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Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 6:28 pm
by Igor Tahavanale
They had one rack of blisters in the store, which is approx 16x 6 blisters, IIRC. Might be 20 x 6. With 200 people attending the tournament, i was amazed that no-one had thought to order in a few extra blisters for that weekend. Andy Hall was pretty bemused about it too, and I don't blame him. He'd asked them specifically.
Bugmans wasn't any better stocked. I fancied a Bugmans top (T-shirt mug :oops: ) and they had three XXL in stock, that was it. :pissed: The event may have gone smoothly enough but the merchandising that should have gone with it sucked. With more stuff on the shelves in the shop I'd have probably picked up more (i.e. what I wanted instead of nothing).

I spent jack s.... nothing in the end. For a company who's name seems to mean greed they missed a few million tricks this time around.

Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 8:01 pm
by Darkson
Sorry to have missed you Andy. I had intended to go to the White Hart post-Sunday, but I was f-ing knackered, and didn't fancy having a meeting with the central reservation halfway down the A34.

Maybe next time?

Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 8:05 pm
by rodders
i spent more money in hooters than i did @ gw :wink:

Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 10:25 pm
by Jackhammer
tbh with mail order on site I dont see what the big deal is in regards to merchandising.

But yeh i had an awesome time at my first ever BB tournament. I may have finished 168th, i may have failed to win a single game, but my aim was to not lose em all so its all good.

Its now the longest possible time till the next Gt so i got time to plan what i'm gonna take and get a whole bunch of practise in. And this time I wont paint my team on the friday night.

Thanks to Ghost Womble and the guys that introduced me to that splendid card game on friday. Id have to have started painting earlier otherwise.

Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 8:47 am
by Ithilkir
Got my tools from you today Andy, was great meeting you and hopefully you'll pop along next year as well :)

Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 2:30 pm
by Heresy_Bloke
Jackhammer wrote:tbh with mail order on site I dont see what the big deal is in regards to merchandising.
Except that the mail order department would be crewed by the weekend staff, which didn't necessarily include a caster. (Not sure if BB is 'main range' at GW in terms of production. If so then the only way Mail Order could get hold of BB stocks would be to order them from the factory, which would take approx 2-5 days to arrive if the factory had them cast already. If not, then longer as the factory would have to fit them into its schedule. If the BB stuff is mail order castable, then the trained casters are the only ones allowed to do it and if one of them was not working that weekend, then no stock. Since the BB stuff is in blisters, I assume it IS main range.) If mail order had no stock of an item, then the person ordering would have to wait for it to be cast by the factory and shipped out as per a regular mail order.

So in summary: you'd have thunk so, but alas, no.

Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 2:54 pm
by Rab
Well, anyway - Andy you were able to seperate me from some shiny beer tokens in the White Hart for two rather splendid ogres. The last you had, I think :lol:

Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 2:57 pm
by Heresy_Bloke
Indeed. Had to cast some up on monday for those who came after you!

Thank you from Denmark

Posted: Sun May 21, 2006 4:54 pm
by Raae
ill also like to thank you for some great games this year,

It was great fun as always

Thomas Raae Andersen