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1st tournie - Skaven

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2003 7:10 am
by Cool Hand Fluke
Hi. I'm new to BB but i'm totally hooked! Played 4 games so far in a league and i've won more than i've lost. Been reading this site for tips otherwise i'd have been stuffed.

I've agreed to have a go in the WPS team tournie in Nottingham next month. Decided to leave out the Rat Ogre as he's too unpredictable. My team is:

StV (x2)
GuRn (x3)
Th (x2)
Ln (x7)
RR (x3)
FF (x1)

I should mention that we're playing 5 games. Team re-sets at the end of each game but fatalities/serious injuries lose their skills. You still rolls for skills etc but you allocate these to your team. Undecided whether to swap a couple of Linerats for another Runner.

Any tips/advice would be appreciated

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2003 8:48 am
by DoubleSkulls
Don't play Skaven. Under WPS rules any casualties lose any extra skills. So an apoth is better than a 12th player.

Even so, I'd recommend you do take the Rat Ogre, you can give him Block after the 1st game so you've got 4 games with him being reliable. You'll need the strength to break up Orc teams with 4 Blocking BOBs.

So I think I'd be tempted by

5 Line rats
2 Throwers
2 Storm Vermin
2 Gutter Runners
1 Rat Ogre
1 FF

That gives a spare player, an apoth and plenty of muscle. Progression - Block on the Rat Ogre, Kick on a line rat, Block on GRs, Guard or Tackle on the SV.

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2003 9:00 am
by Valen
That sounds good too me

1st tournie - Skaven

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2003 7:05 am
by Cool Hand Fluke
Thanks fellas

Posted: Fri May 23, 2003 3:39 pm
by Cool Hand Fluke
Tomorrows the big day. Ist tournie ever. 5 games over 2 days plus excessive drinking and a curry. Did i mention the Poker night.

And a bank holiday to get over it 8)