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Re: New Slann miniatures project?

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 5:38 pm
by Arthur Gordon Pym
I also voted no, because the I already have the Rolljordan's Horned Frog and I really love them.

I should have voted C, since I'm still looking for the definitive Wood Elves, High Elves and Underworld teams for my collection.

Anyway, I might consider a new Slann team if:

- The scale is real 28 mm (not heroic or whatever)

- It looks old-schoolish:


- It's a full roster (16 players) and it has the option for full staff (coach, apo & cheerleader)

Re: New Slann miniatures project?

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 6:33 pm
by Pedda
I just got myself a Rolljordan Slann team, but if they're nice enough, I might switch :)

However, I don't think that Slann isn't played due to the lack of miniatures, but rather due to it being a team that doesn't play like the rest.

If I were to start a new line of miniatures I'd probably go for a team that's more common.
Why not go for one of your favorite teams, the rats, although Pedro has already done a skaven team.

Regardless, I'll keep an eye on your progress.
Good luck mate!

Re: New Slann miniatures project?

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 6:41 pm
by J_Bone
Norse wrote:Yes, I'd be interested, but

1) Pedro Ramos needs to sculpt in the correct scale - 32mm heroic is not correct for BB, STOP THE SCALE CREEP!!
2) Team cost (assuming 16 players) should not exceed $90 for metal or $75 for resin
3) Hard to completely commit without seeing concept art - your idea of cool may not be the same as mine

in all truth though, I would suggest you consider a 3d printer design (like RNestudios) rather than old school sculpting.. faster and cheaper in my experience. Not that I know ANYTHING about the mini industry.. :roll: :lol:
You've summed up a lot of the issues that I have considered during the inception of this project perfectly there, Norse...

1) While I don't mind what scale a lot of people make their miniatures in I do prefer to have a more classic 28mm size to my Blood Bowl miniatures. One thing I will be specifying in the design specs for the team is that the size is controlled. I don't want to be producing minis that are too big to fit the game.

2) I will be providing my team in white metal (as I have a casting company on board that are well respected in the business and that I have products from already) and will be striving to make my team at a competitive price. I am still working on the figures but I would not like to charge more than $90 (£60 / €80).

3) It's always hard to describe things without concept art and I can understand your hesitance. I don't like the very scrawny / stringy look that some Slann miniatures have and will be trying to make them look a little more like rough and ready football players with influences from 2nd edition Blood Bowl figures (as that is my favourite era). My main aim though is to make positionals clearly identifiable and to have a large number of individual sculpts with lots of character. As soon as I have concept art I will post it up.

Also, I am looking to use old-school sculpting as while I have some great resin miniatures by the likes of RN Estudios I prefer the look gained with classic sculpting and casting methods and I wanted Pedro Ramos on board as I LOVE his work and his teams tend to be very popular.

Re: New Slann miniatures project?

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 6:53 pm
by Metalface13
I'm totally on board with what you're saying, but I voted "C" because I'm just personally not all that interested in playing Slann. What I'd really like to see is Pedro do a high elf/elf team that captures the feel of the 2nd edition Jes Goodwin elves. But if there's a market for slann and that's what you want to do, go for it.

Re: New Slann miniatures project?

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 6:54 pm
by J_Bone
Arthur Gordon Pym wrote:- It's a full roster (16 players) and it has the option for full staff (coach, apo & cheerleader)
Due to the high set-up costs the initial team will be 7 individual linemen, 2 individual catchers, 2 individual blitzers and a Kroxigor. I am planning on setting up a kickstarter to get started with a fairly low threshold (relatively speaking) just to cover the costs of the initial outlay with extra sculpts (so all 4 catchers and all 4 blitzers have individual sculpts) being unlocked as the very first stretch goals. I plan for other stretch goals to include free star and sideline miniatures. This is all still to be confirmed but it seems like the most sensible way to approach the venture and a good way to reward people who back the kickstarter and grow the project.

Re: New Slann miniatures project?

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 7:00 pm
by J_Bone
Pedda wrote:However, I don't think that Slann isn't played due to the lack of miniatures, but rather due to it being a team that doesn't play like the rest.

If I were to start a new line of miniatures I'd probably go for a team that's more common.
Why not go for one of your favorite teams, the rats, although Pedro has already done a skaven team.
Part of the reason I went for Slann is because there are already a lot of versions of the major teams... I also think PR could make an excellent looking Slann team and I have heard quite a few people say that they would like to buy a Slann team but don't like the existing options.

I have ideas for other teams that I would like to produce if this goes well and am happy to just break even on the project so if the project is successful I would definitely try something a little more mainstream.

Thanks for your kind words and support mate :)

Re: New Slann miniatures project?

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 7:23 pm
by dco
J_Bone wrote:You've summed up a lot of the issues that I have considered during the inception of this project perfectly there, Norse...

