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Re: Hashuts-Chosen Texans - A rookie Chaos-Dwarf story

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2018 8:15 am
rolo wrote:You'll eventually want more Guards among your Chaos Dwarves.
And try to score TDs with the Bulls to skill them up, they can be your best players but they need help getting there. 4+ isn't that much harder than 3+, right?
Firstly, thanks for the comment (gets a bit lonely on here sometimes :lol: )

Guard on my Chorfs is definitely the way to go, been slow to level up but they do what I need them to, sturdy fellows those Blackbeards!

As for the BCs, yep couldn't agree more, now I have that 3rd RR im going to play less conservatively and go crazy with the BCs, Break-Tackle on one for certain, as for the second any other ideas? Like to have a slightly different role for each of them rather than being identical, adds a little individuality.

Re: Hashuts-Chosen Texans - A rookie Chaos-Dwarf story

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2018 12:15 pm
by rolo
So many ways to go with the Bulls.

A guy in my league loves Sure Hands on a Bull. That makes him the best ball carrier on the team, he then needs Break Tackle, Dodge on doubles. I'm not sure if this is the right way to go, but the coach who did it has won more games with CD than I've played. Plus, then the jackass rolled +AG. SMH.

The other Bull (or both, imo) should take classic Blitzer skills. Block first obvs, Break Tackle, Tackle, Mighty Blow. Frenzy and Juggernaut if you want a really fun, scary, unique player. Also Dodge on doubles.

I've seen people try to build a killer with POMB, but I think one or two Dwarves can do that better, with less worry about going to the ground and with the possibility to get Claw. Depending on how PO works in your league.

Re: Hashuts-Chosen Texans - A rookie Chaos-Dwarf story

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2018 1:51 pm
rolo wrote:So many ways to go with the Bulls.

A guy in my league loves Sure Hands on a Bull. That makes him the best ball carrier on the team, he then needs Break Tackle, Dodge on doubles. I'm not sure if this is the right way to go, but the coach who did it has won more games with CD than I've played. Plus, then the jackass rolled +AG. SMH.

The other Bull (or both, imo) should take classic Blitzer skills. Block first obvs, Break Tackle, Tackle, Mighty Blow. Frenzy and Juggernaut if you want a really fun, scary, unique player. Also Dodge on doubles.

I've seen people try to build a killer with POMB, but I think one or two Dwarves can do that better, with less worry about going to the ground and with the possibility to get Claw. Depending on how PO works in your league.
Ive 6 League games left to play, ill probably (he says confidently...) end up in the Playoffs, so that's 7 games to level up players, the BCs are almost certain to get their second Skill, maybe a 3rd if im very lucky and keep throwing the MVPs their way, so Break-tackle on the first to level up, keeps them mobile when in TZs, but the other maybe a straight up wrecking machine, MB? or a mobile GUARD could help too.

Hmmm :-?

Re: Hashuts-Chosen Texans - A rookie Chaos-Dwarf story

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2018 1:57 pm
Current RBBL League table.

2nd place at the minute but tough games to come against the Broncos and 69ers.

Re: Hashuts-Chosen Texans - A rookie Chaos-Dwarf story

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2018 9:40 am
Game 7

Texans 1 Vs 1 Tibas' Talons (Bretonnians)

A game of two halves...

Must admit the Texans had been performing quite well as of late beating 2 playoff rivals in the last 3 games alone, though Nuffle decided to bring me back down to earth with this game.

The Brets were 200k TV down so went for an extra RR and 2 Kegs, the interesting thing about the Talons though was their Blitzers, 2 of them had +1MA so their movement could cause real problems for me, as it turned out!

The Talons won the toss (and the FAME, and the Brilliant Coaching roll) and elected to receive, by turn two they were 1-0 up after overloading one flank and using their MA advantage to good use. With 14 Turns and the drives in my favour I was confident of taking the game to the opposition though, my tactic was to target the 6 Peasant Linemen (AV7) and win through attrition, simple right?

