unpainted mini poll...

A forum for football mini's talk.......painting, converting etc. etc. or showing off great accessories that make playing the game easier, cooler or more fun.

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the reason i play with unpainted miniatures is...

i'm too lazy to paint them
i just use the plastic humans all the time, why bother?
No votes
i'm embarassed by my lack of talent
other people make fun of my lack of talent
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i only play online, why buy miniatures?
No votes
no time
what are you talking about? i always paint my miniatures...
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Post by martynq »

I too always paint my figures, but I'm also very slow. I've got a dark elf thrower that has never quite been finished, but since the thrower is always the last player I buy for a dark elf team it's not mattered too much. (He's got plenty of paint on him, just the highlighting/varnishing isn't quite done.)

Oh yeah, and other friends who are much better painters than me point out where I've not done a good job. Usually the observation that the varnish I've used is still shiny and I've not flocked the bases, etc., etc.


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Post by monkee »

I'm just too lazy to get round to painting them. When I do I spend hours per mini but never seem to get any of them finished.

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Post by Redfang »

I wish I could say I always played with painted minis, but I didn't start painting them until a year ago, and I've got a lot of catching up to do.

Will start on Chaos Dwarves soon!


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Post by Mocaiv »

I spend more time converting and painting than I do playing any games. It is just as big a part of the hobby if you ask me.

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Post by SBG »

I always paint my minis, but it takes me a lot of time. I never wrote it down, but I would say that between 5 and 8 hours per mini is a good estimation. So it's a long process : you work, girlfriend requires attention, you do some sports and go to the gym (so that you got a girlfriend who requires some attention !), girlfriend requires more attention, you sleep, girlfriend requires... You see what I'm talking about !


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Post by Evil Git »

I try to get the mini's painted up before i play with them.

Problem is though, that i'm not all that good and the time issue. The way i see it is that i need to have them painted so that i know which ones are which sometimes.

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Post by Ancalagon »

I voted on laziness, but the real reason is... I must be inspired to paint a mini and then I spend lots of time just to paint that mini. When I end I'm bored of painting so I must "relax" a week or so. I have not painted since luthor.

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Post by Longshot »

well, i am not a pro.
And i always see what is wrong in my minis, so i take about 1 month for a team, if i have some free time, so imagine if i havent...And most of time, my calendar is full.
I ve started my HE team just before T5....(undercoat and basic colors), and my team was near finished for spyke....But a lot of things are bad on them (IMFO cos i want better...). So what can i do? Still trying but not enough time. I am sometime fed up with painting because i now the time i take so i stop painting for long time....
Thx again LF my my coach!!! :lol:

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Post by Munkey »

I voted 'No Time' but really it is because I paint really slow :zzz:, eventually I will have my team painted however.

I think I may use that to decide when to start a new team, once I finish painting this one I can move on to the next one - I'm always more inspired to paint a team i'm playing with.

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[size=75]The short answer is "no", but it is a qualified "no" because there are odd ways of interpreting the question which could justify the answer "yes".[/size]
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Post by Oxinotl »

Im with the ones who spend more time converting the minis. Im not only talking bout BB here since i just started collecting my first team. I take about 8-10 hrs each normally i think.
I get frustrated quite often of having to play with some unpainted ones so i get into a frenzy and speedpaint all the not-so-important ones.

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Post by franck_le_grand »

I think it's way too boring to paint the mini's and I prefer to play BB instead. Lot more fun.

But I must admit that it is more fun to play with the real painted mini's, and I only have an orc team fully painted.
I'm looking for a fully painted WE team to drop by me, but it never happens.

I voted too lazy...

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Post by Thadrin »

Yeah, me too. Its not so much no time as it just takes so damn long.
I'm intensely lazy. I have about six or seven teams in various degrees of paintedness and about 2000 points of Space Marines to paint. That's my next project....the first 600 points or so anyway.

I HATE using minis that aren't painted though, so apart from my "base coats only" orcs I only play with my dwarfs at the moment. My skaven are VERY nearly done. The basic team anyway - the Rat Ogre, Coach, Tentacle mutant linerat and my 1st Ed. Skaven (Spikes?) - all await the dubious pleasure of my limited painting talents.

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Mixed Results

Post by Awesomizer »

A problem I can see with this poll is the audience. Most of yall that come here are not your casual player, thus you put a little more into the game (such as paint your minis)

In my league there are several coaches who havn't painted their teams. They enjoy playing the game, but they're not into it enough to go online and gab it up with a bunch of fanatics. 8)

So, why havn't they painted their teams? Many would answer that they're not good at it, but the truth is they're either too lazy or they just don't want to take the time to do it (would rather do something else).

We're thinking about trying to come up with a way to reward those that paint their teams. Something that doesn't give a team too big of an advantage, but gives insentive for folks to paint their teams.

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Post by Grumbledook »

If thats you in your avatar pic, I would be so scared of you if you told me to paint my team, i would :p

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Post by Awesomizer »

Laf! Naw, that's Raymond Watts from Pig on the cover of his album Sinsation.

hmmm. That is a good idea. Maybe I should put a spooky green light on me and frighten my fellow coaches into painting their teams.

Booga booga! Paint, damn you! Paint!

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