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Online Blood Bowl game - Coaches wanted

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2019 4:36 pm
by tb846
Hi all,

I've been building a browser based version of Blood Bowl for a University project and was wondering if anyone would be able to help test/ try it out? Would be great to get some general feedback and thoughts on what you like and what could do with improvement. It's a simple version of a one off Orcs vs Humans game and isn't a finished product, so might break!

You can play it on a desktop/ laptop in a browser like Chrome or Firefox on the website There is then a short, anonymous survey on what you think here: and I'll be using the results for my final project report.

You can join a game and wait for someone else to join (which could be a while), or you can invite someone to a game, with the system giving you a link to send them (which will expire after 10 hours). Afraid I can't be your opponent as this would make the experience less impartial and reduce the validity of the feedback. You could play against yourself, but if on one device you will need to have two windows open and this will slow down animations.

Any input would really be appreciated. And no need to play a full game, even a few turns would be really valuable.

Many thanks and may Nuffle bless you,


Re: Online Blood Bowl game - Coaches wanted

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 3:56 pm
by Regash
Just a small hint:
You should cut short on all those copyright materials you're using.
Could go down bad with some people...