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SPP Advancement

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 10:37 pm
by zerodemon
While the old system is fine and what we're all used to, I don't see why we don't have a system more akin to games like Necromunda and Mordheim. Worth noting I had this idea 10 minutes ago and so is most likely flawed and stupid.

In effect, you'd reward SPP's at the end of the game and widen the skill point tiers.

Pass completion 1SPP
Per knockout 1SPP
Per casualty 2SPPs
Per interception 2SPPs
Per touchdown 3SPPs
On field or in reserves at end of game D3SPPs
Participated in game (on the field) 1SPP
Training 10,000gp per SPP (probably not feasible due to TV cash burning but hey-ho.)

Star player rolls made at 11, 26, 46, 71, 101, 151

This way, players level up more consistently but a little slower than before (except for level 6, where the 100 point upgrade used to be.)

SPPs for surviving, competing, knockouts and training added for various reasons.

Surviving and competing denoted experience earned on the field that isn't relevant to positional playing or even scoring. Surviving one of these matches would grant experience all of its own.

Knockout SPPs grant upgrades to the hitters and linemen who do some of the grunt work, as opposed the the finesse work of throwers, catcher and blitzers.

Training grants a coach the option to upgrade his team using cash, coaches may essentially "burn" cash in to more experienced players this way to keep TV down instead of hiring new players/support staff or keeping the money. This may be seen as unfair but since the option is available to everyone, it's most likely fine.

Re: SPP Advancement

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 1:35 am
by Rhyoth
Overall, i think your rule could be intersting in short leagues, but i wouldn't use it for more than 10 games, because i think it favors hard-hitters way too much : imho, there are way too much damaging skills in long term environment, so, i don't think you should encourage that trend.

So, i'd avoid SPPs for KOs, and if possible, i think it would be for the best to reduce SPPs awarded for CAS as well : that way, you would see less players taking damaging skills early in development (if you find a suitable alternative source of SPPs, of course).
In the same vein, i'd avoid rewarding survival : squishy teams are already quite painful to coach in a long term environment, but at least they have an edge over heavy teams, since they can develop and replace their players faster : i would keep things that way. Besides, 1D3 SPPs for surviving seems way too much.

Regarding SPPs for participating, i think it's fine as long as you find a trick to avoid the "everyone skill up simultaneously" syndrom (for example, in Necromunda, your gangers all started with a random amount of XP).

Lastly, trainings obviously favors teams with a lot of spare cash, but i'm unsure wether or not it's unbalanced. Just to be safe, i'd still limit the number of trainings available (ex : max 1 Training/player/game, plus 3 Training/team/game maybe ?)

To conclude, i think SPPs for KOs & surviving deserve a big NO, the rest is quite intersting (i particulary like your advancement scale) but may need a couple of adjustements.

Personnally, i also thought a lot about modifying SPP distribution, and here is what i would change so far (it's still WiP) :
_ 2 SPPs for Touchdown
_ 1 SPP for Casualties
_ semi-random MVP attribution (preselecting 3 or 4 players, maybe with some kind of limitation)
_ create an alternative source of SPPs

For the alternative source of SPPs, i currently have 3 ideas :
1) when creating your team, each player gets 1D6-1 SPPs (players bought afterwards still starts with 0 SPP).
2) Trainings : at the end of a game, each player may roll 1D8 : on 7-8, he gains 2 SPPs, however, on a 1, he misses the next game.
3) an additionnal MVP for the winning team.

(I'll probably only keep 1 & 2, while 3 is only intersting in environments where winning is not really rewarding)

Re: SPP Advancement

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 4:27 pm
by DoubleSkulls
If you give KOs SPPs you should just make KOs ans Cas give 1 SPP each (then you've only got a 50% increase in blocking SPPs for unskilled players) so the rate of gain is still a little higher, but not as much as leaving Cas at 2SPPs (so you are getting 150% increase in SPPs).

Then I'd look at boosting SPPs for passing, perhaps giving 2SPPs for a long pass or a long bomb, and 1 SPP for a quick & short, or alternatively giving 2SPPs for a pass when the receiver is in the opponent's half. Both aimed to reduce elf team SPP farming, whilst encouraging passing.