1) ...


3) ...

Also, I am looking to use old-school sculpting as while I have some great resin miniatures by the likes of RN Estudios I prefer the look gained with classic sculpting and casting methods and I wanted Pedro Ramos on board as I LOVE his work and his teams tend to be very popular.
Great decisions, I also prefer the hand made sculpts, my sugerence would be less serious faces for the miniatures.
Due to the high set-up costs the initial team will be 7 individual linemen, 2 individual catchers, 2 individual blitzers and a Kroxigor. I am planning on setting up a kickstarter to get started with a fairly low threshold (relatively speaking) just to cover the costs of the initial outlay with extra sculpts (so all 4 catchers and all 4 blitzers have individual sculpts) being unlocked as the very first stretch goals. I plan for other stretch goals to include free star and sideline miniatures. This is all still to be confirmed but it seems like the most sensible way to approach the venture and a good way to reward people who back the kickstarter and grow the project.
I think the sweet spot is 12-14 players depending on the number of positions, 16 is good for a diorama or collectionism but you are only going to use 11 miniatures at the same time. Now my advice would be to see what is a typical starting team, I haven't played with those guys but perhaps 5-3-3, 5-4-2 or 6-3-2 are better options.

Re: New Slann miniatures project?

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 8:08 pm
by J_Bone
dco wrote:Great decisions, I also prefer the hand made sculpts
Thanks, it is a hard balance... You can't please everybody though and I have to be careful not to just create the team that I would prefer myself.
dco wrote: I think the sweet spot is 12-14 players depending on the number of positions, 16 is good for a diorama or collectionism but you are only going to use 11 miniatures at the same time. Now my advice would be to see what is a typical starting team, I haven't played with those guys but perhaps 5-3-3, 5-4-2 or 6-3-2 are better options.
Again, this is a hard one to settle on and I'm not sure I could ever please everybody. Most Slann teams I have seen so far are more like 7-2-2 but it is all up to personal style. I will look further into it though. The initial team as it stands would be 12 individual sculpts, which is still pretty good. Thanks for the feedback.

Re: New Slann miniatures project?

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 8:57 pm
by Saebelsultan
I voted A. Impact having the best design so far IMO, the only have so much variation. And since I figured I suck at this game anyhow, I may just play really hard to play teams and blame it on them :D

Re: New Slann miniatures project?

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 4:03 am
by cdwat
1. I am expecting an Impact Calasain team from the Kickstarter, so probably won't be buying a Slann team anytime soon.

2. I love the idea, and would probably be in if not for point #1.
  • - 28mm, tick
    - PR, tick
    - 2nd ed inspiration, tick.
Some suggestions:
Personally, I prefer when positionals have a similar pose to them ala 2nd ed minis (ie. not the crazy gymnastic elves).
I like the quilted tunics on them.....
You know what, just make them like the one in Arthur Gordon Pym's picture, make the Blitzers spikier and with helmets like on FUMBBL.
Now I'm excited about this! Woo!

Re: New Slann miniatures project?

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 12:38 pm
by natkatten
If Ramos makes more slann in the style of the Slann big guy he made for willy miniatures i would be up for getting some of those.

Re: New Slann miniatures project?

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 9:42 pm
by Chaos Dwarf
For me I have to like the look of the team before I will commit to pick them up, so for that reason I do not own a slann team. I already own PR's undead team from Vortice and hopefully in a few days I'll be ordering his Dwarf team from Iron golem. If he puts the same amount of quality work into your team as I have seen in these last two then I would certainly consider picking them up regardless of the team race.

Re: New Slann miniatures project?

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 10:17 pm
by sann0638
Voted no as I have slann and like some of the slann that I don't already have. I don't see a gap in the market elsewhere either, personally, except for more lower-priced teams.

My tuppence worth though would be to get 4 individual catchers if you can. Positionals are cooler than linefrogs, and blitzers are junk.

Re: New Slann miniatures project?

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 12:16 am
by Vanguard
J_Bone wrote:You can't please everybody though and I have to be careful not to just create the team that I would prefer myself.
I'd actually suggest you go the opposite route. You can't please everyone, so why try? If you've got a good idea, go with it and hope other people share your opinion. If you try and pick some middle ground I'd say you're more likely to please no-one.

Re: New Slann miniatures project?

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 1:03 am
by gregory_n_white
Ive been dying for a really cool, old school slann team for years.

I recently bought the Thalassian figures for use as Slann - as a compromise. I dont like any of the other current figure sets.

If you want to recude the scope of cost - id suggest 2 figures for each positional instead of 4. eg. Id be happy with 2 catcher figures - and if i play with 3 or 4 then there is duplication. Its not a big concern for me to have indivudial/unique figures.