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Any kit lore for the Shiretown Stuffers Halfling team

Posted: Sat May 09, 2020 1:38 pm
by Skitters
hi all, I've kit bashed a model for Neddley Veruca and am at the point of painting....but I like to try to paint my star players in their originating team colours.

....but struggling to find anything for the Shiretown Shufflers, and wondering if anyone can advise? Apparently Shiretown did once make the BB final (but were eaten by the Chaos All Stars). Looks like they have been in the lore since second edition....but kit colours are coming up a blank.

Also working on Rumbelow who plays for Titheborn Toffee Apples (first mention Halfling Spike). No colours for them, but I'm visualizing them as a red-brown with white/pale green piping.

though if there is something official for Titheborn would like see it.

Other kitbashes are Asperon Thorne (going with the red-green), Jeremiah Kool and Puggy who all play for more fleshed out teams.

Re: Any kit lore for the Shiretown Stuffers Halfling team

Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 10:06 am
by Skitters
So, still unable to find images or kit background fluff, I decided to see if I could find anything for Shiretown in the wider warhammer universe but drew a blank.

Having worked for a newspaper in the past, to me, a "Stuffer" is someone who inserts the leaflets and magazines into a paper....but didn't think this translates to Blood Bowl very well

So....looking at the term "stuffer" (and ignoring the urban dictionary result...) I found a reference to stuffing animals and quickly imagined there would be Halfings wanting to keep their favourite Ferrets on the mantelpiece looked for the Guild of taxidermy to be a little surprised it is an actual thing. Sadly no heraldic device (founded in 1976 apparently), but they do use "Taxis Sepia" as a motto

On that basis I've come to the conclusion that Sepia needs to be the main colour for the Shiretown Stuffers...though would be inclined to err on the darker brown aspect rather the yellow-er wash

...that does sound a little close to what I originally had planned for the Titheborn Toffee Apples, so will probably push them more towards red and will definitely have pale green as a second colour.

Re: Any kit lore for the Shiretown Stuffers Halfling team

Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 2:17 pm
by Brage97
I like your approach to research and am sure they will come out great.

But my guess is stuffers comes from the boys stuffing themselves with food; eating a lot 8)

Re: Any kit lore for the Shiretown Stuffers Halfling team

Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 2:42 pm
by JT-Y
Yeah it's literally a team from Shiretown named for their habit of stuffing food in their faces. There's no colours for either team I'm afraid.

Re: Any kit lore for the Shiretown Stuffers Halfling team

Posted: Thu May 14, 2020 6:42 am
by Skitters
Brage97 wrote:I like your approach to research and am sure they will come out great.

But my guess is stuffers comes from the boys stuffing themselves with food; eating a lot 8)
Facepalm! Hah...yes..that seems pretty obvious now! Oh set me off on a path and I quite like the outcome which is a rich brown-red that I probably wouldn't have thought to go with otherwise. I'm going to delude myself and say that it has an autumnal harvest colour feeling!

Re: Any kit lore for the Shiretown Stuffers Halfling team

Posted: Thu May 14, 2020 7:02 am
by Saebelsultan
Looking good!