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Idea for a Khorne roster

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 5:30 pm
by harvestmouse
This is an idea I thought about for a Khorne roster a while ago. It's not a serious one, and certainly shouldn't/couldn't be considered a rival to a 'standard' Khorne roster. However it might be of use as a commissioner controlled team in leagues where the Elf coaches are sharing smirks, winks and silverware; or a bit of fun for the real griefers out there, and show who the true blood lovers are, over those looking for click (or roll dice) and win coaches.

Team name: The Blood Skulls

Team background: The Blood Skulls are probably the least popular team (well maybe just behind The Nurgle stinky stinkers) on the professional Blood Bowl circuit; if you can call The Blood Skulls professional, there's little evidence of that!

Only the most devoted Khorne followers are allowed to join The Blood Skulls, and the devoted only have one purpose in life; to add skulls to Khornes already immensely boney throne.

It's unclear whether or not The Blood Skull players actually realise there is a ball involved in Blood Bowl......or there's the word 'Bowl' in Blood.......whatsit. It's all about the Blood for them. An interviewer once asked Skulls' star Chaos Warrior Sir Killi-Alot (he's dead posh so has a hyphened family name) "Do you ever go for the ball?" Killi replied with a hopeful look in his eyes "Why, is there a skull inside or or or maybe some blood?" Which just about says it all really.

Last season the team only managed to fill up 1/3rd of the dates on it's tour calendar, which was an immense disappointment to the team players who could be heard muttering things like "filthy pickers" or "Bloody Elfballers". Not to be put off, Coach 'Gluh-ton 4 Puny-Shmunt' (also dead posh) applied for various leagues. 12 didn't get back to him, 4 were flat refusals and the most hopeful was a short letter that had "Ha.....hahaha....ha....yeah right" written on it.

This season's calendar is looking just as bleak, with only the most desperate of teams willing to take matches. Will this be the end of the (skull) line for the Blood Skulls? Only time will tell!!

Team Colours: Does it bloody well matter? Uniforms and armour are completely red with blood after 5 minutes anyway!

Famous Cheers: "Pile awn? Hell yeah" (followed by the flop dance where the Cheerleaders do mock belly flops on each least I think they're mock!)

Team roster:

0-16 Khorne Marauders 6 3 3 8 Frenzy, No hands GSM/A 45k
0-4 Khorngors 6 3 3 8 Claws, Horns, No hands GSM/A 65k
0-4 Chaos Warriors 5 4 3 9 No hands GSM/A 80k
0-1 (Look out it'sa) Bloodytaur (where? ahhhhhh) 5 5 2 8 Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Frenzy, Horns, Mighty Blow, Throw Team Mate, Always Hungry, Mighty Blow, Wild Animal Loner, No hands and errr Mighty Blow SM/GA 130k? (Khorne Minotaur)

Special rules

No hands: This player (errr every player) may not pick up the ball.....ever (though I do like Darksons BFTBG idea for this team in the Khorne thread).

Razor Sharp Claws: Razor Sharp Claws are back!!! Any player on this team, may take RSC on regular rolls (just as if it was a standard mutation). Add +2 to the injury roll made by a player with 'RSC' if the armour is broken.

How to win?

Quite simply they don't!!! Well actually they can, in 2 ways. 1. force your opponent to concede or 2. gain a td where your opponent has no players to field for the next drive. Yes simply, you need to kill to win!

Re: Idea for a Khorne roster

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 12:38 am
by Chris
It kinda glosses over the actual game? In bloodbowl in many ways the chaos gods are secondary to Nuffle - after all they all enjoy watching and playing the game. So skulls are great, but skulls and touchdowns make you feel fantastic...

Re: Idea for a Khorne roster

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 5:59 am
by harvestmouse
Well, it doesn't appeal to me, however have you seen some of the guys running around the online versions? There is a niche crowd that seem to be interested in little else. I agree to an extent that in the land of Blood Bowl; Blood Bowl and Nuffle rule over anything. However Khorne as a god is the supreme killer.

I think as a mechanic this team could be useful too. If you ran a biggish league, a prize for the winner could be 'congratulations you get to play team that can't even hold the ball!' 'Wow, sign me up!! Wait no wait!!!'.

This way a team that won the league would then be trimmed a bit, naturally and without culling.

Also, I think there's some interesting tactical play here. Although it's difficult for them to win, it isn't impossible. So protecting the ball on offensive drives would be interesting.

Think of it as an almost useless tool. Hardly ever used, but handy for that one time you do need it.

What is a shame (for them) after thinking about it. With no hands it is impossible to win by getting the free TD unless your opponent has 11 players on the team. Possibly a special rule that if at the end of the match, your opponent has no players able to take the field (dug out players count as being able to take the field) then they are awarded a TD.