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Next team?

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2018 10:16 pm
by Christy42
So what do people think the next team to be announced will be?

Looking at what we have we have a fairly even mix of bashy and fast so I reckon a hybrid team like Lizardmen or Necromatic.

Necro would make a start on undead models. I think undead won't be for a while, partially as the double lineman style will be annoying to make boxes for and I am not sure what side of the get rid of undead thing gw were on (I am actually curious who else Galak wanted rid of aside from them and high elves - just curious where the game could have gone).

I reckon an outside chance of Amazon's. It would give them a big chance to update their fluff which I feel is lacking in comparison to the main teams and they might want to get changes in early (I see them as a prime candidate for changes similar to Norse).

I think a fair few other teams nearly have players within small conversion range of the current model range. Dwarves and Goblins gives most of the Chaos Dwarf team, Humans for thralls etc. I mean I am sure proper models for them are coming but I suspect they want a wide range of models out early which Necro would help give them.

No poll as I want discussion as opposed to a real answer (as I would not get it till the announcement anyway).

Re: Next team?

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2018 3:18 pm
by Mystic Force
I would like to play!

My track record of guessing "what comes next" has been pretty appalling as can be seen from a couple other threads, but it is always fun to play.

The evidence well we got DZ1 with Skaven (released) Dwarfs (Released), Elf Union (released) Dark Elf (releasd later see below) High Elf (not released), Wood Elf (not released) and Nurgle (not released). Following on with DZ2 we got goblins (Released), Underworld, (By combining SK and Goblins) and Chaos Renegades (just about, DE completes line up), now I definitely didn't guess the teams from DZ2 but I don't think may did. It had quite a bit of logic to it one team box begot goblins, and underworld and finished out the orcs. Chaos renegades lets you use up those extra human linemen you got when you need those 2 extra blitzers, you can put a spare orc over their etc, but you were missing the dark Elf to finish it out and we just got that. So 3 teams playable in a supplement with one boxed release and existing.

So then I miss guessed on DZ3 because they changed format. Into the Spike! era So Chaos not a bad addition, one dimensional but distinctive. For some reason I have never really understood power gamming teenagers have always been seduced by the corrupting power of Chaos across GW various game systems, so a sop to getting some new blood in?

Ok all good what next? well they pull the rabbit out of the hat and go back to DZ1! New team not unexpected but accompanying support book did surprise me, and a good one to I think. So it means possibility of going back to the formally rostered teams of the current release, but I think it will be an unreleased roster next, before returning to those others. Especially due to the similarity of the last two releases, Nurgle being specialized chaos and two more Elf teams.

So new ground to be broken. One of the considerations is that we heard that the popularity of the rerelease meant they changed their plans from resin to plastic for subsequent releases thereby delaying their appearance. The lower costs of plastics means I am getting every team released, rather than being selective. The point of this to me suggest that the sculpting pace would have mismatched the release schedule due to change of plans and the longer lead time of plastics. So it might be they have a reserve of models waiting to be subjected to the tooling requirement of the medium, that would then hark back to those other lists....

But I am going to commit to another option, I am going new and different. I think it will be.....


That's right I think some more human will be put out, I could have gone Norse. But Av 7 with base skill teams are a different beast to what we currently have. Lizards are my next most likely followed by something undead.

Side Note:

I remembered when they were going to get rid of the HE and Undead and glad they didn't as these were the two teams I played back in the day and the two I still have the most experience with. I think they are distinct and different enough to be fun to play. I am curious what the reason for their suggested demise as I missed the reasoning even though I was aware of the process. I am guessing it was a GW thing for the undead because of the way undead they had decided to split the undead in WFB, but instead we got 2 additional teams. But the HE must have been for a different reason.

Re: Next team?

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2018 3:55 pm
by faust_33
Whew, had to dig back through the threads a ways for my last prediction ( ... 20&t=44623)

I predicted in 2018, we will see:
Chaos Chosen (ding! ding! ding!)
Wood Elves

Well, we got Dark Elves. So one of my predictions is wrong.

Do I stand by my previous choices?! Ehhhh..... I thought Halflings and Wood Elves would be a good pairing, because of the Trees. I could still see one of those coming out, but probably not both. I'd still say Nurgle should be somewhere in the works, with a new Star Player and whatnot. That would leave one more team....that's a really tough call, as I don't feel like the Undead will be soon. Maybe Halflings, followed by Wood Elves in 2019. So hard to say.

Re: Next team?

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2018 4:56 pm
by JT-Y
Just to clarify something. The sculpting pace with plastics is also dramatically reduced. The sculptors themselves are the ones who do all the drafting to turn their sculpts into a plastic kit. It's a process that normally takes longer than the actual sculpting.

Re: Next team?

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2018 12:49 am
by Sabotage!
Well, if the Specialist team does put out the said four teams this year, my guess would be Necromantic and Lizardmen or Halflings. Though I've heard that those working on the resin sculpts are sculpting per sculptor interest, if the plastic teams are the same we could get anything.

Why Necromantic next?

Well, most races have some representation in the game (Human (on two teams), Skaven (again on two), Two different Elf Teams, Dwarves, Orcs, Goblins, Chaos), and Undead has none. Going by a quarterly release schedule our next team would be coming out in October, and Necromantic would be a very fitting team to put out around Halloween. Plus they would be easier to put out in a box than Undead with their two linemen types. Six zombies, two wights, two ghouls, and two werewolves. Do two resin flesh golems, like the Dark Elf Assassins.

