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Re: Stompie's various blood bowl teams

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 6:58 pm
by Stompie
And a rear view. And the new Ramos Frankie just cos he's on the workbench. Will probably end up painting him next year some time, the usual wait for shiny new stuff.

Re: Stompie's various blood bowl teams

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 7:01 pm
by Stompie
Ad a close up of nosepikka the goblin.

Re: Stompie's various blood bowl teams

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2013 5:01 pm
by Stompie
I recently painted Zara the slayer and two black orcs from necrom miniatures. I found Zara very fiddly and do not miss the small 30mm games workshop style. I know people complain about the scale creep with all the Spanish sculptors but frankly I find them much easier and more fun to paint. I also will post match report between Heff and I where my Norse used Zara. As you'll see, it didn't really help me.

Re: Stompie's various blood bowl teams

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2013 5:02 pm
by Stompie
Match: the Scions of Cimmeria 0—2 Whats wrong with being sexy? (Norse v Greebo Welves)

The Scions entered the pitch overly cocky. Glass cannons, true, but what fear should they have of AV 7 wood pansies, even with their bevy of blodge and AG5...and a wardancer with Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, Strip Ball, Mighty Blow, +1 Ag?

The Scions received, picked up the ball and caged up just like their coach had always told them to. The wardancer leapt into the cage, strip balled the ball carrier, the ball fell outside the cage, another elf swooped in and carried the ball over the line for a two turn touch the Scion's receiving half!

The Scions had a think...and after not much thinking realised there was only one thing for this to prevent an 8-0 style result...wild violence, this time actually breaking WE armour. The induced Zara the slayer and the block frenzy Scions started breaking lots of wooden pansy armour and knocked out around 5 of the tinkerbell tarts (yes, Heff was using the ever so slightly inappropriate Greebo WEs). But these resulted only in KOs. Violence went to their heads and the Scions went berserk in the name of.:.Loki, and started just fouling anyone they could. Again, just more stuns and KOs and, eventually, the ref thought he should do something about this and sent off one of the Scion linemen rookies, who had thought his way into Valhalla was to kick woodland sprites when they were down. Heff, the sprites' "protector", we know what that means on the WE casting couch, squealed wildly at such unsportsmanlike behaviour, though to be fair quickly conceded this had been learned from his dirty playing and sneaky ways over the years.

But with so many pansies down, the WEs could barely resist the ongoing Scion advance until the Scions realised that with only two turns left to go, they should get on with it. A Scion catcher with +1 M took the ball and ran down the pitch putting clear blue water between the teams, thinking that with 2:1 man-sprite advantage, and with all the sprites bar one down and marked, there was nought to fear. But those blooming elves can always make any dodges and GFIs necessary to get two sprites on an opponent anywhere, and so they did, and in a space of two turns, the WEs, though heavily outnumbered sacced the ball carrier and broke the armour of 4 Scions, it happens, and MNGed all of them! (Which doesn't generally happen ). 1-0 at the end of the second half.

Most of the KOd wood elves came back for the second half. The 2:1 advantage was now in the other foot. The KOd psycho wardancer was back on the pitch; KOd Zara, who had done that deed, was not. It was a bleeding miracle, gift of Thor or plain fear on the part of the pansies that Zara would come back and stab the wardancer that Heff settled for just scoring the once in the second half, avoiding humiliating the Scions such that their places in Valhalla would be taken forever by some more suitable a team of two legged, malco-ordinated gerbils.

Not a good game for the Scions though winnings means their very own yhetee. The pansies suffered no consequences and one AG5 pansy is now AG6. See how long she lasts...

Heffs View
Do I sense some bitterness? I think I do. To be honest with a TV advantage of 290k This was mine to lose. That and I did rather un-sportingly stall out to avoid Zara maiming my girls.

Re: Stompie's various blood bowl teams

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 7:35 pm
by Stompie
I just ordered the new troll from Black Scorpion, which is superb. Have added some plastic claw from the fallen sprue from GW as this will be both my chaos troll for pact and warp stone troll for underworld. The troll has some real facial animation best noticeable from the side. Here's hoping for a double roll for claw. Also the latest on my orc team from Necrom (with some GW head swaps).

Re: Stompie's various blood bowl teams

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 7:39 pm
by Stompie
Now I just need to get round to painting it.

Re: Stompie's various blood bowl teams

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 3:26 pm
by Stompie
I painted that most controversial of pieces, the slann blitzer. Saw pic of a tomato frog in one of my daughter's picture books and thought that's the guy! Some pics also of the new Black Scorpion elves.

Re: Stompie's various blood bowl teams

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 3:28 pm
by Stompie
And the back.

He didn't perform badly in my game against Heff's skaven (draw 2-2). More of an annoyance piece than a conventional blitzer.

Re: Stompie's various blood bowl teams

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 6:32 pm
by Stompie
Converted heresy mini for my str4 marauder in my chaos pact team, which sucked last season, part from this dude. Also some converted forsaken for nurgle warriors.

Re: Stompie's various blood bowl teams

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 6:22 pm
by Stompie
I managed to paint just 6 minis over the holiday season. Joys of family and friends kept me otherwise busy. I am sure there is more shading and highlighting to these minis than the pics show. Maybe will take some more in daylight or even do a vid. Will probably take ages to base them, so thought I'd get up some pics now. Heff's advised me not to bother with Underworld, "just another crap team", but I thought I couldn't have those cute little critters stare at me for another five years unpainted and I already have a painted troll and gobbos to go with them until I get round to painting the mutant ones pictured.

Re: Stompie's various blood bowl teams

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 6:24 pm
by Stompie
The other 3 gerbils.

Re: Stompie's various blood bowl teams

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 8:12 pm
by Heff
Meanwhile I do not have the energy to paint anything.

Re: Stompie's various blood bowl teams

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 7:33 am
by Stompie
Heff wrote:Meanwhile I do not have the energy to paint anything.
Then let us assemble a couple of the very many kickstarter teams we have purchased like mid life crisis lead/resin junkies and just play a game of those unpainted?

Re: Stompie's various blood bowl teams

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 5:40 pm
by Lychanthrope
+1 :)

Re: Stompie's various blood bowl teams

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 10:27 am
by Stompie
Recently rebased some old dwarfs, which I painted when I returned to the hobby around five years ago. You can see I the skin was too pinky, and I never used washes. Basing does wonderful things. I rebased them cos Heff wanted to play with a 1450 Orc team with loads of guard and I thought of all starter teams, dwarfs would be forgiving and tough, particularly if they induced Morg. Heff won 2-0 and injured 2 dwarfs, both deaths. He was not gracious about it in his write up, which I will reproduce below. This might be because in frustration Morg carried out what is described in our league as "a needless turn 16 foul", usually in a faux Scandinavian accent due to the nationality of the prime proponent of the move, on a skilled black Orc, though to no avail but, come on, the orcs were a wall of pain and two innocent positionals died.

Anyway, an amazing Minotaur on the work bench, just in from RNestudio. Great material. Very precise. Will paint him white like some Ancient Greek/Cretan/temple Judaic heffer. I like the slightly different take, a more bull-like than manlike Minotaur.