Jocks v Geordies 10th/11th October 2015

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Jocks v Geordies 10th/11th October 2015

Post by Garrick »

For your reading pleasure here is the sequel.

So good readers like every story, this one has a start, a middle, and an end.

The tale begins in Newcastle just over a year ago at the inaugural Jocks v Geordies challenge. The Jocks and the Geordies have a long history of supporting each other and launch regular raids north and south of the border. The intention of the challenge was for as many of the Scottish team as could find Newcastle to practise their Eurobowl teams against world class opposition. And the Geordies were that, with their team including both finalists from the 2015 NAFC and several of them having played for the English National Eurobowl team.

Unsurprisingly the Geordies crushed the Scots 23.5 - 11.5 (winning 4 rounds, drawing 1 and losing none). Like every good Blood Bowl event it was filled with beer, food and general shenanigans.

Despite the trouncing the Scots received it was agreed that it should become an annual event and this year it was decided that it should be at the beginning of October in Edinburgh and would be practise for the 2015 World Cup (using the World Cup rule set).

A 5 game fixed draw schedule was agreed so that the Geordies could leave Scotland early on the Sunday before their arteries hardened.

Ant, the Jocks Captain contacted the 2014 team and invited them to join this year’s endeavour. All except Phil were available and a call was put out for a sixth Scot. Meanwhile the Geordies struggled to fill their squad as only 4 of their 2014 team could make it but that was soon fixed with the addition of an Antipodean freebooter and it was decided the teams should be reduced to 5 a side which would allow every possible fixture to be played. Last year the slightly unsatisfactory situation occurred where the top performing Geordie coach and the top performing Jock coach ended up not playing each other.

As the clock ticked down to the match weekend, some doubt was thrown on the attendance of one of the Geordie stars Winkle_Picka, winner of this year’s NAF Championship and key member of the Geordie team. Rumours that he was sitting in his Geordie lair hugging the JvG trophy and muttering Precious are completely unfounded.

Not a problem as Mattrobson stepped up to the plate and offered to step into Winkle_Picka’s place if he couldn’t make it.

Meanwhile: the Jock’s social secretary JamesEs was busy organising the itinerary for the Saturday night: “book cosmo everyone... pick a good pub nearby... few drinks, get a bit gay then we all wear togas and bull masks while we ritualistically cut Dave M's hair. Later we adjourn to Arthur’s seat to hunt the deadliest prey of all: man. Oh yeah we'll need to organise a homeless guy for that so make a note. You know, just a nice low key kind of evening.” and incidentally a member of the Geordie team was appointed captain of the English National team, demonstrating yet again the Blood Bowl powerhouse that is Geordie land.

The non-attendance of Winkle_Picka was confirmed and Mattrobson was substituted in subject to getting permission from his dog to attend. Dizmol, Ant’s flat mate, was put on high alert. The Dog said no!

The teams:

Purdindas (Undead)
Garrick (Dark Elf)
JamesEs (Wood Elf)
LordGarlack (Dark Elf)
Vanguard (Skaven)

Don_Vito (Wood Elf)
Pipey (Lizardmen)
Stick (Norse)
Nichren (Undead)
Dizmol (Dark Elf)

The glittering prize, rumoured to be somewhere in Newcastle:


At 10am the Geordies arrived at 6s2hit to find the Jocks already in situ, the predictable one already with beer in hand.

The first round was a tense affair and ended up a draw 2.5 to 2.5; match of note was that the Jock’s captain lost 2-0.


The second round saw the Geordies take a narrow lead with a 3-2 win; highlight was the newly elected English National Captain losing 3-1 to screams of “why did I take Frenzy on my Wardancer” only interrupted as he poured consolation beer down his throat. The Jock’s captain lost 2-1.


Round 3 was another draw; the last match a 2-2 draw that went on for a couple of hours after everybody else had finished. Any guesses as to which two coaches were involved? Answers on a postcard please! The Jock’s captain lost 3-2.

JamesEs was the only coach to pull off a perfect score with 3 x 3-2 wins and was definitely the Jock’s star player.

So Day 1 ended with a narrow 8-7 lead for the Geordies.

At this point something odd happened, the Jock’s social secretary and star player disappeared never to be seen again!

Whilst the rest of us repaired to a dodgy Paul McCartney tribute restaurant and then onto some even dodgier bars. Inevitably one of the Geordies squared up to a random drunk Scotsman not understanding that he wouldn't find it amusing when he fell flat on his face to find a Geordie wetting himself at the poor man’s demise. Your author being of advanced years (and after a solid 14 hours of drinking) left the shenanigans at the witching hour.

