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Re: Spike Magazine - Which Team is most sorely missed?

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2018 1:01 pm
by PercyTheTroll
lunchmoney wrote:
JT-Y wrote:Can you fix that quote please Raveen?
Cheers! (What did I break?)

In terms of the miniatureless Spikes, mixing them in with the standard releases would, I suspect, sell more than adding them on to the end. But of course it's no small ask of the writing team (and let's face it, that's JT-Y) to up the production rate by and extra 25% as well as supplements for Necromunda and Titanicus and getting whatever the next game is out.

In all honesty we should be very happy to be getting what we are getting.

Re: Spike Magazine - Which Team is most sorely missed?

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2018 1:18 pm
by JT-Y
You had Jip's quote attributed to me. I get twitchy about being misquoted ;)
No harm done.

Writing is the least of the concerns. We have to think about layout, art and editorial as well, not to mention logistics. It's a big ask.

Re: Spike Magazine - Which Team is most sorely missed?

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2018 1:35 pm
by PercyTheTroll
Fair play! And yes there's all sorts of work that goes into making these as good as they are, I just have little or no idea what :)

Re: Spike Magazine - Which Team is most sorely missed?

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2018 5:10 pm
by sokomano
JT-Y wrote:Writing is the least of the concerns. We have to think about layout, art and editorial as well, not to mention logistics. It's a big ask.
So, is it a No for writing Spikes! for already released teams?
I think the community would love to read them. We are missing all star players.

Re: Spike Magazine - Which Team is most sorely missed?

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2018 7:21 pm
by JT-Y
It's a "please have realistic expectations" really.

Re: Spike Magazine - Which Team is most sorely missed?

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2018 12:58 pm
by sokomano
JT-Y wrote:It's a "please have realistic expectations" really.
Ii does not seem unrealistic to me. I am just asking...

Re: Spike Magazine - Which Team is most sorely missed?

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2018 2:34 pm
by Mystic Force
Realistic to me seems to be we will get some extra at some point, but don't expect a whole bunch (so no one between every release schedule) and not every team. Notice how JT-Y wanted to clarify the question being asked for you guys, maybe he has some interest in the answer too, and we will get those which will be a) most popular and b) those that will help boost sales of an existing team.

For myself I voted Skaven because I think they have the most and interesting fluff for any of those teams. It would be easy to come up with enough material on this race to fill a whole book and then some. Something like Elven union on the other hand might struggle to really fill out a book by themselves seeing as they are made up of players from the other Elven teams as described in the background. But note if the other 3 teams get their own books (DE already, HE and WE) then they are likely to have the 10 star players that Union would get and they wont have any unique to only Union teams themselves. From people coming from outside the WH universe I think Dwarves, Skaven and Orc are Marquee fantasy races that would benefit from this treatment, although Orcs get a lot of mention in the base stuff already so they are less likely I feel.

Edit Grammer

Re: Spike Magazine - Which Team is most sorely missed?

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2018 6:03 pm
by faust_33
Yea, I agree with Mystic Force.

I'm curious what people are most interested in seeing, and I'm guessing those who work for GW might be as well. I'm also really enjoying the Spike! Journals as they come out, and hope to see all the teams covered eventually. Will it happen? Who knows?! But "Cool!" if it does, and I'll be buying it!

Re: Spike Magazine - Which Team is most sorely missed?

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2018 9:24 pm
by spubbbba
If the aim was to complete the teams by bringing them up to 10 stars each then maybe a combined Spike or Death Zone would work?

Have an Underworld version with Skaven, orcs, goblins and underworld. Then an Empire version with humans, dwarfs and pro elfs. Chaos renegades are trickier, but I don't consider that team complete anyway as the marauders shouldn't look like normal humans. Plus the other renegades should differ too. The same could be said for underworld goblins and the warpstone troll.