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OBBLM Both Coaches Lose?

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2018 6:27 pm
by TedStriker
Is it possible to record a league game as both coaches lost?

We have a scheduled league with 3 points a win, 1 a tie and 0 for a loss.

I'm the commissioner. If two coaches can't/won't schedule their game, I want to be able to declare a forfeit, record it on the webpage and move on. I want to give them both a loss for the game. I don't want to have it a 0-0 tie and reward them with a point.

Is this possible?

Re: OBBLM Both Coaches Lose?

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2018 4:34 pm
by Vanguard
No, this is not currently possible in OBBLM.
You can approximate this by using Sportsmanship Points as penalty points. This only works if you are nto otherwise using Sportsmanship points.
So, assuming you are awarding 2-1-0 for Win-Draw-Loss, record the match as a draw and allocate 1 sportsmanship point to each player.
You also need to update the points calculation for your tournament to subtract sportmansship points. This would then give both players zero points for the match.

Re: OBBLM Both Coaches Lose?

Posted: Fri May 03, 2019 5:54 pm
by byrnesvictim
We run the same points system, was having a think about this. Why not delete that round from the tournament? E.g. team C vs F failed to schedule their round 3 match, click view, then next to lock use the delete there to remove just that one match. 0 points is the same as a loss anyway, allows you to actually issue a draw if something happened and they tried, (e.g. family problem, act of god) but you needed to move the league on