Heavily customised Playoffs

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Heavily customised Playoffs

Post by Twelfman »

Hi all,

With the league I'm running we have our first playoffs coming up soonish. Normal playoffs, while of course are still exciting, don't have the flair that I was after when I started the league, so I've taken a slightly... different route.

I'm planning on running four playoffs, one each season, and each will be heavily customised to fit a theme. The first one is Chaos, and the others are likely to be Undead, Lustria, Elven, Dwarfen, something like that. Each one will have their own custom stars and custom rewards.

The aim is just to have a bit of fun, and grant people the ability to create totally unique teams. Some purists may hate it, some others might find it refreshing. I know some of the rewards might seem OP, but that's why we have a bounty system in our league... :lol:

Either way, I've attached below the rulespack for the Kaos Playos (Chaos Playoffs) below. I'd appreciate any feedback. I'll of course let you all know how it goes :)

Here is the link to an evernote version, with pretty formatting and everything.



On occasion the Gods, with Nuffle's permission of course, like to host Blood Bowl tournaments of their own. Acting through heralds, they pick a venue, scout out any teams their capricious ways deem worthy, and pit them against each other. Why do these mortals take up the challenge? Why, the rewards of course. The delicious, delicious rewards...

The 'Kaos Playos' is the first playoff of the Old Duke's Cup. It is a 3 game mini tournament, limited to only the coaches with teams in the Old Duke's Cup. Any team is eligible, though each coach may only select one team.

Each coach will play three games. These will be randomly generated to begin, then a swiss style will be used. 10 points will be awarded for a win, 5 for a draw, and 1 for a loss. In the event of a tie, then net TD + net Cas will determine winner. If there is still a draw, then Strength of Schedule will be used. If somehow there is still a draw, I dunno, arm wrestle?

Importantly, this is NOT a NAF style resurrection tournament! Injuries are permanent! Players will generate SPPs like normal, and skill rolls may be allocated between matches, and team gold may be spent. Be sure to update your rosters between each game! All inducements will be allowed, following all the normal rules for inducements. You may alter your inducements between games.

The prizes for the event are below:

1st Place - One player on the team may choose a 'level 1' perk from below.
2nd Place - One 0-16 player on the team may choose a 'level 1' perk from below
3rd Place - One 0-16 player on the team may choose a 'level 2' perk from below
Wooden Spoon - One randomly allocated player on the team is given a random mutation and a random negatrait (consult list below)
Most Casualties Received
- One randomly allocated player on the team is given a random mutation and a random negatrait (consult list below)
Stunty Champ - One 0-16 player may take a mutation
Most Cas - The piece that inflicted the most casualties may choose a 'level 2' perk from below
Highest team placement prior to the playoffs - One player may take a mutation prior to game 1 (increase TV by 20k)

For any team that does not get one of the above prizes, a random player on the team may obtain a random mutation. Everyone's a winner!* *sort of

Level 1 perks-
a. One player may choose two mutations, but gains the Loner trait
b. One player may take two mutations and a Strength skill, but gains the Wild Animal and Loner traits
c. One player gains either a Chainsaw, a Bombardier, a Ball & Chain, a Pogo, the Stab skill. Note: They do NOT gain the Secret Weapon rule! They will also gain the Loner trait.
d. The player may choose any Extraordinary skill. If they do this, they also gain the Loner special rule. Note: If Throw Team Mate is taken, a 0-16 player on the team may be given the Right Stuff rule, though their armour will be reduced to 7, their movement reduced by 1, and their strength to 2. (if their armour is lower than 7, it will not increase to 7) They will not gain Stunty! If they decide to take Stunty themselves, their Strength, Armour and Movement are all reduced by 1, but they also gain the Dodge skill.
e. One player make take one mutation skill.

The players tv value is increased by 50k.

For clarification, the Pogo grants the player the Very Long Legs and Leap skills.

