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Dungeonbowl Match Report :)

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 5:41 am
by anc001
I lured Jimm over for a playtest of the new dungeonbowl mat (see thread here),


here's the match report:

Jimm used darkelves, a 7 man team with 3 blitzers and 4 linemen, the extra 20k under the 600k cap bought him 2 DUngeonbowl special play cards.

I used proelves, 2 blitzers and 6 linemen, and again 2 special play cards.

We rolled up dungeon layout #5,
after winning the toss I chose to setup first and get the first turn.

Here is the layout at the opening whistle:

The first 2 turns were occupied by closing the distance and jockying for position, we both kept players back to defend the narrow hallways on the left side.
One of Jimm's players checked chest #6 only to be knocked out by the explosion.
Both teams commited several players to the centre of the dungeon to try to control that important area.


Over the next couple of turns both teams exchanged blocks and tried to get an advantage, the darkelves blocked the proelves into the walls several times.
In return darkelves #2 and #13 were pushed into chests, triggering explosions. Meanwhile on the far right flank a darkelf was pushed into the purple teleporter, re-emerging in the yellow one, giving the proelves a bit of room to manouver on that flank.


The darkelves followed this plan too, knocking a proelf lineman into another chest, and opening the 2nd last chest on their right flank too. Neither of these chests held the ball, and so the remaining chest must contain the ball! Along the way a proelf is KOed.


and then the alarm sounds for the 30 minute mark.


We both roll for KOs and move players into our reserves. They can come back on at the start of future turns.

The next couple of turns consist of players rushing to the chest that contains the ball!


The proelves get to the chest first, but DE Blitzer #2 blocks one of them into the chest and it bounces off the wall into the waiting hands of DE lineman #10.


Capitalising on some good blocks on the proelves, the darkies all race off and cage around the ball.


The proelves desperately rush to either stop them, or make them not stall for too long.


A last minute blitz into the cage fails just as the 40 minute alarm sounds, and the darkelves run it in for the game winning score.


The game took about 42 minutes and about 14 turns each.

Hope you enjoyed the report!

Re: Dungeonbowl Match Report :)

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 9:06 pm
by Saebelsultan
Superb coverage. Makes me want to read more!
Love it and I should definitely read your DB rules. Some blokes over here in Germany try to set up a tourney with those rules. Looks promising.

Re: Dungeonbowl Match Report :)

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2015 1:29 pm
by Axtklinge
Great report!
Thank you for sharing!

Re: Dungeonbowl Match Report :)

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 9:22 pm
by Glorian Underhill
Nice report.
And by the way we are the ones who want to set up a dungeon bowl tournament in germany.
But as most of us are fresh in the rules we are planing to get back to a turn count as the 30 minute and 40 minute rules can get a little speedy for newcomers. ;)