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Miniatures we'd like to see

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2022 11:58 pm
by sumbloke
I'm thinking of trying my hand at creating some new miniatures. And if they turn out decent I'll probably run a Kickstarter for them. But I'm not wanting to do "yet another generic <x> team", so reaching out for any ideas people might have.

Please suggest any team themes you might like to see (such as pirate goblins or musketeer dwarves. Note these are not ideas I'm going to do as I've seen these miniatures done before). Also, if there are races you feel are underrepresented with third-party miniatures but don't have theme suggestions, let me know and I'll try to come up with some themes.

Edit: I'm also making this a public list, so anyone else can try some of the ideas.

Re: Miniatures we'd like to see

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2022 8:39 pm
by Saebelsultan
I'd very much like to see a nasty Garden Gnome dwarf team.

Re: Miniatures we'd like to see

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2022 6:35 am
by lunchmoney
I'd like to see undead versions of everything. Undead dwarfs, undead elves, undead amazons etc.