Allegedly the Geordies were seen in an unfeasibly long queue outside a chippy at 2:30am waiting to try that Scottish delicacy the deep fried Mars bar. Meanwhile there were reports of JamesEs drinking Absinthe cocktails in a notorious Gay night club and running naked around Calton Hill at 4am pursued by several large hairy Neanderthals.

The early start the next morning got underway slowly and eventually as the penultimate coach turned up it became apparent that the Jock’s star player was missing. Several desperate texts followed by frantic phone calls achieved the square root of nothing and the Jocks had to drag some early morning delivery van driver off the street to fill in for him.

Round 4 despite the loss of their star player was a 3-2 win for the Jocks and to celebrate the Jock’s captain won his first match 2-0!! The fixture was tied at 10-10 with only one round to go.

Still no sign of JamesEs although there was a disturbing report on Radio Froth of a man being found on Calton Hill tied face down on a park bench with his trousers round his ankles and a big grin on his face.

Last round sadly saw the collapse of the Jocks as they lost 3.5 to 1.5 a round that was summed up by the 4-1 defeat of their captain. A valiant effort by the Jocks despite being abandoned by their star player on Day 2 as they lost 11.5 to 13.5 to the Geordies.


The games were played in a friendly relaxed environment and the banter was great. The idea was it to be competitive but fun and that was achieved.

Most of the games ended with the players discussing the game and having friendly discussions about tactics, errors that were made, and such like. It was done in a friendly spirit and summed up what the event was all about.

It was a great weekend, not just for the games but for spending time with a good group of mates even the one who disappeared!

We believe that this has become an annual event, which will be hosted in the North East next year.

Full results

Points scoring
1 / 0.5 / 0 for individual W/D/L
No tiebreaker – a tie would’ve been just that

Purdindas (Undead)
Garrick (Dark Elf)
LordGarlack (Dark Elf)
Vanguard (Skaven)
And special guest star for one day only JamesEs (Wood Elf)

Don_Vito (Wood Elf)
Pipey (Lizardmen)
Stick (Norse)
Nichren (Undead)
Dizmol (Dark Elf)

2 Pipey v Purdindas 0
2 Don_Vito v LordGarlack 1
1 Nichren v Garrick 1
2 Dizmol v JamesEs 3
0 Stick v Vanguard 1
Sub Total:
Jocks 2.5
Geordies 2.5

2 Pipey v LordGarlack 0
1 Don_Vito v Garrick 3
2 Nichren v JamesEs 3
2 Dizmol v Vanguard 1
2 Stick v Purdindas 1
Sub Total:
Jocks 4.5
Geordies 5.5

2 Pipey v Garrick 2
2 Don_Vito v JamesEs 3
0 Nichren v Vanguard 1
3 Dizmol v Purdindas 2
2 Stick v LordGarlack 1
Sub Total:
Jocks 7
Geordies 8

100 Pipey v JamesEs 0
2 Don_Vito v Vanguard 1
0 Nichren v Purdindas 2
1 Dizmol v LordGarlack 2
0 Stick v Garrick 1
Sub Total:
Jocks 10
Geordies 10

3 Pipey v Vanguard 0
4 Don_Vito v Purdindas 1
1 Nichren v LordGarlack 1
0 Dizmol v Garrick 3
100 Stick v JamesEs 0
Final Total:
Jocks 11.5
Geordies 13.5

The top individual players were
Pipey (4.5pts)
Garrick (4pts)
JamesEs (3pts)
Don_Vito (3pts)
Stick (3pts)

So a 13.5 - 11.5 victory (2/2/1 result) for the Geordies who retain the trophy for the second year but a far more successful result for the Jocks who might even have snatched victory if their star player could have been arsed to get out of bed on Day 2 :lol: .

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The artist formerly known as Dipso Gnome.

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Re: Jocks v Geordies 10th/11th October 2015

Post by Pipey »

Great write up, thanks!

We're looking to source another international standard venue for 2016's clash, some time in the run up to Eurobowl Sweden...

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Re: Jocks v Geordies 10th/11th October 2015

Post by purdindas »

Night Time Action Shots







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Have you tried my Crispy Pancakes?

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Re: Jocks v Geordies 10th/11th October 2015

Post by Garrick »

Rematch confirmed for 1st / 2nd October 2016 in Newcastle.

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The artist formerly known as Dipso Gnome.

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