As it turned out by half time id achieved nothing, not one single SPP, despite many a two-dice block/Blitz the Peasants and the Talons in general refused to budge, plenty of stunned results but no casualties even with the 3 MB players id got, to make matters worse id lost 2 Hobbos, Skarfrik (My rising star) suffered MNG and another KOd. One Bull-Centaur made a lone dash for a TD but without enough MA on the supporting players I couldn't protect him enough and he was brought down by my own dice, needing to Blitz and dodge his way out to glory a one dice Block only got me a bothdown against a Blitzer, the RR gave me a Skull... 1-0 down at halftime.

My halftime offerings to Hashut must have been worthy as the 2nd half couldn't have been more different!

Two LOS Peasants immediately left the pitch, one KOD and one killed outright, plus the mino started causing havoc knocking down players at will after achieving literally nothing 1st half. It did take me 4 dice rolls to pick up the ball with a BC (a tactic im trying to employ now I have the 3rd RR) but as soon as he did the cage got rolling forward. By turn 4 though I needed to make a decision, could I score twice and win the game or would I be risking losing the game if the Blitzer's superior MA could get around my defence?... I wasn't confident on scoring twice and with being unbeaten so far this season (and not wanting to risk it) I played the boring play and stalled for the draw, though I intended on doing as much damage as I could before the equaliser though! Another CAS for a Chorf came and a few Talons were KOd to leave me a relatively simple equaliser on turn 8.

My LOS Chorfs survived the final blows of the game and it finished 1-1.

Next game I will try and run both BCs as a pair supporting each other, the cage play is becoming a little predictable and with my place in the playoffs looking secure I can afford to experiment a little. (If the dice let me :D )

Re: Hashuts-Chosen Texans - A rookie Chaos-Dwarf story

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2018 9:47 am
Team Focus update...

1. Zhorgrath / Chaos-Dwarf / 4-3-2-9 / (Block, Tackle, Thick-skull) - 2 SPP
2. Bazherak / Chaos-Dwarf / 3-3-2-9 / (Block, Tackle, Thick-skull) - 2 SPP
3. Azakil / Chaos-Dwarf / 4-3-2-9 / (Block, Tackle, Thick-skull, Mighty Blow) - 7 SPP
4. K'Daai Zhaar / Chaos-Dwarf / 4-3-2-9 / (Block, Tackle, Thick-skull, Mighty Blow) - 9 SPP
5. Ghoroth / Chaos-Dwarf / 4-3-2-9 / (Block, Tackle, Thick-skull) - 4 SPP
6. Dourgrim / Chaos-Dwarf / 4-3-2-9 / (Block, Tackle, Thick-skull)- 2 SPP
7. Ghengiz / Hobgoblin / 6-3-3-7 / - 3 SPP
8. Skarfrik / Hobgoblin / 6-3-3-7 / (Sure hands, Block) - 24 SPP (MNG)
9. Taarg / Hobgoblin / 6-3-3-7 / - 2 SPP
10. Grishnak / Hobgoblin / 6-3-3-7 /
14. Zlatan / Bull-Centaur / 6-4-2-9 / (Sprint, Sure-feet, Thick-skull, Block) - 13 SPP
15. Rykarth / Bull-Centaur / 6-4-2-9 / (Sprint, Sure-feet, Thick-skull, Block) - 12 SPP
16. Colossus / Minotaur / 5-5-2-8 / (Loner,Frenzy,Horns,MB,Thick Skull,Wild Animal,Juggernaut,Block) - 18 SPP

3x Rerolls

1x Apothecary

TV = 141,000

FF = 7

Gold = 100k

2x On-going Sponsorships

The Mino levelled up with the MVP with a 1+1, giving me my first double of the season! So tempted to take claw but with more AV7 to face and the amount of 'Both-down' he's rolled I thought Block was the safer if not more imaginative choice.

Bought myself another Hobbo as being outnumbered in the last game for a while wasn't easy, a chap advised me on that in the forums a while ago, smart fellow.

