Political Discussion Not Wanted At TBB

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Da Ex-Boss
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Political Discussion Not Wanted At TBB

Post by JenniRP70 »

We are all aware that political tension is rising around the world, and that the prospect of further conflicts involving major world powers is looming. However, TalkBloodBowl is not the place to instigate such discussions. This site is dedicated to BloodBowl and the 'Totally Off Topic' forum is not intended to start or make racial or national attacks at anyone.

We all have political views and mine are quite strong regarding the current situation, but which side I follow is my business and for discussion at the appropriate time and place and as previously mentioned, TBB is not that place.

These sort of discussion simply lead to hostile attacks at particular people or each other and can lead to worse scenarios, therefore I ask you all to refrain from starting such threads and any that do appear will be closed immediately.

One last thing, just wait until Wales becomes a major power in the world....we'll have everybody eating leeks, singing and playing rugby (badly) before you know it.....oh the glorious times ahead.


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Snotling Championship League Commisioner

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