Page 1 of 1 is 1 year old today.

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2002 8:25 pm
by JenniRP70
Embarassingly, I had to be reminded by one of TalkBloodBowl's top and loyal members. Thankyou GalakStarscraper.

It was this day 365 days ago that I finally managed to get TalkBloodBowl started having had the domain registered for over six months. Despite a slow start, I am very pleased with its progression since then, and we now have over 300 members, almost one for each day. The website stats for the site are excellent (although the guys I share the server with don't totally agree with that, since I'm eating up a vast majority of our bandwidth :D ), with approx. 310 hits per day. This daily average has increasded from 110 per day only 4 months ago.

The people who make this site work are you guys, and I am very grateful to you all for making it such a success.........I'm filling up here :cry: :cry: :cry: ......... :D I hope you all continue to visit regularly and enjoy your time spent here.