The team looks poised to have a lot of level ups all at once, a good SPP game in my next match should help the Chorfs out especially, another TD with BC Zlatan will see him level up too, so that's the plan... tune in tofind out how it goes!

Re: Hashuts-Chosen Texans - A rookie Chaos-Dwarf story

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2018 10:44 am
Game 8

Texans 1 Vs 2 Tiranoc Termites (Elf union)

Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to throwing dice out the door! :pissed:

Itd been a few week since my last game so i was really looking forward to playing again, been in good form, few decent results, so Nuffle obviously thought "hey, this lad is having too much fun, lets bring him back down to earth"....

Straight from the very first kick off, Nuffle stuck it to me (though the Elf coach did know what he was doing to fair to him), the Elves kicked off, rolled the Blitz result, took down a Chorf and caught their own kick! Im not 100% sure we played it right, the elf moved onto the ball space and caught it (in two TZs with nerves of steel) before the bounce was rolled for, it seems right to me but were both unsure tbh.

Anyway, no worries, smash the Elf, take the ball back, roll down the field, what could be simpler?...

6 Block Dice (including a RR) were thrown at the Elf, and the best i could muster was a push, unbelievable! They scored on turn 2 after a simple pass-catch-dodge combo, nerves of steel is awesome. 1-0 Termites.

By turn 6 id equalised with a BC after the two broke away and couldn't be stopped, 1-1 was decent enough but i couldn't shift the Elves off the pitch, only 1 CAS with the Mino meant the Termites were still able to cover the pitch with ease and with 4 Catchers and MV8 it seemed relatively easy.

Another Blow came when a Chorf left the pitch injured and the Elves then moved round me with ease to score a second before halftime! 2-1 Termites.

The 2nd half got even worse...

By turn 3 id managed to stop the Elf drive and knock the ball free into a favourable position for me, about 6 squares from the LOS, right cage up round the ball pick it up, move forward slowly, cause a few CAS on the way, draw 2-2, id take that.


For 4 turns in a row i failed to pick the ball up! A BC failed 2 4+attempts, brought in a Hobbo for the 3+, he failed 2 aswell! Give me a break! :lol: The Mino also failed 4 Wild Animal rolls in a row, thats when the dice went out the door literally! I threw it against the wall in a rage, it bounced off there, against a cabinet and out the shop door! As if things couldnt get any worse the lads in the shop took great delight in telling me that the dice i threw out rolled a 6 on the road outside!!

The game ended 2-1 with a couple more CAS scored by me late on, a Chorf levelled up with the MVP but other than that this was a pretty bad day at the office for the Texans.

Re: Hashuts-Chosen Texans - A rookie Chaos-Dwarf story

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2018 11:04 am
Team Focus update...

1. Zhorgrath / Chaos-Dwarf / 4-3-2-9 / (Block, Tackle, Thick-skull, Guard) - 7 SPP
2. Bazherak / Chaos-Dwarf / 3-3-2-9 / (Block, Tackle, Thick-skull) - 2 SPP
3. Azakil / Chaos-Dwarf / 4-3-2-9 / (Block, Tackle, Thick-skull, Mighty Blow) - 7 SPP
4. K'Daai Zhaar / Chaos-Dwarf / 4-3-2-9 / (Block, Tackle, Thick-skull, Mighty Blow) - 11 SPP
5. Ghoroth / Chaos-Dwarf / 4-3-2-9 / (Block, Tackle, Thick-skull) - 4 SPP
6. Dourgrim / Chaos-Dwarf / 4-3-2-9 / (Block, Tackle, Thick-skull)- 2 SPP
7. Ghengiz / Hobgoblin / 6-3-3-7 / - 3 SPP
8. Skarfrik / Hobgoblin / 6-3-3-7 / (Sure hands, Block) - 24 SPP
9. Taarg / Hobgoblin / 6-3-3-7 / - 2 SPP
10. Grishnak / Hobgoblin / 6-3-3-7 /
14. Zlatan / Bull-Centaur / 6-4-2-9 / (Sprint, Sure-feet, Thick-skull, Block) - 13 SPP
15. Rykarth / Bull-Centaur / 6-4-2-9 / (Sprint, Sure-feet, Thick-skull, Block) - 15 SPP
16. Colossus / Minotaur / 5-5-2-8 / (Loner,Frenzy,Horns,MB,Thick Skull,Wild Animal,Juggernaut,Block) - 20 SPP

