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Hello from a cheapskate Manchester, UK

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 5:06 pm
by jonbyrne
Good Afternoon All

I thought I would pop on and say hello as I am just starting to put together a Blood Bowl set on the cheap and will probably need to come and ask for advice.

I was planning printing my own board but I remembered I had a copy of Rugby Addicts in the bottom of the wardrobe and it turns out it is the right number of squares in length (i think) and just 4 too wide. so the plan is to customise the board but covering the extra width with dugouts and some nice graphics. Not wanting to spoil my set I popped out today to the discount store I picked the game up originally as they have had them in for the best part of a year and picked up another set. Additional to the Board I should be able to re-utilise the balls and player stands until I have my teams sorted. Not bad for £2.

I am looking to put together 2 teams so I have a fully playable set, probably Lizardmen Vs Orcs, both aiming to be conversions and the donors of these seem to be the cheapest option.

Hope to get on here more often as the project progresses and maybe get to play against some of you in the future.


Re: Hello from a cheapskate Manchester, UK

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 6:22 pm
by GalakStarscraper
I'm not sure how cheap you are trying to make the full set. But for a little over £28 you can get a 15 players team + 2 extra figures for use as star players that you could use if you wanted as a Lizardman set (so under £2 per a figure). ... id=TC_SRT2

When you say cheap .. this might still be more than you had in mind ... not sure and apologies if it is outside the budget. But its one of the least expensive ways to get that team on the market and you don't even need to do any conversion.

Re: Hello from a cheapskate Manchester, UK

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 6:35 pm
by jonbyrne
Thanks for the reply GalakStarscraper, when I say cheap I mean cheap!

£1 per miniature is my standard limit although this can be averaged over a squad. I plan on doing a conversion like herewhich I have priced up using second hand miniatures from ebay and should be able to keep to my rule, it helps that I do not mind broken weapons.

My modelling & painting skills are absolutely naff but they make me happy.

Re: Hello from a cheapskate Manchester, UK

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 7:22 pm
by spubbbba
e-bay or similar is probably your best bet.

If you are not too fussed about the sculpts then getting some of the old GW lizardmen plastics is your best bet. If you buy ones that have been painted already and/or have broken weapons then that should drastically lower the cost.

Orcs are even easier as both the 40K and fantasy ones make good bloodbowl players and have been out for ages.

Re: Hello from a cheapskate Manchester, UK

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 7:44 pm
by jonbyrne
Yes Orcs are on the list for the reasons you mentioned, I have a few orcs on the way already so will probably get working on them first.

Re: Hello from a cheapskate Manchester, UK

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 11:51 am
by Leipziger
Hey Jon,

Nice project, I'll be interested to see how it develops :)

If you're Manchester based, you might want to check out

We're a Manchester based group of BB players who run leagues, tournaments etc.

Re: Hello from a cheapskate Manchester, UK

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 11:49 am
by the solitaire
Looking forward to the results of your project.

It´s always nice to see what a little creativity can do :D

Re: Hello from a cheapskate Manchester, UK

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 11:32 pm
by jonbyrne
Thanks guys for the messages.

Leipziger I am in Manchester, well Stockport to be more precise so will get in touch about getting to one of your events at some point.

My Orc players have arrived and I am pretty happy, coming out at a cost of just shy of 50p per player at the moment. I have obvioulsy got to deweaponise them and then paint and base, but all in all I am happy with what has turned up for that team.

The Squad


Thrower one of a few actual BB players I picked up


I have 6 of these guys


and 6 of these


a couple of these


about 12 of these


and finally couple of these


So I will start to work on them this weekend.

I have a few of the Lizardmen already too I love the Saurus and the 2 temple gaurd saurus I have but am a little disappointed in the Skinks size, not being a Games Workshop regular I had never actually seen them in the flesh. I may not do the Lizardmen Team now, as the skinks are what helped them keep the cost down but not sure what else would be cheapish, need to go hit ebay.

Re: Hello from a cheapskate Manchester, UK

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 12:18 am
by velvet mark
Hi there!

Nice selection of classic orcs there. If you are adding a troll you can pick up the plastic battle for skull pass ones from ebay for a couple of pounds.