I've not been to Spiky for a couple of years now because:
a) the social scene outside of the event is rubbish. At every other event (including GW's
) the organisers go out of their way to mix with the people who make the long trek to support the event and do something nice. At Spiky this doesn't happen.
b) the food is poor/non existent. If I pay for food, I'd like it to be at least nice. Or don't charge me and I'll sort myself out. I don't want to be charged, be offered something sub-standard, then have to fork out again.
c) the price is fairly expensive and you don't get anything in return. I understand from speaking to people around the organisers that the hall is relatively inexpensive to hire, and that the profits are ploughed back into the club. That's fine, but having such a high price is quite galling. Some tournaments still make a profit for their own club, but usually at least give something away to sweeten the deal.
I've not been for two years now, but would gladly return if the above three points were addressed. Otherwise I'll continue to support those events that support and give something back to the community.