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Re: Death Zone season 3, what might be

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 5:56 pm
by Ithilkir
JT-Y wrote: The change was made to both WFB and BB by Jervis and Rick P. It's been canon for a lot of years and GW has never reversed it.

Slann do exist, but they don't play BB.
I don't believe that's accurate. Jervis in 2007/8 as part of the BBRC approved the 'slim' Slann team to be brought back to Blood Bowl (LRB6) with the caveat that they would not see paper print due to no models being available for them, but other than that they were official, legal and part of the background.

Slann do exist, and they played BB.

They might not be part of the new edition and fall out the lore again for them (it happens) but don't pretend as if they were never officially part of the game right up until BB2016 was launched.

Re: Death Zone season 3, what might be

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 6:01 pm
by JT-Y
What you believe.

Re: Death Zone season 3, what might be

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 6:04 pm
by Ithilkir
JT-Y wrote:What you believe.
Can't argue with hard fact.

"During the 2007 and 2008 Rules Review, the 5 members of the Blood Bowl Rules Committee (BBRC) (which includes game creator Jervis Johnson) unanimously voted that the following three teams would be endorsed additions to the game of Blood Bowl"

Re: Death Zone season 3, what might be

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 6:05 pm
by Regash
Ithilkir wrote:...but don't pretend as if they were never officially part of the game right up until BB2016 was launched.
Well according to Galak, who was in the BBRC, they were never greenlighted from GW, only from the BBRC.
If you download the CRP, they're missing, just as Pact and Underworld.
So, no, you're wrong.

Re: Death Zone season 3, what might be

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 6:08 pm
by JT-Y
Regash wrote:
Ithilkir wrote:...but don't pretend as if they were never officially part of the game right up until BB2016 was launched.
Well according to Galak, who was in the BBRC, they were never greenlighted from GW, only from the BBRC.
If you download the CRP, they're missing, just as Pact and Underworld.
So, no, you're wrong.
Regash is correct here.

Re: Death Zone season 3, what might be

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 6:12 pm
by Ithilkir
Regash wrote:
Ithilkir wrote:...but don't pretend as if they were never officially part of the game right up until BB2016 was launched.
Well according to Galak, who was in the BBRC, they were never greenlighted from GW, only from the BBRC.
If you download the CRP, they're missing, just as Pact and Underworld.
So, no, you're wrong.
They weren't allowed to go into the LRB due to the mini issue as stated above, but as per the quote in my post just before yours they were approved by JJ and the rest of the BBRC to be part of Blood Bowl, they were NAF legal (for all that's worth) so they are/were part of the game. This is a time when GW didn't give two shits about BB and left it in the hands of the players and the original game designer with their blessing to do what they wanted so long as it didn't conflict with GW interests or cost them money.

My argument is not whether they should be there going forward, if GW deems it a no, then it's a no and so be it. It's that Slann have been part of BB lore, background and there's been rules for them in every edition right up until today so we shouldn't bury our heads in the sand and pretend like they didn't exist.

Edit: Stepping out of this discussion as it's perilously close to going round in circles, I've presented my point of view with backup so I'll leave it there, to paraphrase JT-Y, folks can believe what they want.

Re: Death Zone season 3, what might be

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 6:13 pm
by faust_33
Ok, assuming I'm right (hey, it *could* happen), and Chaos appears in DZ3.

I'd expect we would see some of these Stars:
Bilerot Vomitflesh (posted on FB)
Grashnak Blackhoof
Guffle Pussmaw
Hthark the Unstoppable
Lord Borak the Despoiler
Rashnak Backstabber
Zzhard Madeye

I'd love to see these get in as well:
Crazy Igor
Lewdgrip Whiparm
Max Spleenripper
Dorjak Sureclaw
Gorlem Goreblade (pretty please!)
Withergrasp Doubledrool
Slarga Foulstrike
Dieter Hammerslash (pretty please again!)
Galmen Goreblade (didn't realize there were two Goreblades)
Wormhowl Greyscar

I forgot that Chaos Dwarves would probably make it in the 'Chaos' theme of Chaos Chosen and Nurgle. Would make sense. It also would mean a Minotaur mini, which is the last big guy for a Chaos Renegades team.

A load of Star Players though, and I imagine they will have a few totally new ones, so a lot of them won't get a profile piece. It might be nice if they release one big Star Players book with everyone on down the road. Giving full page profiles for the most famous ones. Lesser ones could have half to one page entries. I would gladly buy that.

