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Nuln Black Powder Week Tourney Idea, 6th Nov

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2021 9:11 pm
by 50 Shades O’Nuln
Evening folks,

Hope all are well!

I'm considering creating a tourney, possibly a one day or even couple days long 'online' tournament to celebrate Nuln's Black Powder Week at the start of November (there's not really a set date in lore blah, so decided 1st week of November :D ).

Would anyone be up for it? Looking at either Fumbbl or BB2 (Maybe BB3 if it's out in time). 6th of November, or 6th and 7th dependant on numbers etc.

Future plan would be to make it a yearly thing, and maybe even a live 'human encounter' in 2023, when we open back up after Coroney V :roll: Also to get NAF sanctioned, but that might be a way off, until I understand the tourney ways.

Would love to hear some ideas or nah can't be bothereds ;)
