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Squigbowl House Rules

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 3:58 pm
by Bakunin
The Squig Ball Cup follow the usual Blood Bowl Rules except where contradicted below:

A. All participating teams must be in the League.
B. All SPPs, Injuries, Cash, etc will count like a normal game.
C. All games will include special Squig Ball rules.
D. The Final (or semi-finals and wildcard games) must continue to sudden death overtime if a winner is not determined after 16 turns..

E. Tiebreaker Rules are:
Most Points
Touchdowns difference
Casualty difference
Interception difference
Most Touchdowns

3 point for win
1 point for draw
0 point for loss

1. If the Squig Ball is on the Ground: At the beginning of each Team’s turn, before anyone takes an action, a Squig Ball on the ground will move d6 squares in a random Direction. The Squig Ball does not need to dodge to move through tackle zones.
If the Squig Ball ever hits a prone player, its stops.

2. If the Squig Ball is held by a player: At the beginning of that Team’s Turn (not the opposing teams turn), before anyone takes an action, roll a d6 (this cannot be re-rolled), On a roll of 1, the Squig has squirmed free and will move as above starting from the players square. This does not cause a Turn Over.

3. If the Ball Squig’s movement carries it into a players square: The Squig throws a ST:0 Blitz with the Dauntless, Juggernaut, Grab and Tackle Skills. Neither team may lend their assists. The Squig ball will never follow up and will end its movement in the square where it threw the block (regardless of any surplus MA). The Squig can never be knocked down, injured, K/O´d nor stunned. Players knocked down in this fashion will not cause a turnover. The target players opponent always rolls the appropriate dice, decides where to push the player if applicable. If the Squig ball ever squirms free from a player and directly hits a new player, the Squig ball will not throw a block, but instead bounce from the new players square and then end it’s movement where it lands.

4. If the Squig Ball’s movement carries it into the crowd: They will throw it back as usual. It will bounce and then end it’s movement where it lands (regardless of any surplus MA).

5. The Squig Ball is Hard to handle: All GFI Rolls (while holding the ball) and agility based actions involving the ball suffer a –1 penalty. This includes GFI, Pick Up, Catch, Pass, Intercept but not Dodge rolls.

6. Inducements: Inducements are allowed as normal league rules.
Special Play cards involving the Ball act as normal: “Ball Clone” becomes “Squig Ball Clone”… “Spiked Ball” becomes “Spiked Squig Ball”… Etc.
If the Squid Ball ever becomes "cloned" or "spiked", both teams receive +1 FF after the game

7. Prizes:
If a player during a match gets killed by the Squig Ball, both teams receive +1 FF after the game.
If the Squid Ball ever becomes "cloned" or "spiked", both teams receive +1 FF after the game.
The 2nd Place in the Squig Ball Cup get +1 winnings
The 1st Place Squig Ball Cup winner gets +2 winnings and +1 MVP

Q & A

What’s the consequence of the Squig makes a ST:0 blitz with the Dauntless skill?
If the Squig for example blocks a player with ST3, it will need a Dauntless roll of +4 to succeed. If the Squig doesn’t succeed its Dauntless roll, it will roll 3 block dice up-hill.

Does the Squig have to use Juggernaut? (can the Squig use Double Down?)
The Squig may never use a double down result on the block dice, so in accordance with Juggernaut, it will treat all such results as a Push Back

What does it mean that the Squig makes a blitz with the Grab skill?
Like the normal BB rules, it simply means it cancels out the Side Step skill.

Can I target the Squig with a bomb, wizard or special play card?
The squig is not a player, this may not be the target of any special effects or events

If the Squig Rolls a Skull, Can I injure it and get 2 SPPs?
The Squig may never be injured or knocked down, You may Ignore all Skull results on the Block dice

Does the squig bounce?
The squig will bounce in all the same circumstances that a normal ball does. It does not bouncce at the end if it's own random movement however.

Do I suffer the -1 penalty to every action when I hold the Squig Ball? (eg: Dodge rolls)
Only GFI, Pick up, Pass, Catch, Intercept rolls attract the -1 penalty.

Is the -1 penalty cumulative with other penalties (eg Tackle Zones, Disturbing presence, Weather, etc...)?
Yes (I'm Squigin' in the Rain... Just Squigin' in the Rain...)

If I use a Troll (or other Big Guy) to throw a team-mate, and that player is holding the squig, does the Troll suffer the -1 to Pass?

What does sudden death overtime mean?
If the game is tied at turn 16, the game (drive) will continue until one team scores. If a team ties the game in turn 16, a kick-off to the opponent will be set up as normal, and the game will continue until one team scores.

The Squigball allways goes first, then the wizard

Re: Copenhagen Squigball

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 4:06 pm
by Bakunin
Hey everyone - first post on talkFF!

I have with great success been holding a squigball tournament in my local league in Copenhagen (The BBBL).

This is the rules which we used - its rules that i have developed from these: ... ng_wp_cron

Its really great fun and as you can see, you have to take more chances every turn..

- B