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Kobolds (Super Dungeon Explore)

Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 4:01 pm
by odinsgrandson
Ok, I've started painting up Kobolds from my Super Dungeon set. Here are the first three of them to be finished.

One note here- I'm intentionally painting all of the kobolds differently for a couple reasons. First, my wife wants to paint a bunch as well, and we don't want to worry about them matching. Also, both of us were feeling a little sick of painting units, so painting them each as individuals should help them look terrific. We're going to try and make them match in style, but no two kobolds are going to be colored the same:






Re: Kobolds (Super Dungeon Explore)

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 5:14 am
by bound for glory
your painting is very good. but kobolds are suposed to be dog like. never knew them to be reptiles...

Re: Kobolds (Super Dungeon Explore)

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 7:34 am
by fitch-face
I like the painting style! Really suits the miniatures and looks great. Look forward to seeing more of the set!
bound for glory wrote:but kobolds are suposed to be dog like. never knew them to be reptiles...
Only because of D&D! Before D&D kobold was just another word for goblin and before I got into gaming I always pictured them like little Labyrinth goblins. And GW's idea of a kobold is a goblin that can spit fire, apparently :o

Re: Kobolds (Super Dungeon Explore)

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 3:59 pm
by odinsgrandson
Well, D&D has them pegged as dragon-kin creatures, so they'd have to be somewhat reptilian looking.

But, yeah. If you go to the roots of these words, there wasn't a difference between a Goblin and a Demon.

Re: Kobolds (Super Dungeon Explore)

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 12:52 am
by bound for glory
well, i started playing D&D in late 1977, and they were discribed and pictured as dog-like. if you look at the first monster manual, they are clearly dog like.
i'm not making a negative comment, just sayin'...