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New Skaven conversion help

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2018 9:45 am
by Christy42
So just started to put together the new Skaven team. My main two issues are that each model is repeated twice and there are no spare bits. The models themselves don't really lend themselves to conversions either.

Anyone have any advice for converting them to look a little different? Some head swaps are easy enough and might do for the lineman. An extra arm work well on a thrower since I have a spare thrower but again it seems awkward to stick on. Maybe horns on a gutter, I can steal genestealer claws for that purpose but the models will still be obviously the same.

I may try and use the balls to distract a bit from the similarity of positionals. The balls are bug enough that it might work. Plus a Skaven thrower with one ball in his hand and another in his tail is very blood bowl!

My old bits box is gone so I don't have a massive amount to work with though stuff can be bought.

As an aside how do people usually deal with mutations on skaven/Chaos. Redoing models that are already painted is a bit of a pain but adding them in at the start needs explanation as to who actually has what mutation and then you might change your mind.

Just multiple models? Or only just rely on blood bowl players being sound?

Re: New Skaven conversion help

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2018 8:24 am
by Deathrain
WYSIWYG is not really a thing for mutations in a league. If you have a go to tournament roster model that. Else just model whatever you feel like, just be sure to make which skills your players have very clear with their numbers and maybe some base markers.

Re: New Skaven conversion help

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2018 3:00 pm
by Christy42
Thanks. Might just have some fun with them as it will likely be just for fun with friends.

Not too many tournaments in Ireland from what I have seen.

Might pick up a box of clan rats to make up for the lack of extra bits in the box.

Re: New Skaven conversion help

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2018 5:28 pm
by spubbbba
If you don't have any existing skaven models then it is tricky. The good thing is that GW reused some of the CAD designs from their fantasy range for the skaven team. The linemen and blitzers fit very nicely with the plastic stormvermin whilst the gutters use some bits from the clanrat range.

I already had an entire box of stormvermin and clanrats as well as some of the night runners and a couple of night runners from the warhammer quest boxed set when I did my skaven team. This made it much easier to swap bits over. Though you can swap heads, bodies, tails and limbs round between the players for a little variety too.

Below are some pics of the conversions I did, though these are pre-greenstuff.




Re: New Skaven conversion help

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2018 3:01 am
by Regash
Your conversions are always insane and flawless.

I don't know about now, but when WH was still sold, Clanrats were way to small!
I went with a Storm Vermin box for mine:


Re: New Skaven conversion help

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2018 7:20 am
by Christy42
Regash wrote:Your conversions are always insane and flawless.

I don't know about now, but when WH was still sold, Clanrats were way to small!
I went with a Storm Vermin box for mine:

The size difference was definitely a worry for me alright. I had some old blood bowl dark elves converted from whfb and the Skaven are far bigger than them.

I am loving both sets of conversions by the way! Plenty to think about there.

Re: New Skaven conversion help

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2018 6:21 pm
by spubbbba
With clanrats it’s not so much the scale that is an issue but the poses. I was able to use a clanrat head and arm for the middle gutter with no issue but that was about all the useful bits available as the models are all hunched over with one arm close to the body.

The Stormvermin are perfect matches for the linemen and blitzers, aside from their tails being much shorter and them lacking BB shoulder pads. In fact my lineman on the right uses the legs from a stormvermin (hence the smaller tail) and the centre left lineman has the body of a stormvermin. As this was the 7th lineman and I just had the single kit his shoulder pads were cast from greenstuff.

Another option is to buy the Forgeworld upgrade kit. That will give you 2 new gutters and a variant of the thrower and blitzer. You could always use your leftover duplicate thrower and blitzer to add variety to the duplicate linemen.

For mutations a common fix is magnets, that way you can have the option of adding these as needed. The models have good areas to put magnets for both the mutated heads and arms if you wish. If you use plastics then they’ll be a lot more robust and less likely to have the paint chip off.

Re: New Skaven conversion help

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 10:00 am
by Christy42
Currently held together with way too much blue tac here is what I have. I really enjoyed mixing the thrower and runner parts even if it took a lot of cutting. I just love the idea of him reaching out to catch it with his tail.

Magnets are a good idea. Should order some (I need to order green stuff anyway). Still 4 rats left to muck about with. Will probably use stormvermin parts for them but it seemed unlikely they would have helped with the runner.

Re: New Skaven conversion help

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 10:21 am
by Christy42
Ok for whatever reason I am having issues adding multiple images to a post so here is the converted runner.