Level 2 perks-
a. One player may take one mutation, but gains the Loner trait.
b. One player may take two mutations, but gains the Really Stupid and Loner traits.
c. One player gains either a Chainsaw, a Bombardier, a Ball & Chain, a Pogo, the Stab skill. Note: They DO gain the Secret Weapon rule! They also gain Loner.
d. The player may choose any Extraordinary skill. If they do this, they also gain the Loner and Really Stupid special rules. Note: If Throw Team Mate is taken, a 0-16 player on the team may be given the Right Stuff rule, though their armour will be reduced to 7, movement reduced by 1, and their strength reduced to 2. (if their armour is lower than 7, it will not increase to 7) They will not gain Stunty! If they decide to take Stunty themselves, their Strength, Armour and Movement are all reduced by 1. They do not gain the Dodge skill.

The players tv value is increased by 30k.

Random Negatrait Table (d6)-
1-Really Stupid
2-Take Root
3-Wild Animal
5-Bloodlust (treat any other player on the team as a thrall)
6-Bone Head

What kind of Chaos God would simply watch such an event without getting involved, just a little? Not too much, that would be unsporting, but just enough to make it interesting...

Four Unique Wizard Choices -
Instead of purchasing a normal wizard during inducements, a player may elect to purchase the services of a wizard devoted to a particular god. Due to the ubiquity of them during such an event, their cost is reduced to 100,000gp. The cost of a normal wizard is still 150,000gp. A player may purchase up to one of each of the wizards, though he may not purchase multiple copies of any one. They are used in the same way as normal, either cast at the start of a turn of the end, or just after suffering a turnover. When casting, choose either of the two effects of the wizard.

Alternatively, you may elect to hire one of those shifty cloaked figures you see sneaking around the stands. They claim to have mystical powers, but where do their loyalties lie?

If you choose to hire a Mystery Wizard, you must roll a dice before any rolls have been made for the setups etc. On a 6, you get a free wizard, but it must be one of the wizards listed below. On a 1, however, your opponent gets the free wizard instead! If anyone wins a wizard this way, you may not select which wizard you get, but must roll a d6 to determine. Reroll any results of a 5 or 6.

Slaanesh - While making the player more lithe and perfect, this blessing makes them equally as hideous. It depends which side of the fence you sit on, I suppose...
A single player on the field gains two heads, tentacles, claw and shadowing until end of half.
Choose a 3x3 grid. All players in the grid gain +1agi and Bloodlust. Bloodlust rolls must be made with a -1 modifier. Any other player on a friendly team is considered a thrall for the purposes of Bloodlust. If cast at the start of the turn, it lasts until the end of the next players turn. If cast at the end of a turn, it lasts until the end of the casters next turn.
(teams of Dark Elves may only take this wizard in this event.)

Khorne - What's a little rage between friends if you can't share it with everyone else?
A single player on either team gains +1 strength, +1 armour and the Dauntless and Multiple Block skills until end of half.
Choose a 3x3 grid. All players in the grid gain Frenzy, Mighty Blow and Wild Animal. Wild Animal rolls must be taken with a -1 modifier. Players with Wild Animal already do not gain it again. If cast at the start of the turn, it lasts until the end of the next players turn. If cast at the end of a turn, it lasts until the end of the casters next turn.
(teams of Khorne may only take this wizard in this event.)

Nurgle - You say 'bloated' and 'corpulent'. I say 'steady' and 'impervious'. I say 'where do you think you're going?', you say 'Neeurggh!'
A single player on either team gains +2 av, and the skills Disturbing Presence, Foul Appearance, Regeneration and Tentacles until end of the match. If a player has any of these already, instead the player may grant a +1 or -1 to any rolls involving these skills on that player (only applies to skills already owned). AV may not exceed 11.
Select a 3x3 grid. All players in the grid gain -1 movement, -1 agility, +1 armour, Disturbing Presence, Stand Firm and Bone-Head. If cast at the start of the turn, it lasts until the end of the next players turn. If cast at the end of a turn, it lasts until the end of the casters next turn.
(teams of Nurgle's Rotters may only take this wizard in this event.)

Tzeench - If one thing is certain, it's that Tzeentch is an unpredictable patron. Or is he?
Select single player from either team. Roll a d6. All of that players stats become equal to the dice roll until the end of the drive. Double the results of the d6 for AV. (eg a d6 roll of 3 changes the player to a 3/3/3/6 piece)
Choose a 3x3 grid. All players in the grid have their odd stats increased by one and their even stats decreased by one (eg a 4/3/2/8 piece becomes a 3/4/1/7 piece, and a 7/3/3/7 piece becomes an 8/4/4/8 piece). If cast at the start of the turn, it lasts until the end of the next players turn. If cast at the end of a turn, it lasts until the end of the casters next turn.

