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Garage Blood Bowl League - Messina (ITALY) - Prizes Help!

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 10:14 am
by Kadrin
Hello guys!

I'm the proud commissioner of a small and new Italian League which is called Garage Blood Bowl League (by the place where we met for playing which is actually a my big garage).

Some of us played a lot of Blood Bowl some years ago. Then we had a long time break due to lack of players (Messina is not a big city and Blood Bowl it's quite unknown here) and after some years we managed to start a new League with half of the players being newbie!

In this first edition we decided to put some money together to buy some prizes for the winners or not. The idea was, in particular, to buy two pitches for using them during the League (we don't have many) and then give them to the first two ranking players.

After this long introduction, here's a question for you: What kind of prizes could we buy for our second league edition?