Re: Death Zone season 3, what might be

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 6:26 pm
by spubbbba
JT-Y wrote: This coincided with the creation of Lizardmen as a distinct race. They are the race the Slann rule and without the change would not exist.
Lizardmen did exist in WHFB 3rd edition along with Troglodytes, they were the original inhabitants of the warhammer world that the slann tried to exterminate.
They didn't really have their own army but were seen in some chaos forces.

Re: Death Zone season 3, what might be

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 7:03 pm
by Mystic Force
faust_33 wrote:I'd like to see Hack En Slash and Max Spleenripper. We haven't played with chainsaws (or even Star Players much), but they always look super cool on a mini.

It's hard to say whether they go the Undead route (Undead, Khemri, Necro) or go a Chaos route (Chaos Chosen/Nurgle). I noticed on the last page of DZ2, there is a Nurgle illustration, and I can picture them saying "See you next time!". Plus one of the first new Stars was Nurgle, and I think they were rumored as new minis. Yea, all signs seem to be pointing towards Chaos. Though I would much rather have Undead.
I must have had a DZ1 with an extra page that was secret, because I could swear I already had that one...

Re: Death Zone season 3, what might be

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 7:23 pm
by faust_33
Oh yea, you're totally right! I keep thinking about upcoming mini releases, and then confuse them with the rules. It's weird to have rules but no minis, but that seems to be the norm for BB. Having minis with no rules, would be even worse though.

Still, they could focus on Chaos Chosen and Chaos Dwarves, but also highlight some Nurgle Stars/Teams.

Did a quick check of teams from CRP+ that are left: Amazon, Chaos, Chaos Dwarf, Halfling, Khemri, Lizardman, Necromantic, Norse, Ogre, Undead, and Vampire. Khemri, Necro, Undead, and Vampire could all go in one book. I'm surprised Halflings hadn't shown up earlier, maybe they are getting a rework.

Re: Death Zone season 3, what might be

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 8:45 pm
by Heff
Regash wrote:Hm, I always thought the 6-stars-per-roster a good idea.
But then, rethinking it, it probably mostly goes with the quality of stars that are available for your team.
Like, let's say humans could only have two but they are superb players and goblins could have 12 but they're all a bit unreliable and crappy, like your average goblin is, they'd still be off worse.

I don't think it is the actual numbers of star players that creeps me out, no, I love the fluff about those outstanding players in the sport.
It's rather the ton of exceptionally good stars available for already very competetive teams/players, making the next of your defeats even worse.

And also, I'm just now trying to get a miniature for each of them and basically got them all and now new ones are released... :( :lol:
For me its all the special rules for the stars. Bring em on the more the merrier but l don't want rules being bolted on for this ONE player. Fat mouth or whatever it was fits in here. Give him surehands and catch and be done with it. We dont need a new rule

Re: Death Zone season 3, what might be

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 8:50 pm
by Heff
nonumber wrote:New star player called flinky flonk the skink except he plays on any team and on a D6 roll of 3+ all opposition players are placed prone and he teleports 2 D8 scatters away from the touch line.
He is a bit underpowered don't you think

Re: Death Zone season 3, what might be

Posted: Sat May 27, 2017 6:06 am
by Lyracian
Babs wrote:Back on topic, I was thinking that _one_ deathzone would be an 'undead' themed Season.
Shambling Undead
Necromantic Horror
I agree they would certainly work as a good theme for one Deathzone. Adding the Necromancer and Igor back into the new rules set would cover off most of what is missing from LRB.

Since Andy mentioned wanting to do a new Fling team the other choice would be some eclectic mix such as
Amazon, Norse, Ogre, Lizardman and Halfing. With the other Chaos teams you could split them into two group for DZ 4 and 5 but then you have kind of caught up with LRB.

Re: Death Zone season 3, what might be

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2017 11:39 am
by stashman
I would love to have more major sponsorship, diffrent ongoing, add more attributes to stadiums, weathertables incorp with stadiums either underground stadium or a stadium in the icy north for winter table.

Re: Death Zone season 3, what might be

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2017 2:05 pm
by garion
A couple of stadium upgrades I used a while back were -

Steel Cage -
The pitch is surrounded with a metal cage
Wizard cant use lightning bolt

Sprinklers -
An elaborate Sprinkler system is installed in the playing surface
Wizard can't use Fireball