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2019 Captaincy Election: Nomination Thread

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2019 4:05 pm
by Leipziger
This thread is for candidates that would like to be considered for the role of Team England captain at Eurobowl 2020.

You are eligible to stand if you have:
- played 50+ non-variant tabletop NAF games
- competed in at least one Eurobowl, or attended a Europen outside of the UK

A candidate may stand to be a playing or a non-playing Captain.

Candidates do not need to be nominated or seconded by others.

The opportunity to stand for the role of captain for 2020 ends at 11.59pm on November 30th

On December 1st we will move onto the Q&A phase of the selection process.

Re: 2019 Captaincy Election: Nomination Thread

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2019 4:46 pm
by Loki
Leipziger wrote:This thread is for candidates that would like to be considered for the role of Team England captain at Eurobowl 2020.

You are eligible to stand if you have:
- played 50+ non-variant tabletop NAF games
- competed in at least one Eurobowl, or attended a Europen outside of the UK
and are English (proof of Homo Sapien status is not required) :P :lol:

Re: 2019 Captaincy Election: Nomination Thread

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2019 11:29 pm
by PeteW
I would like to be considered as captain of Team England 2020

I can confirm that I have played over 50 NAF games and competed as part of Team England in Wales 2018.

Not sure if it is relevant, but I'll give a bit of background and rationale:
I've been playing bloodbowl since 1993, but only NAF since 2007 (blame Stick). I'm very comfortable with playing top class Euro opponents, and not phased by elegant sophistication, or undecipherable expletives. A change in career meant that 2018 was the first year I was eligible to be considered for Team England, and I was delighted when Lycos gave me 'the call'. Wales was amazing, being part of the team, playing for the country, beating my French opponent, and putting up a good enough performance to not be completely embarrassed - all super. The camaraderie of the many supporters was also lovely.

So why do I want to be captain? I am very comfortable taking a leading role - much of my personal and professional life has involved just that, and I believe I am an effective leader. I am also conscious of the uncomfortable divide in the English community, and having great friends in all parts of the country, I believe that I can make unbiased choices, and be trusted not to be swayed by a (real or imagined) consensus.

If chosen, then I would want to pick coaches that would:
- be highly competitive
- understand the need to put team over self
- understand the nature of the European game
- be happy playing with their given race
- be able to demonstrate success at a high level, against quality coaches

I am not a fan of pure rankings (ELO or Glicko) as they can be easily manufactured, and I have dabbled in such ranking manipulation myself in the past (largely online). Instead, I would be looking at specific results against top coaches playing their favoured races. Recent form is also important, and I would also want coaches to suggest what they should be playing when applying - their understanding of the meta will be useful.

I am conscious that I am not the perfect candidate - many others have more European experience than me, and I haven't travelled as far and wide as I would like, although I know the vast majority of the good English coaches. I have also only been in Team England once. However, I am aware that the role isn't always the most popular, as nobody likes to be the person to let lots of people down, and I am happy to do that nicely. Also, if somebody else puts themselves forward for consideration, and I genuinely believe that they would be a better choice than me, then I may choose to withdraw.

(Apologies if this is the wrong time to do this, but the schedule allowed for a nomination now, and Q&A later. Happy to cut now and paste later if that would be better.)

Re: 2019 Captaincy Election: Nomination Thread

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2019 1:48 pm
by Leipziger
Nominations close at midnight tonight.

Re: 2019 Captaincy Election: Nomination Thread

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2019 2:02 pm
by lunchmoney
If Pete is the only nominee does he auto lead Team England into the next tourney?

Re: 2019 Captaincy Election: Nomination Thread

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2019 9:29 pm
by Lycos
Hello community

I am very happy to put myself forward again.

I have had the privilege of being captain twice before and would like to lead us again in Poland.

You know that I have vast experience in playing tournaments. I am passionate about playing for England, and I have a habit of picking winning teams. I have been part of the committee that has been in a lot of discussion about how we move our community forward in all sorts of areas. It might be useful for that continuity to flow into 2020 as we define what EurOpen might mean for us too.


Re: 2019 Captaincy Election: Nomination Thread

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2019 10:01 pm
by Pipey
Pete and Dave, thanks for coming forward.

Will start the q&a process just now.