I don't see us getting anymore Elves this year (two of the last three teams were Elves), Amazon, Norse, and Vampires I don't think will be touched until all the more iconic teams are finished, Chaos has two team options, Dwarves are out, etc. As such I suspect the next few teams to be those that are from an unrepresented group (Undead), or are a unique group (Lizardmen or Halflings).

I at least would be really excited to see some sort of Undead. I wouldn't complain about Lizards either.

Re: Next team?

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2018 6:33 am
by JT-Y
Though I've heard that those working on the resin sculpts are sculpting per sculptor interest, if the plastic teams are the same we could get anything.
It's a bit more structured than that. Our release schedule is set years in advance to plan tooling, manufacture and all the other logistical aspects, and jobs are allocated to sculptors, though having an interest in a project does have some influence over who gets that project. Some resin jobs are freelance/overtime, so they tend to go to whoever is most interested in that project.

Re: Next team?

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2018 6:58 am
by Christy42
JT-Y wrote:
Though I've heard that those working on the resin sculpts are sculpting per sculptor interest, if the plastic teams are the same we could get anything.
It's a bit more structured than that. Our release schedule is set years in advance to plan tooling, manufacture and all the other logistical aspects, and jobs are allocated to sculptors, though having an interest in a project does have some influence over who gets that project. Some resin jobs are freelance/overtime, so they tend to go to whoever is most interested in that project.

How amusing are these threads for you? I can imagine taking a break from finishing off the Chaos Dwarf Spike to chuckle at how wrong all of us saying Necro and Lizzie's are!

As for the high elves. I think it was because some felt we had enough elves and the pro elves were more interesting/close to them in background. Don't think the undead thing was gw but I could be wrong.

Re: Next team?

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2018 12:25 pm
by JT-Y
Both amusing and horrifying in equal measure. This thing about deleting teams is a good example. I think it's worth pointing out that neither Undead nor High Elves have been removed.

Re: Next team?

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2018 12:33 pm
by Skitters
I'd agree that an undead team next would have a lot going for it;
* with no current models but three undead teams - feels like the biggest theme gap
* would assume will hit the shelves around halloween
* on the back of new undead model experience from AOS releases
* + the new paints on that basis I'm going to guess Halfling :)

I do wonder if there would be temptation to intoduce the first of the Unread teams as part of an expansion rather than a Spike given there would be a few more specialist rules to include than the format of the Spike' s have taken so far?

Re: Next team?

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2018 1:57 pm
by Mystic Force
I will clarify I think I was unclear in what I wrote earlier, although I said that these two particular teams would be removed it was more that they were to be morphed, but in the end their new iteration became new teams rather than their replacements. I was not trying to suggest they were not going to be around in the future, but was about the historic context. After all in this same time period DE went from a evil version of throwing HE with a specialized blitzer type (Witch Elves) instead of dedicated catchers, to having runners and a different focus, and the various refinements of the Norse and vampires. So it did look at one point that those teams would undergo that same process to be transitioned, but I am glad it did not stick.

When I first saw JT-Y appear in this thread my thought was that is not fair you cant play. But I am appreciative of the insight to the process. Working in the chemical manufacturing area I know all about the intricacies of what to the outside might look straight forward. After all what we want is more Blood bowl stuff to play with, not a consideration of the multiple moving part and competing demands that go on behind the scenes.

Some form of undead seems obvious to me to, but that's why I don't think they will do it!

Laugh away at our uniformed guesses JT-Y.

Re: Next team?

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2018 3:11 pm
by faust_33
@ Mystic Force: My "uniformed" guesses are quite uninformed! ;)

@JT-Y: I'm not sure what "This thing about deleting teams is a good example." means exactly. I know you've said we won't be getting Slann. Sure hope there aren't more on the chopping block. I would expect some changes to likely happen, but total deletion of teams would be a bad thing.

When do we think we'll hear the next bit of news? I don't know the Warhammer events schedule, and it seems that is usually when these announcements are made.

On the Undead...what if they released the Necromunda team with all Zombie linemen, but released the Undead (Shambling) with all Skeleton linemen? I would be okay with that, as it gives you options to mix/match if you get both teams. Not sure what others would think though.

Re: Next team?

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2018 4:05 pm
by Christy42
I think skellies in one box and zombies in another would work well.

I am guessing JT-Y means either some teams are slated for larger overhauls than we have seen so far (similar to what high elves were meant to go through) or that teams not considered needed by GW are not planned for a long time (as JT-Y says neither Undeqd or Helfs have been removed but many teams have to be made and someone has to be last).

Re: Next team?

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2018 4:25 pm
by JT-Y
What I mean is that the two teams mentioned as possibly being deleted a few years ago were not and haven't been since. All the (official, canon) rosters are available in books, including the Teams Of Legend which we haven't gotten around to yet.

As always, no news about what's next though I'm sure there will be something soon. Via the Community team as always.

Re: Next team?

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2018 6:42 pm
by Sabotage!
JT-Y wrote:
Though I've heard that those working on the resin sculpts are sculpting per sculptor interest, if the plastic teams are the same we could get anything.
It's a bit more structured than that. Our release schedule is set years in advance to plan tooling, manufacture and all the other logistical aspects, and jobs are allocated to sculptors, though having an interest in a project does have some influence over who gets that project. Some resin jobs are freelance/overtime, so they tend to go to whoever is most interested in that project.
That's very interesting to know, thanks for your insight into the process JT-Y!

Re: Next team?

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2018 1:42 pm
by Mystic Force
Not next time but i Sea Elves in the future