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Re: Underworld change?

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2020 8:01 am
by viyullas
BillyDee wrote:
AllyRdr wrote:Everything about this has just reinforced my previous belief that GW are a miniatures company who sell games for the figures, not a games company who sell miniatures for their games.
The underworld change and the new alliance roster both feel like they're about capitalising on stuff they had lying around way more than any thought about actual play.
That is literally their business plan:

Then it would be great if they keep selling miniatures and stop Farming with the rules.

Re: Underworld change?

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2020 1:29 am
by TopsyKretts
It obviously seems like the sales department got the final saying on the rules here, having an easy way to repackage existing sprues, hopefully making more sales (same shit different wrapping?).

Another change is they can take Hakflem Skuttlespike. He was limited to Skaven only before?

I don't understand the reasoning in Spike Magazine to make a 2nd Hall of Fame team for Chaos Pact/Renegade (Mongrel Horde never published in BB2016 before?), but re-printed Underworld Creepers. So far, Chaos Pact is the only team that got 2 Hall of Fame teams!

Underworld Creepers has also changed quite a bit since 2017, mostly to comply with the 2020 version. Not sure why they changed FF, Cheerleaders and Assistant coaches though!?!

+2 Fan Factor
+1 Cheerleader
+1 Assistant Coach

'Fast Draw' O'Gore
+ Gutter Runner (Block, Side Step, Two Heads)
- Blitzer (Guard, Side Step)

Firesplitter Cleave
+Skaven Line (Big Hand, Dodge, Sure Hands)
-Skaven Thrower (Big Hand, Dodge)

'Race' O'Bunyon (Line)
-1 MA (goes from 9 to 8)

Wildman Teethgarland (Goblin)
+Two Heads

Piles Openwound (Goblin)
+Dirty Player

The team is stated to have a value of 2000k. The actual value has now changed from 2040 to 2060.

All these changes smells weird to me. Some of them are obvious because how the roster is changed. The others seems completely arbitrary.

Re: Underworld change?

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 6:48 pm
by DinoTitanedition
Anyway, I think that's a different topic. To the roster change isn't a big deal. Yeah, I've spent some time converting and painting up a nice Underworld team, but in the end it's just two minis I have to add - a gutter runner and a linerat. Even for a slow player like me that's done quickly. And I could simply go on playing the former roster too. At least I've never met a player in person who I could not talk with and figure out how we like to play the game best - after all, the face to face matches beat any digital experience at any time regarding this game, as I believe the personal interaction adds a lot to BB.