Heartsbane wrote:Team Eatbats sports division is a spin off from the main Eatbats group, which prioritises sportsmanship and hobby skill over game winning ability. Nevertheless, we have some competitive spirit, and after a year of playing Blood Bowl tourneys we're aspiring to the same mid table mediocrity as our fantasy playing counterparts have achieved after a decade.
Coachkeeper: Newly appointed team captain, and international jet-setter, CK has a prodigious collection of teams and pitches to show for his lengthy experience of the game. His liking for playing against type saw him win the league award for most passes in a season. With dwarves. (don't worry, he's not bringing dwarves to UKTC II)
Gethyn: A man of extremes, 2015 saw him finish painting two teams: the first edition skaven team he'd been working on since he bought teem from GW, and his pastafarians, which went from unassembled to fully painted in three days.
Heartsbane: Following the release of Age of Sigmar, HB swore to never play a round based game again, so now he steadfastly puts all his blood bowl figures on square bases. He thinks it'll catch on. He's also sad that he didn't know the legal exemption of blood bowl tourneys from dry January this time last year.
Mattevens: Matt's enthusiasm for the game is matched only by his hatred of his dice. Considering himself jynxed, it's a rare game that reaches turn four before he begins grumbling about the treacherous cubes of disappointment. One of Matt's ancestors' entire lineage was cursed to ill fortune by a Mayan priestess nearly five centuries ago, but his teammates keep telling him the two are unconnected...
Bravo! Look forward to seeing you guys back in York:)