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Feedback 2019

Posted: Sun May 05, 2019 9:27 pm
by lunchmoney
All comments welcome :)

Re: Feedback 2019

Posted: Sun May 05, 2019 9:28 pm
by PurpleChest
Thanks to all for this. My first NAF C and only my third Tourney outside London. I thought it was incredibly well organised and run. Really awesome and professional effort by all concerned.

I would have loved more time to meet people, chat, look at the painted teams, visit the stalls and hear about other future events, but its so tight a package as is, this is not a grumble, really more a note on my own time management.

And for my money Geggster in a striped jersey replaces Collina as my personal symbol of authority. Get that man a red flag to throw on plays. Truly a Galak for our times.

Re: Feedback 2019

Posted: Mon May 06, 2019 7:30 am
by Purplegoo
A triumph as ever, gang. Well done.

Re: Feedback 2019

Posted: Mon May 06, 2019 7:38 am
by fromherashes
Yup, 3rd time and loved it.

The venue is ace, and the proximity to the hotel makes it even more appealing.

The only real criticism I have is the tables. They’re so inconsistent. I spent 3 of the 6 games with models sliding around in the middle due to table mismatches or folds. It might be worth looking at some ply board to lay over the offenders under the tablecloths just to make the surfaces more even.

The start was a lot slicker this year than last year.

Thanks for running the event and thanks to the refs and everyone that was involved for making it so enjoyable.

Re: Feedback 2019

Posted: Mon May 06, 2019 7:54 am
by Wotfudboy
It was just a great weekend. Thank you all for putting in the effort to make it so much fun for the rest of us.
Quick blog shout to prove it: ... -back.html

Re: Feedback 2019

Posted: Mon May 06, 2019 1:23 pm
by speedingbullet
A great tourney, many thanks to all the organisers and refs, we really do appreciate the time you put in for us

Re: Feedback 2019

Posted: Mon May 06, 2019 2:26 pm
by sann0638
Interesting that the prize team went to the winner this year. Was that announced somewhere?

Re: Feedback 2019

Posted: Mon May 06, 2019 5:02 pm
by KFoged
Happy to hear that the winner is getting the painted team again!

Overall another awesome NAFC and my issues is the same as always...

- The tables are so not great for BB and the tablecloths at times just made it worse...

- The lunch packs combined with the bar not selling a sandwich or something similar, so you could add up on besides with snakes or fruit.

- I can still not understand the use of a final combined with a swiss draw tournament format. I know it is tradition, but that just don't make it more right. The winner and runner up should be after 6 rounds of swiss

New stuff:
- Where did the caps go?

- Misisng/late social media presence. We managed to get 190 players (with fewer than normal from overseas it seemed) than normal with next to non social media, but think how big it could be?

Re: Feedback 2019

Posted: Mon May 06, 2019 5:16 pm
by sann0638

Re: Feedback 2019

Posted: Mon May 06, 2019 5:18 pm
by KFoged
sann0638 wrote:CAPES!
Ohh yeah! We need to get the caps back!

Re: Feedback 2019

Posted: Mon May 06, 2019 6:40 pm
by MarzM
My first NAFC. Enjoyed what i remembered of it! lol

KFoged wrote:...with a swiss draw tournament format. I know it is tradition, but that just don't make it more right. The winner and runner up should be after 6 rounds of swiss
Is it a Swiss draw? Perhaps it's my understanding but i was told that it's a random draw of everyone on the same points? I prefer the tire breakers to be used each round not just at the end. Like football i'd also like to see it go to 3 points for a win instead of 2.

Tiers, I'd like there to be more tiers to try and balance out the teams a bit better. My understanding was that the tier 2 teams got 1 less skill as "feedback" didn't want Necro to be as strong. However the flip side of that is that out of 192 player...122 of them were tier 1 (including me). Now some folk will always want to try and bring the best team they can however it would be nice if we could see a more diverse field.

Tables...The bump in the middle is a pain. Also, whomever is responsible for the mats. Could i suggest you roll them the other way in the tubes? So that way to don't curl up at the corners.

The lunch was unexciting but fine. Someone kept putting a strange item in the bag but i am reliably informed it's called "fruit". Not too sure about that as i'm Scots...but i'll take their word for it.

There was a giant screen behind the stage...yet there was not a giant countdown on said screen for each round. I think that this would help people who are plying slowly. (I was guilty of this day two but in fairness there was mitigating circumstances for this).

Registration. Perhaps people could register before? Being really cheeky, might this be something that the hotel could assist with? If most folk are staying there and are arriving the night before could perhaps there be a board asking us to confirm we are there? That way it would only be the folk travelling on the Sat morning. Then the "Re-registering" bit could be done over lunch or the rest of the weekend.

The Ref's were great. No issues with them at all.

Prizes seemed fine and the prize giving didn't go on for too long.

Re: Feedback 2019

Posted: Mon May 06, 2019 9:27 pm
by PeteW
Thanks to the organisers and refs - amazing job as always.

Thanks to my opponents - 6 great fun games and lovely to play people who have been on my "to play" radar for a long time.

Super proud of my boy winning the Best Young Coach award with a 4/0/2 record, including beating woodies with his lizzies! (And one of the losses was to the overall winner! Grats Jawa!)

Pleased to see the team go to the winner - as it should be!

Re: Feedback 2019

Posted: Mon May 06, 2019 10:08 pm
by spubbbba
sann0638 wrote:Interesting that the prize team went to the winner this year. Was that announced somewhere?
I wasn't aware of this, might have chosen a more competitive team to paint than Ogres otherwise.

Re: Feedback 2019

Posted: Mon May 06, 2019 10:16 pm
by sann0638
PeteW wrote:
Pleased to see the team go to the winner - as it should be!
Should go to best young blood. Have pretty much decided to bring my 2 next year, game on!

Re: Feedback 2019

Posted: Tue May 07, 2019 6:02 am
by KFoged
sann0638 wrote:
PeteW wrote:
Pleased to see the team go to the winner - as it should be!
Should go to best young blood. Have pretty much decided to bring my 2 next year, game on!
That's actually not a bad suggestion!

If i remember right the raffle was introduced as a lot of NAFC winners are regulars with a lot of teams already, so a change like this will reward a winner and most likely also one that will appreciate the new team even more (than people like me)