There are those that are not wholly devoted to the current developments in the world of Blood Bowl, and instead prefer to bide their time until their interests are piqued. It is then that they return, hungry for blood and glory...

Below are a selection of Star Players that you may hire, but only for the duration of the tournament. They follow all the normal rules for Star Players. They are slightly cheaper than they would normally be to reflect their one-off hireability.

Mort the Unkillable
3 3 2 10 Loner, Wrestle, Jump Up, Stand Firm, Regeneration, Thick Skull 90k
Is eternal life a blessing or a curse? One way to find out, I suppose...
May be hired in any team

Capra Tun 'El 7 3 3 8 Loner, Horns, Juggernaut, Frenzy, Sure Feet 140k
Normally found delivering messages between the servants of the Dark Gods, Capra's considerable speed can undoubtedly come in handy during matches of Blood Bowl. If you can control him, that is...
May be hired in any team

Mrs. Borak 6 4 3 9 Loner, Wrestle, Dodge, Grab 180k
When The Despoiler is away on business, who gets left to pick up the pieces? Mrs. Borak, that's who. And hell hath no fury...
May be hired in any Chaos, Chaos Dwarf, Chaos Pact, Nurgle, Dark Elf or Amazon Team.

Filthy Bagsnot 5 2 3 6 Loner, Dodge, Stunty, Fend, Sneaky Git, Dirty Player, Regeneration, Pre-eminent Cheat* 90k
Filthy was one of the most prolific cheaters in Blood Bowl history, so much so that the NAF actually gave the goblin a lifetime ban from any and all future games. Still, he seems to wind up on the pitch time and time again, though how long he can remain away from the Ref's watchful eyes is anyone's guess. His antics have earned one or two bruises in his time, though...
*Pre-eminent Cheat- Filthy is sent off at the end of every drive. However, instead of placing him in the Sent Off zone, place him in the KO box. Roll for him before each new drive starts (not including the first one). On a 4+ he may be placed as normal. Players may use Bribes to reroll this dice.
May be hired in any Chaos, Chaos Dwarf, Chaos Pact, Nurgle, Goblin, Underworld, Ogre, Orc or Vampire Team.

Crogre the Ogre
5 5 1 9 Loner, Bone-Head, Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Tentacles, Break Tackle, Chainsaw, Secret Weapon 190k
Quite how Crogre obtained his Chainsaw, no one really knows. No one's asked him. No one wants to. Best to just let him get on with it, and to try and stay out of his way...
May be hired in any Chaos, Chaos Dwarf, Chaos Pact, Nurgle, Goblin, Underworld or Ogre Team.

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Re: Heavily customised Playoffs

Post by PercyTheTroll »

That's some dedication to making stuff up!

Quick thought, what happens when you add a negatrait to a player that already has a negatrait? Do you get double wild animal or something?

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Re: Heavily customised Playoffs

Post by Twelfman »


I was thinking that if somehow you end up with the same negatrait twice, then you don't double it. Having to make two Wild Animals rolls would be brutal! Either that, or you get a -1 to the roll. Haven't decided yet.

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Re: Heavily customised Playoffs

Post by Bakunin »

Add a Squig Hopper starplayer - that seems to be whats missing :P

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Galak 3:16 says "There is a point in time that a player really should read the rulebook."
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Re: Heavily customised Playoffs

Post by PercyTheTroll »

Extremely Confused - This player has taken several blows to the head or has spent too much time experimenting with interesting mushrooms. This means the player is prone to losing track of what's happening and periods of extreme aggression. After declaring an action the player rolls 1d6. On a 4 or more he may continue as normal. On a3 or less he may not move and loses his tacklezones. The player may add +1 to the roll if he is in a friendly player's (who cannot have Really Stupid or Extremely Confused) tacklezone. The player may add +1 if he is taking a block or blitz action.

A player gains extremely confused if he gains any combination of two negatraits (Bonehead, Really Stupid and Wild Animal). Extremely Confused replaces both negatraits.

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