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Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2002 4:11 pm
by Venomous Breath
People tell me my MA6 saurus' are fast, so your amazons must be too.. :lol:

Thanks for the welcome messages folks. I don't go on about being Res Champ because I feel there are some people that deserve it more than me. My aim is to be the best Lizardman coach, and prove their worth. I have accomplished both these things, and I look forward to playing all the good coaches next tournament, even if it is just a friendly in Bugman's the night before... :D

PS...anyone know why my avatar doesn't work?

Simon :smoking:

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2002 4:43 pm
by Deathwing
Avatar? For some reason I couldn't get the upload feature to work, but the link seems to be fine. You could always mail me the avatar, I'll upload it to my webspace and mail you back the link.

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2002 5:16 pm
by neoliminal
Venomous Breath wrote:People tell me my MA6 saurus' are fast, so your amazons must be too.. :lol:

Thanks for the welcome messages folks. I don't go on about being Res Champ because I feel there are some people that deserve it more than me. My aim is to be the best Lizardman coach, and prove their worth. I have accomplished both these things, and I look forward to playing all the good coaches next tournament, even if it is just a friendly in Bugman's the night before... :D

PS...anyone know why my avatar doesn't work?

Simon :smoking:
My friend here has a set of "Dino Dice". It seems that one of the game companies decided to come out with a dice game and they thought they would sell more if they made it set around dinosaurs. So they made Dino Dice. The dice are regular 6 sided dice, but they have dinosaurs on them as well as the numbers. The player doesn't play lizard men, but he still uses the dino dice whenever possible. I have to giggle every time he rolls a brontosaur followed by another brontosaur!

John -

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2002 5:44 pm
by Venomous Breath
Dino Dice!!!! Must have..must have (I'm sad like that). Could you give me more info on the game company, game name etc or any idea where I can get some.


Simon :smoking:

Dino Dice, a links.

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2002 10:05 pm
by neoliminal


Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2002 10:50 pm
by Tiberius
Dear sweet mother of God

Don't let him get the Dino Dice, We'll all have to go round and look at them. As if the Skinks with Sombreros wasn't bad enough, but not Dino DIce. At least playing the Undead I just get to roll the bones. Sigh......

Damn you to Hades Merton.


Big C

Resurrection Experience

Posted: Tue May 07, 2002 9:19 am
by plasmoid
Hi all,
We're using a slightly modified version of the resurrection rules:

Anyway, I recently hosted a 30 tournament using these rules. The results and top 8 teams can be found here:

Notice that quite a few of the top teams had a lot of dirty players. It was felt that particularly in this format dirty player is still a problem. 1 free skill on the linemen makes for a lot of dirty players!
Has anybody else had this experience?

(Next time, well give an extra +1 to the reffroll if the fouler uses a dirty player bonus.)