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Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 6:03 pm
by garion
I have never liked that Star Players can be taken as inducements in CRP (think it makes them far too common) nor do I like the fluff behind inducements. I am most probably alone in this but thats okay :)

Anyway. I have come up with an alternate. Which is sort of a halfway house between lrb4 hanidcaps (in terms of the fluff) and CRP (in the way that they are implemented)

I'm not sure what to do with these races as i have handicaps for all races and race specific ones - Wood Elf, Elf, Amazons, Human. So any suggestions are more than welcome.

I haven't created anything of my own here, this is all from the fluff, previous editions of the rules and from the magazines, so thanks to you guys :)

I would also like more for the Undead races (Undead, Necro, Khemri, so again suggestions would be great)

anyway, thats enough babble, here they are-


When a team is a considered an underdog it is not uncommon to hear rummours of players or even team coaches taking matters in to their own hands to try and even the game up in anyway possible through any number of dirty tricks or schemes. Stories circulate of coaches sending their players out to track down their opposing teams star Blitzer, get him steaming drunk the night before their big game, or even go so far as to kidnap them.

Players are believed to have taken illegal drugs, sneak daggers on to the pitch or the occasional chainsaw. Of course no one can confirm these bizarre events are orchestrated by the team; but when a Giant runs on the pitch to snatch the ball in the final drive of the game and hands the ball off for a touchdown it does make you think! Was this orchestrated, or was it just a strange turn of luck? But who’s going to argue with a giant?

All teams

Mercs : as in CRP

0-1 Spiked Ball: Any time a player fails to pick up or Catch roll (but not interception) they are treated as if they have been attacked with Stab by an opponent.
0-2 Smelling Salts: +1 for KO rolls returning
0-2 Knuckle Duster: MB to a player of choice
0-2 Buzzing: Jump Up and Frenzy to a player
0-1 Duh Where am I?: Give Bone Head to an opponent player of your choice

0-3 Bribes: When the ref send your player off for any reason you roll 1d6 on a 2+ the ref overturns his decision. This can not be re-rolled.
0-2 Iron Man: A player of your choice cannot be injured, if their Av is broken they are automatically stunned, do not roll for injury.
0-2 Illegal Drugs: Give +St or +Ag to a player of choice on your team.
0-4 Extra Team Training: You gain +1 Re-roll at the start of each half.
0-2 Wandering Apothecary: You gain +1 Apothecary for the game.
0-1 Palmed Coin: You choose who kicks and receives for the first drive.

0-1 Wizard: 1 Wizard
0-1 Bias Ref: -1 to all Referee rolls for your team and +1 to all rolls for the opponent.

0-1 Halfing Master Chef: roll 1D6 3 times. Each result of 4+ removes a re-roll from your opponent and gives it to your team for the duration of the half. At the start of the second half - roll again.

0-1 Kidnap: A player of choice from the opponent’s team is kidnapped, he misses the start of the game and may return at the start of the next drive on a 6+, after each subsequent drive add +1 to the roll too see if the player manages to escape and return to the game.


Stakes - The player counts as having the Stakes and Stab skills.

Chaos/Chaos Dwarf/Chaos Pact/ Nurgle Specific Handicaps

0-4 Random Mutation: Roll on the Mutation table, the mutation only lasts till the end of the game.

0-2 Chaos Gift: Pick a Chaos Gift

0-1 Bazooka/Blunderbuss - The player counts as having the Bazooka/Blunderbuss secret weapon. Penalty roll 10+ (Chaos Dwarf only)

0-1 Chainsaw - The player counts as having the Chainsaw secret weapon. Penalty roll 8+

Dark Elf

Poison Dagger: You may give a player from your team the stab skill for the duration of the game.

