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Death Bowl III overtime

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2005 10:58 pm
by CyberHare
There have been a number of people asking for the Death Bowl round to be allowed to go into overtime. The concerns for going into overtime have always been ones of time. A game of Death Bowl takes 4 to 5 hours just to complete the basic game. Adding a full half of overtime onto that can add hours onto the game. With the idea of keeping the extended overtime to as short a period as possible the following idea was put foreward.

Winning & Overtime
The team that scores the most touchdowns in the championship game is the winner and tournament champion. The Death Bowl Championship game cannot end in a tie. Game play will continue into sudden-death overtime until a clear winner is determined or three coaches concede. That overtime will be conducted by the rules that follow.

All other Death Bowl games will have the option of going into overtime. If two or more coaches wish to continue a tied game until a winner is determined then the game goes into overtime. If only one coach wishes to continue the game is called a tie. Coaches not wishing to continue into overtime have the option to concede the match at no penalty to their tournament score or ranking.

Game play for overtime will not be limited to 8 turns per half. Overtime game play will not reset until a winner has been determined. This means that there are no "halves" in overtime, it is simply one continuous period until a winner is determined. It also means that there is no chance to refresh the players that are on the field. After the last coach has completed every fourth round, a new ball will be added to gameplay at one of the four squares at the center of the field. Determine which square randomly. If a touchdown is scored but a winner has not yet been determined game play does not reset. The ball that the player who scored was carrying is returned to one of the four center squares. Determine which square randomly. As always a teams turn is ended when they score a touchdown. players do not reset their positions. Game play simply continues with the next coaches turn with the players in the same positions they were in when the TD was scored.
