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Re: English Coaches_Team_England_Committee_Election_'18_VOTE

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 12:28 pm
by longfang
Pipey wrote:I'd like to see an official EurOpen Team England.
Why is this so important? I can see that things have changed a lot over the years, a growing number of coaches willing to travel abroad and wanting to be part of the national team. This all seems far to serious for a game of soldiers! Serious enough for dummies to be spat out when not picked for the team I guess! But why make the Europen as serious an event as the Eurobowl. Wouldn't it be easier to propose to the other participating nations to increase team numbers to 11 (the sacred number)?

Re: English Coaches_Team_England_Committee_Election_'18_VOTE

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 1:12 pm
by Pipey
Hi Del. It’s something that a number of people have expressed interest in lately. A suggestion made some time ago was that an official EurOpen team could be selected, indeed we voted one in late in the day this year. Maybe it can be more integral to the TE selection process, maybe this will allow players on the fringes of the EB eight to be part of a whole. Some other large communities (e.g. the French) seem to treat playing EO as representing your country. Personally I like that and don’t think it would harm the event. Everything would be optional of course; no use forcing people to represent England if they don’t want to.

Appreciate I’m talking quite a lot! Other candidates please feel free to give responses to questions :D ;) Agree with Wulfyn and others that it would be good to hear more specifics about the other candidates’ vision for the new proposed charter (I would include Lycos here too as the only guaranteed committee member). I have already voted based on discussions in recent threads here, but this info might be useful to any as yet undecided voter trying to make sense of things.

Re: English Coaches_Team_England_Committee_Election_'18_VOTE

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 1:55 pm
by Glowworm
Pipey wrote: A suggestion made some time ago was that an official EurOpen team could be selected, .
**Pipey in Europen Clique shocker!!** :lol: :lol:

I don't see this as viable, i could register a team in the EurOpen and call it Team GB and no one could stop that unless the name was already taken.... the whole concept of the EurOpen (as i was informed) was unless you ran an "open" competition as part of the Euro set up the NAF may have sanctioning issue (Tournament cannot exclude coaches is the brief version) so suggestion an "Official" squad seems counter intuitive....

....In other news...... I voted 8)

Re: English Coaches_Team_England_Committee_Election_'18_VOTE

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 2:43 pm
by howlinggriffon
We already had a vote on which EurOpen team would be selected as the Team England EurOpen squad.


I think it's a good idea. It's like an England B team.

Re: English Coaches_Team_England_Committee_Election_'18_VOTE

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 3:28 pm
by Jip
glowworm wrote:
Pipey wrote:...the whole concept of the EurOpen (as i was informed) was unless you ran an "open" competition as part of the Euro set up the NAF may have sanctioning issue (Tournament cannot exclude coaches is the brief version)...
That's genuinely interesting to know, if accurate. Hadn't considered that EurOpen was a bolt-on, as such. Wonder if there are any other NAF tournaments that hold two tournaments, but consecutively, in this way.

Re: English Coaches_Team_England_Committee_Election_'18_VOTE

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 3:49 pm
by Pipey
Interesting point Glow 8) Though re NAF sanctioning pretty sure the wider event just needs to be "fundamentally open to all" so if a nation did decide to call one of its teams a national EO team (as we have done recently) I wouldn't say that changed anything - any three players may form a team within the capacity of the event.

Much for the committee to discuss...

Re: English Coaches_Team_England_Committee_Election_'18_VOTE

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 3:51 pm
by Pipey
Jip wrote:That's genuinely interesting to know, if accurate. Hadn't considered that EurOpen was a bolt-on, as such. Wonder if there are any other NAF tournaments that hold two tournaments, but consecutively, in this way.
I think AusBowl do it biennially; one year selection/representative, the second year open.

Re: English Coaches_Team_England_Committee_Election_'18_VOTE

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 4:30 pm
by Itchen Masack
Vote made.

Have to say, if i wasnt stuck at work with nothing to do, i probably wouldnt have voted. For someone who struggles to read lots of text, and didnt have a nice ready made list he could put numbers next to, the process seemed a bit of a hassle.

btw I am English but will be playing as a Freebooter for Team Ireland at the Euro's. If this means i shouldnt be voting, please ignore my pm :)

Re: English Coaches_Team_England_Committee_Election_'18_VOTE

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 10:21 pm
by cornish
Itchen Masack wrote:Have to say, if i wasnt stuck at work with nothing to do, i probably wouldnt have voted. For someone who struggles to read lots of text, and didnt have a nice ready made list he could put numbers next to, the process seemed a bit of a hassle.
I agree - an easy list of the 8 candidates that I could cut and paste into a PM and rate would make it a much easier process when you only have a mobile device. A small thing but it may make it more accessible for voters who unfortunately need the push.

Re: English Coaches_Team_England_Committee_Election_'18_VOTE

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2018 7:45 am
by speedingbullet
For anyone wanting a simple list of the nominees for cutting and pasting, I give you two lists:

In the order they declared. This is the same order as in the second post of this thread:


In alphabetical order:


Hope this makes voting a little easier.

Re: English Coaches_Team_England_Committee_Election_'18_VOTE

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 7:27 pm
by indiana-utah
Hi all,

I'm going to take my name out of the running, real life has suddenly gone manic, and while it might end up being a short term thing (it's work related), I can't guarantee it won't last long term, and as such I can't commit as much hobby time as I'd like / want to, so I feel others would be better candidates at this point in time.

Apologies for the last minute change, but I think if I'm to do justice to Team England, then I need to ensure the best candidates are voted in, and the mature thing to do is step aside until such time as I can put the required time in.

Re: English Coaches_Team_England_Committee_Election_'18_VOTE

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 8:46 pm
by speedingbullet
Sorry to hear that Indiana-Utah. Hope your work situation settles down soon.

In terms of how this changes the count when the vote closes, perhaps someone with expertise can comment. I assume the ranking for I-U gets removed from everyone's votes so, as an example, if I-U was ranked 3 on a vote then their rankings 4 to 8 would all be moved up one place by the returning officers to become rankings 3 to 7?

Re: English Coaches_Team_England_Committee_Election_'18_VOTE

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 9:48 pm
by besters
I would just leave as is and if I U makes the top 4 move on to the fifth placed candidate.

Re: English Coaches_Team_England_Committee_Election_'18_VOTE

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 7:44 am
by Joemanji
Seems easiest.

Re: English Coaches_Team_England_Committee_Election_'18_VOTE

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 9:40 am
by sann0638
Hi chums,
for those interested, and if anyone fancies checking it, here's the spreadsheet for working out the results: ... Blank.xlsx

Names have been changed to protect the innocent. Tabs 1, 2 and 4 have comments on explaining stuff.

Any errors, let me know before tomorrow, and keep the votes coming!