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What is the "best" form of Bloodbowl.

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2019 11:56 am
by Mystic Force
So as you can see things have been quiet while we wait for Lizards to drop. So I thought it was time to contribute.

So what does best mean anyway? I do not know, that is for each to decide themselves and debate. Is it the most competitive, the most fun, what you mainly do, the one where you stomp all over others and grind them to dust? I am not going to say right here. What is Interesting with Bloodbowl is that the game it most resembles to me is cricket, yes cricket. In that the same basic rules can be adapted to be played in different formats each having their own unique flavor and favoring slightly different skills. From quick evening Twenty20, to one day limited over and 5 day test each having their aficionado.

Anyway over to you, and if you do not like the options, want to qualify an answer or debate whether I am insane add a comment below.


Re: What is the "best" form of Bloodbowl.

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2019 2:27 pm
by Darkson
None of the above!

My answer would be "I prefer different things at different times".
Sometimes I've prefered league play over anything else, sometimes "regular" BB tournaments, sometimes it's been variants (7s, our own house-brewed leagues [Chaos, pub]). In the distant past it was PBeM (play-by-email) BB, because it was the only form of BB I could play regularly!

Re: What is the "best" form of Bloodbowl.

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2019 9:52 pm
by Khail
League play is what gets my blood pumping for Blood Bowl, and what brings me back to it time after time.

Re: What is the "best" form of Bloodbowl.

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2019 9:01 am
by harvestmouse
League play, as it's the form least affected by TV match making and more on team form (particularly if the league is big enough for promotions/demotions). The downside of league is the dedication needed to complete seasons; particularly if it's not going well.

Re: What is the "best" form of Bloodbowl.

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2019 3:26 pm
by Wyzard
Why choose? They are all best in different ways.

Season - grind it out and watch your team grown and conquer - or die trying in a heap of failed GFIs and armour breaks.
Variants - try something wild. 7s is fun way to play. What do you mean I don't have a RR??
Tourney - try a new team. Meet with friends and maybe have a beer or '2'. Break out the 'flings.

Re: What is the "best" form of Bloodbowl.

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2019 5:41 pm
by lunchmoney
I chose the form where I get to sit across the table (inc digital table) from a friend (even a friend I've never met before) and enjoy a couple of hours with them.

Re: What is the "best" form of Bloodbowl.

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2019 4:31 pm
by sann0638
lunchmoney wrote:I chose the form where I get to sit across the table (inc digital table) from a friend (even a friend I've never met before) and enjoy a couple of hours with them.
Or 45 minutes, at least.