then he becomes one of the stars of the team. A HMP Bmber is one of the most fun and most fluff-accurate players in all of BB, certainly one of the very best 30k values. It is worth trying to score with him, roll for a skill and then cut/rebuy if he strikes out. And don't fall for +AG on the Bomber, it is fool's gold. Doubles or cut!

Re: Goblin Skills

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 9:21 am
by Aliboon
I am lucky enough to have an HMP bomber too (albeit a niggled one). He just had his quickest game ever though, Blizzard (so no HMP), put him on on my offence in the second half (I had hoped the weather would change some time in the first, but it didn't). Quick pass to the feet of a couple of rats, fumble, KO.

Re: Goblin Skills

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 9:41 am
by sparkydave
I'm not a Gobbo player, but i am a fairly experienced Fling payer, i agree on most points people are saying but would like to add my own point of view.

Sidestep on 1 (insert little chap of choice here) is meh... sidestep on 6 is Fantastic. I say take it at every chance you get and as the quatitiy grows on the pitch the annoyance grows tenfold. Spam it you certainly won regret it. secondly D/T is only useful with a sidestepper, which fits well with my first point. i say never sack these players as they add so much value as it gets spammy if they get a third Meh skill they keep s/s d/t so are worth it anyways.

I like Jump up on the chainsaw, as if he goes down he tends to get left behind (due to the inevitable stun)

I like catch on the bomber as he gets a reroll at the inevitable return throw that always seems to happen (but then i tend not to field the bomber)

last point i'd like to add about inducements, Firstly embrace the skills, and the assiciated TV, it adds flavour to your team and makes it more than just min/max (if you want to play that way take Tier1) and secondly, Puggy is nice... but he's not 5 Flings nice, if i have 150k and really want a star player i take willow for the line, but typically i'd spend that on cards / bribes / other fun stuff.

Re: Goblin Skills

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 10:09 pm
by Vinz D.
I dabbled with Diving Catch on the Bombardier, in case bombs get thrown back at him, or the square right next to him. +1 to catch an accurate pass, or an attempt to catch anything in its tackle zones is an interesting concept... but once it reaches its second normal skill, I struggle to find a choice that would be worthwhile keeping it.

In general, I do think the Bombardier is a fun player, but just doesn't remain a viable choice next to the Looney and Fanatic, which have much more impact on a game.

I have to +1 on sparkydave's comment regarding Side Step spam. The more you have, the more annoying it gets. (same goes for Diving Tackle in that regard). Obviously, it boosts the team value, but it does mean that when your opponent doesn't get your Goblin off, you have a fair choice in determining the path his/ her players have to take. That can be useful, when they're short for turns to score.

With the Looney, Jump Up (especially when they tag a prone one) is the only obvious normal skill after Dodge... There aren't really that many more skill choices (should it ever get to 31 SPPs) that it really needs. Because a discussion like this isn't really what you want for skills, but more or less what makes the player more useful. And with only agility access, there isn't really much choice for most of the Goblins.