3x Rerolls

1x Apothecary

TV = 151,000

FF = 7

Gold = 160k

Got my first Guard Chorf now but with only 12 SPP from the last game idve like to be further on than i am. Kept the cash in the bank and resisted buying another RR just incase i lose a positional player going into the Playoffs, but i need a decent result in my next game against a free scoring Skaven side or the Playoffs may slip away...

Re: Hashuts-Chosen Texans - A rookie Chaos-Dwarf story

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2018 11:57 am
by rolo
LJCA wrote:Straight from the very first kick off, Nuffle stuck it to me (though the Elf coach did know what he was doing to fair to him), the Elves kicked off, rolled the Blitz result, took down a Chorf and caught their own kick! Im not 100% sure we played it right, the elf moved onto the ball space and caught it (in two TZs with nerves of steel) before the bounce was rolled for, it seems right to me but were both unsure tbh
The sequence is, place the ball, scatter the ball, roll kickoff result, resolve kickoff result, turn 1.

Basically, the kick is still in the air when the "Blitz" turn happens. Then, once the Blitz turn is complete, the ball lands in the square it originally scattered to. Anyone in that square can attempt to catch it.
If there's nobody in the square, or if there is but they didn't catch the ball, only then does it scatter.

Fun fact! If it's not caught, and gets fumbled out of bounds ... still a touchback.

Re: Hashuts-Chosen Texans - A rookie Chaos-Dwarf story

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2018 7:15 am
by kyrre
A guard, finally. You really need break tackle on one of your bull centaurs. Have Rykarth do a quick pass if all else fails. Your minotaur is on the verge of becoming useful (or a great waster of blitz actions).

Re: Hashuts-Chosen Texans - A rookie Chaos-Dwarf story

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2018 12:55 pm
kyrre wrote:A guard, finally. You really need break tackle on one of your bull centaurs. Have Rykarth do a quick pass if all else fails. Your minotaur is on the verge of becoming useful (or a great waster of blitz actions).
Was hoping for a better game in my last outing, achieved nothing really, but yeah Guard is needed on the Chorfs, CAS's are coming slowly tho. As for the BCs you wouldn't believe the amount of times ive put them both up for the same MVP only to see the 3rd choice get it, Break-tackle would have helped massively n my last game.

Thought Rykarth picking the ball up, throwing a quick pass successfully and having it caught is easier said than done! lol

Re: Hashuts-Chosen Texans - A rookie Chaos-Dwarf story

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2018 3:45 pm
by rolo
LJCA wrote:Thought Rykarth picking the ball up, throwing a quick pass successfully and having it caught is easier said than done! lol
Pass to Zlatan, run in the TD. Two skillups with one action.

Re: Hashuts-Chosen Texans - A rookie Chaos-Dwarf story

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2018 10:21 am
rolo wrote:
LJCA wrote:Thought Rykarth picking the ball up, throwing a quick pass successfully and having it caught is easier said than done! lol
Pass to Zlatan, run in the TD. Two skillups with one action.
4+ 4+ 4+ what could be easier? :D

Re: Hashuts-Chosen Texans - A rookie Chaos-Dwarf story

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2018 10:22 am
Latest standings from RBBL3, this seasons race for the Playoffs is tight!

Still got the 69ers, Broncos, Berserkers and NRWICM left to play.

Re: Hashuts-Chosen Texans - A rookie Chaos-Dwarf story

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2018 5:47 pm
by rolo
Really? A 2300+ TV Chaos team playing against 1300-1400 and a few rookie-ish teams?

Someone doesn't really believe in fair play ;)