B-r-e-t-t-o-n-i-a-n-s, really why not?

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Bretts, really why not?

They don't fit into bloodbowl
They would be too close to a pre-existing team
I hate bretts
They don't fit fluff wise
I wouldn't mind a brett team if it was well designed.
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Re: B-r-e-t-t-o-n-i-a-n-s, really why not?

Post by JaM »

No mutations... ?

/sry 8)

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Re: B-r-e-t-t-o-n-i-a-n-s, really why not?

Post by Joemanji »

plasmoid wrote:...if you visit one of the threads discussing giving human catchers +1AV (i.e. MA8/AV8) nobody complains about that.
Yes they do. Me for one. You are completely misrepresenting the facts.

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Re: B-r-e-t-t-o-n-i-a-n-s, really why not?

Post by besters »

Can't believe this thread is still going!

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Re: B-r-e-t-t-o-n-i-a-n-s, really why not?

Post by plasmoid »

Hi Joemanji,
Yes they do. Me for one. You are completely misrepresenting the facts.
Geeez. Strong language. Is it that time of the month? :evil:
I forgot my words would have to stand up to lawyer-like scrutiny.
I suppose I shouldn't have said 'nobody complains' but 'a small minority is against it - not to mention the folks that just think it as loud as they can'.

I was thinking for example about the recent 16 page thread in General about changing humans. OP mentions 8238 catchers as one of the main ideas. By page 3 nobody has complained about MA8 with AV8. And you yourself have posted 4 times.

My point was that MA8/AV8 only seems to be brought up as a problem in the context of Brets.
From some it's a legitimate complaint.
From others it's a case of 'anything goes'.


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Re: B-r-e-t-t-o-n-i-a-n-s, really why not?

Post by JaM »

I guess it's the combination of high str with av 8 with ma 8 that's the problem "here".
And indeed, compared to griff...
Where a catcher is still str 2, so very fast but not hard hitting.

I guess.

Besides, buffing up the catcherm on humans is a possibility, and giving them av 8 is one of them. It's not set in stone, hell it's not even official.
Nor ar Brets, but you get the idea.

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Re: B-r-e-t-t-o-n-i-a-n-s, really why not?

Post by plasmoid »

Heh, Griff used to be 8448 before he got old :orc:
But yes - I do get it. (Just don't much agree with it).

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Re: B-r-e-t-t-o-n-i-a-n-s, really why not?

Post by garion »

@ plasmoids

For me there aleady are Bettonnians in Bloodbowl. They are called humans. I don't see the need for another human roster from that area of the bloodbowl world because making them brets would basically mean that humans would be empire.

I do quite like that actual roster though, it is fun, but a roster with Ma8 on a human knight is just crazy IMO

But if in the future this Bret team were to be encorporated into the game which i wouldnt mind I think it would be much better to make them Cathay.

The roster would look like this instead -

Ninja x4 8 3 3 8 Block Catch Dauntless, GS
Monks x4 6 3 3 8 Wrestle GS
Peasants x16 6 3 2 7 Fend G

This would probably be a little more accepted than Bretonnians because it would be different and people don't like Bloodbowl being dragged even further into the Warhammer world despite all the similarities. The fluff would work better as well because Ninjas would be super fast, dauntless fits with them quite niceley too.

This would also leave room for Hoshi Komi to come back who was an awesome star player and a Ninja

There are already very good miniatures for Monks and Peasants out there alraeady that could easily be used these would look great for the mad Monks and I think if Plasmoids went down the Cathars route instead people might be a little more open to it and there could be some really cool looking teams to come out of this.

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Re: B-r-e-t-t-o-n-i-a-n-s, really why not?

Post by tzoscey »


a 2-months-ago post... it's ALIVE¡¡¡¡ ALIVE

why don't you open another post for make a discussion about your cathay humans?
sure there's interested people

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Re: B-r-e-t-t-o-n-i-a-n-s, really why not?

Post by garion »

I thought this was Plasmoids main thread for Brets. So i posted my idea. I later realised i posted in the wrong thread lol and I didnt want to resurect another old thread. :lol: I know what a div eh :roll:

I really do think Cathay would be a far more preferable name for them though and for the team would be better too fluff wise and miniature wise too imo.

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Re: B-r-e-t-t-o-n-i-a-n-s, really why not?

Post by legowarrior »

I don't know, there is a lot of background you can use for the Cathay. I've create a custom list for my own use, but as of yet, I have had no place to use it. It's merely a thought exercise at this moment.

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Re: B-r-e-t-t-o-n-i-a-n-s, really why not?

Post by garion »

Cathay basically just rips all the cool parts of fudal Japan, chinesse and Mongolian history. So anything along those lines would be preferable to bretonnians keep the roster the same as the one on plasmouids site just with different player names and fluff etc.. because that background is so much cooler and as I said Hoshi Komi was already a ninja star player and I would love to see him back in the game.

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Re: B-r-e-t-t-o-n-i-a-n-s, really why not?

Post by legowarrior »

What, no the Cathay are a rip off of the Chinese and possible the Korea of the Yuan Dynasty period, if you want to be accurate. Feudal Japan is represented by Nippon, while the Hobgoblin empire represents the Mongols. (This isn't 100%, but its not meant to be).

So, if you do a Cathay Team, it shouldn't have Ninjas, Sumo Wrestle, or anything like that, since they fall into the realm of Nippon, not of Cathay. Please get them straight. By confusing the two together would be like arguing there is no difference between the Empire and Brettonia, but one clearly represents the Germanic City States, while the other represents France of the middle ages.

Just saying. A little accuracy goes a long way.

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Re: B-r-e-t-t-o-n-i-a-n-s, really why not?

Post by garion »

Okay fine then Nippon instead of Bretonnians, my warhammer knowledge is basic. But the point remains the same. Making the Bretonnian roster Nippon would be a lot more interesting and appealing.

Most people I have showed this idea have agreed so far as well.

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Re: B-r-e-t-t-o-n-i-a-n-s, really why not?

Post by legowarrior »

Yes that would be interesting. Nippon would be cool.

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Re: B-r-e-t-t-o-n-i-a-n-s, really why not?

Post by garion »

I really should have started another thread for this. I think i will on firday when im at work it will give me something to do. I have already found all the miniatures too :)

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