Assassin: You may add a Dark Elf Assassin to your roster for the duration of the game. 6 3 4 7 Stab, Shadowing, Loner


0-1 Runesmith
1= Spell Fizzles! No effect!
2= Rune of Speed. Player of choice gains Sprint and +1 MA for this game
3= Rune of Might. Player of choice gains +1 ST for this game
4= Rune of Dexerity. Player of choice gains +1 AG for this game
5= Rune of Stone. Player of choice gains +1 AV and Stand Firm for this game
6= Rune of Courage. Player of choice gains Dauntless and Frenzy for this game

Note: Dwarves cannot hire wizards

0-1 Chainsaw - The player counts as having the Chainsaw secret weapon. Penalty roll 8+
0-1 Bombadier - The player counts as having the Bombadier secret weapon. Penalty roll 8+


0-3 Bribes: If a player is sent off roll 1d6 on a 2+ the referee over turns the decision and the player can continue to play.

0-1 Ball and Chain: You may give one of your players a Ball and Chain till the end of the game. Their St increases to 7 and they gain the no hands skill. Penalty roll 7+
0-1 Chainsaw - The player counts as having the Chainsaw secret weapon. Penalty roll 8+
0-1 Bombadier - The player counts as having the Bombadier secret weapon. Penalty roll 8+


Halfling Master Chef: Roll 1d6 on a 2+ your opponent loses a RR and you gain one.

High Elves

0-1 Boots of Heroic Leaping: Player gets Leap for the duration of the game.
0-1 Amulet of Interception: Player gains Pass Block for the duration of the game.
0-1 Arbands of Blocking: Player gets Block for the duration of the game
0-1 Bracers of Smashing: Player gains Mighty Blow for the duration of the game.
0-1 Boots of Speed: Player gains Sprint and Sure Feet for the duration of the game.
0-1 Headband of Throwing: Player gains Pass and Safe Throw for the duration of the game.

0-1 Gauntlets of Catching: Player gets, Catch, Nerves of Steel and Diving Catch for the duration of the game
0-1 Helm of Distraction: Player gets Foul Appearance for the duration of the game.
0-1 Lucky Rabbits Foot: Player gains Leader and Pro for the duration of the game.
0-1 Gloves of Tackling: Player gains Tackle and Diving Tackle for the duration of the game.
0-1 Ring of Invulnerability: Player gains Iron Man for the duration of the game.


Stakes - The player counts as having the Stakes and Stab skills.

0-1 Chainsaw - The player counts as having the Chainsaw secret weapon. Penalty roll 8+


0-1 Chainsaw - The player counts as having the Chainsaw secret weapon. Penalty roll 8+

0-1 Storm Giant: 6 10 1 10 Mighty Blow, Bone Head, Thick Skull, Loner, Penalty roll 6+


Bionik Upgrades
Bionik upgrades may be given to Orc Linemen, Throwers, Blitzers and Black Orc Blockers. They cannot be given to Trolls or Goblins.

0-2 Bionik Eye - Player gains the Accurate and Safe Throw skills.
0-2 Bionik Arm - Player gains Hail Mary Pass and Mighty Blow.

0-2 Bionik Legs - Player gains +1 Ma and Leap
0-1 Bomb Chucka - The player counts as having the Bombadier secret weapon. Penalty roll 8+
0-1 Buzzsaw Arm - The player counts as having the Chainsaw secret weapon. Penalty roll 8+

0-4 Random Mutation: Select a player then roll on the Mutation Table, the mutation only lasts till the end of the game.

0-1 Ball and Chain: You may give one of your players a Ball and Chain till the end of the game. Their St increases to 7 and they gain the no hands skill. Penalty roll 7+
0-1 Assassin: You may add a Skaven Assassin to your roster for the duration of the game. 7 3 4 7 Stab, Loner

Undead/ Necro/ Khemri

0-1 Igor: May re-roll any failed regeneration rolls.
0-1 Chainsaw - The player counts as having the Chainsaw secret weapon. Penalty roll 8+


0-1 Igor: May re-roll any failed regeneration rolls.
0-1 Chainsaw - The player counts as having the Chainsaw secret weapon. Penalty roll 8+

0-1 Vampire Lord Head Coach: 6 5 4 8 Block, Dodge, Regeneration, Loner.

Wood Elf

50 TV
0-1 Roots: An opponent player of your choice is given the Take Root skill.
0-1 Weather Magic: You can pick the result of the weather at the start of the game instead of rolling for it.

I'm not overly concerned about balance, just fun and interesting stuff so feedback please :)